Skador av hasch och marijuana - Statens folkhälsoinstitut

Skador av hasch och marijuana - Statens folkhälsoinstitut Skador av hasch och marijuana - Statens folkhälsoinstitut


Hannerz J, Hindmarsh T. Neurological and neuroradiological examination of chronic cannabis smokers. Annals of Neurology 1983;13(2):207-10. Hendin H, Pollinger Haas A, Singer P, Ellner M, Ulman R. Living high. Daily marijuana use among adults. New York: Human Sciences Press, Inc; 1987. Leavitt J, et al. refererade i: Hall W, Solowij N, Lemon J. The health and psychological consequences of cannabis use. Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service; 1994. p. 136-9. Lundqvist T. Cognitive dysfunctions in chronic cannabis users observed during treatment – an integrative approach. Dissertation. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International; 1995a. Lundqvist T. Specific thought pattern in chronic cannabis smokers observed during treatment. Life Sciences 1995b; 56: 2141-4. Lundqvist T. Chronic cannabis use and the sense of coherence. 1995c; 56: 2145-2150 Lundqvist T. Cognitive consequences of cannabis use: Comparison with abuse of stimulants and heroin with regard to attention, memory and executive functions. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior; 2005; 81: 319-330. Page JB, Fletcher J, True WR. Psychosociocultural perspectives on chronic cannabis use: the Costa Rican follow-up. J Psychoactive Drugs 1988;20(1):57-65. Pope H. G, Gruber A. J, Yurgelun-Todd D. Residual neuropsychological effects of cannabis. Curr Psychiatry Rep. 2001; 3: 507 – 12. Rais M, Cahn W, van Haren N, Schnack H, Hulshoff H, Kahn R. Excessive brain volume loss over time in cannabis-using first-episod schizophrenia patients. Am J Psychiatry 2008; 165: 490-496 Rund BR. Is schizophrenia a neurodegenerative disorder? Nord J Psychiatry 2009; 63: 196- 201 Schwartz RH, Gruenewald PJ, Klitzner M, Fedio P. Short-term memory impairment in cannabis-dependent adolescents. Am J Dis Child 1989;143:1214-9. Solowij N. Do cognitive impairments recover following cessation of cannabis use? Life Sciences 1995;56(23-24):2119-26. Solowij N. Cannabis and cognitive functioning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 1999. Solowij N, Michie PT, Fox AM. Differential impairments of selective attention due to frequency and duration of cannabis use. Biological Psychiatry 1995;37:731-9. Solowij N, et al. refererade i: Hall W, Solowij N, Lemon J. The health and psychological consequences of cannabis use. Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service; 1994. p. 136-9. s k a d o r av h a s c h o c h m a r i J u a n a 125

Soueif MI. Differential association between chronic cannabis use and brain function deficits. In: Dornbush RL, Freedman AM, Fink M, editors. Chronic cannabis use. New York Academy of Sciences 1976;vol 282:323-43. Verdoux H, Sorbara F, Gindre C, Swendsen JD, van Os J. Cannabis use and dimensions of psychosis in a nonclinical population of female subjects. Schizophrenia research 2001;59:77-84. Wert RC, Raulin ML. The cronic cerebral effects of cannabis use. II. Psychological findings and conclusions. The Int J Addict 1986;21(6):629-42. Yücel M, Solowij N, Respondek C, Whittle S, Fornito A, Pantelis C, Lubman DI. Regional brain abnormalities associated with long-term heavy cannabis use. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2008; 65: 694-701. Kapitel 15 A cannabis reader: global issues and local experiences. Perspectives on cannabis controversies , treatment and regulation in Europe. EMCDDA 2008, Lissabon. Aas H, Pedersen W. Stadier i ungdoms bruk av rusmidler. En longitudinell studie. Nordisk Alkoholtidskrift 1993;10:145-54. Arsenault L, Cannon M, Poulton R, Murray R, Caspi A, Moffit TE. Cannabis use in adolescence and risk for adult psychosis: longitudinal prospective study. BMJ 2002; 325: 1212-1213. Baumrind D, Moselle KA. A developmental perspective on adolescent drug abuse. Advances in Alcohol and Substance Use 1985;5:41-67. Cannabis: a health perspective and research agenda. Division of Mental Health and Prevention of Substance Abuse. WHO; 1997. (Ej i tryckt utgåva.) Ellgren M, Neurobiological effects of early life cannabis exposure in relation to the gateway hypothesis. Thesis for doctoral degree 2007. Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karoliska Institutet. Stockholm Sweden. Fehr K, Kalant H, editors. Cannabis and health hazards. Proceedings of an ARF/WHO scientific meeting on adverse health and behavioral consequences of cannabis use. Toronto: Addiction Research Foundation; 1983. Fergusson DM, Boden JM, Horwood LJ. The developmental antecedents of illicit drug use: Evidence from a 25-year longitudinal study. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2008; 96: 165-177. Fergusson DM, Boden JM, Horwood LJ. Cannabis use and other illicit drug use: testing the cannabis gateway hypothesis. Addiction 2006;101:556-69. 126 s k a d o r av h a s c h o c h m a r i J u a n a

Soueif MI. Differential association between chronic cannabis use and brain function deficits.<br />

In: Dornbush RL, Freedman AM, Fink M, editors. Chronic cannabis use. New York<br />

Academy of Sciences 1976;vol 282:323-43.<br />

Verdoux H, Sorbara F, Gindre C, Swendsen JD, van Os J. Cannabis use and dimensions<br />

of psychosis in a nonclinical population of female subjects. Schizophrenia research<br />

2001;59:77-84.<br />

Wert RC, Raulin ML. The cronic cerebral effects of cannabis use. II. Psychological findings<br />

and conclusions. The Int J Addict 1986;21(6):629-42.<br />

Yücel M, Solowij N, Respondek C, Whittle S, Fornito A, Pantelis C, Lubman DI. Regional<br />

brain abnormalities associated with long-term he<strong>av</strong>y cannabis use. Arch Gen Psychiatry<br />

2008; 65: 694-701.<br />

Kapitel 15<br />

A cannabis reader: global issues and local experiences. Perspectives on cannabis controversies<br />

, treatment and regulation in Europe. EMCDDA 2008, Lissabon.<br /><br />

Aas H, Pedersen W. Stadier i ungdoms bruk <strong>av</strong> rusmidler. En longitudinell studie. Nordisk<br />

Alkoholtidskrift 1993;10:145-54.<br />

Arsenault L, Cannon M, Poulton R, Murray R, Caspi A, Moffit TE. Cannabis use in adolescence<br />

and risk for adult psychosis: longitudinal prospective study. BMJ 2002; 325:<br />

1212-1213.<br />

Baumrind D, Moselle KA. A developmental perspective on adolescent drug abuse. Advances<br />

in Alcohol and Substance Use 1985;5:41-67.<br />

Cannabis: a health perspective and research agenda. Division of Mental Health and Prevention<br />

of Substance Abuse. WHO; 1997. (Ej i tryckt utgåva.)<br />

Ellgren M, Neurobiological effects of early life cannabis exposure in relation to the gateway<br />

hypothesis. Thesis for doctoral degree 2007. Department of Clinical Neuroscience,<br />

Karoliska Institutet. Stockholm Sweden.<br />

Fehr K, Kalant H, editors. Cannabis and health hazards. Proceedings of an ARF/WHO scientific<br />

meeting on adverse health and beh<strong>av</strong>ioral consequences of cannabis use. Toronto:<br />

Addiction Research Foundation; 1983.<br />

Fergusson DM, Boden JM, Horwood LJ. The developmental antecedents of illicit drug use:<br />

Evidence from a 25-year longitudinal study. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2008; 96:<br />

165-177.<br />

Fergusson DM, Boden JM, Horwood LJ. Cannabis use and other illicit drug use: testing the<br />

cannabis gateway hypothesis. Addiction 2006;101:556-69.<br />

126 s k a d o r <strong>av</strong> h a s c h o c h m a r i J u a n a

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