Maskinnära programmering 6B2266

Maskinnära programmering 6B2266

Maskinnära programmering 6B2266


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Testprogram lcd16x1 "Hello world! "<br />

/* lcd16x1.c LCD-display 4 bit data (nibble) conn. to PIC 16F628 */<br />

/* GTC-1601-TR6N0C 1 (2) line 2x8 example: "Hello wo" + "rld! "*/<br />

/* ELFA 75-511-53 c:a 110:- */<br />

/* Internal ic: KS0066U used pins: D4-D7, RS, EN, RD/!WR=0 */<br />

/*<br />

________ ________<br />

| \/ | RD/!WR = 0<br />

D6--|RA2 16F628 RA1|--D5 (only write, wait while busy)<br />

D7--|RA3<br />

RA0|--D4<br />

|RA4 RA7/OSC1|<br />

|RA5/MCLR RA6/OSC2|<br />

+5V--|Vss<br />

Vdd|--GND<br />

|RB0/INT (RB7)/PGD|<br />

|RB1/Rx (RB6)/PGC|<br />

|RB2/Tx<br />

RB5|--RS<br />

EN--|RB3/CCP (RB4)/PGM|<br />

|__________________|<br />

*/<br />

#include "16F628.h"<br />

#pragma config |= 0x3ff0<br />

// use internal 4MHz oscillator<br />

/* I/O-pin definitions */<br />

/* change if you need a pin for a different purpose */<br />

#pragma bit RS @ PORTB.5<br />

#pragma bit EN @ PORTB.3<br />

#pragma bit D7 @ PORTA.3<br />

#pragma bit D6 @ PORTA.2<br />

#pragma bit D5 @ PORTA.1<br />

#pragma bit D4 @ PORTA.0<br />

#include "delays.c"<br />

void delay( char ); // ms delay function from file delays.c<br />

void lcd_init( void );<br />

void lcd_putchar( char );<br />

char text1( char );<br />

char text2( char );<br />

void main( void)<br />

{<br />

CM0=1; CM1=1; CM2=1; // no comparators on PORTA pins<br />

/* I/O-pin direction in/out definitions, change if needed */<br />

TRISB = 0b011.; // output to RS and EN<br />

TRISA = 0b1111.0000; // output to D4-D7<br />

char i;<br />

lcd_init();<br />

RS = 1; // LCD in character-mode<br />

// display the 8 char text1() sentence<br />

for(i=0; i

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