Terrorattackerna i London 2005 av ... - Krisinformation

Terrorattackerna i London 2005 av ... - Krisinformation

Terrorattackerna i London 2005 av ... - Krisinformation


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Bilaga 5. Förkortningar<br />

BMA British Medical Association<br />

BTP British Transport Police<br />

CBRN Kemiska, biologiska, radiologiska eller nukleära medel<br />

CCS Civil Contingencies Secretariat<br />

CCTV Closed Circuit Television<br />

COBR Cabinet Office Briefing Room<br />

CoLP City of <strong>London</strong> Police<br />

CRISMART Crisis Management Research and Training<br />

DCA Department for Constitutional Affairs<br />

GCG Gold Co-ordinating Group<br />

GLA Greater <strong>London</strong> Authority<br />

KBM Krisberedskapsmyndigheten<br />

LAS <strong>London</strong> Ambulance Service<br />

LESLP <strong>London</strong> Emergency Services Liaison Panel<br />

LFB <strong>London</strong> Fire Brigade<br />

LRRF <strong>London</strong> Regional Resilience Forum<br />

LRT <strong>London</strong> Resilience Team<br />

PIRA Provisional Irish Republican Army<br />

PTO Primary Telecoms Officer<br />

RLH Royal <strong>London</strong> Hospital<br />

SEP Strategic Emergency Plan<br />

TATP Triacetone Triperoxide<br />

TETRA Terrestrial Trunked Radio<br />

TfL Transport for <strong>London</strong><br />

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