Den abstrakta tråkigheten - Södertörns högskola

Den abstrakta tråkigheten - Södertörns högskola

Den abstrakta tråkigheten - Södertörns högskola


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Abstract<br />

Children and teenagers of today have grown up with digital media. According to Olle Findahl's report<br />

"The Swedes and the internet"(2009), adults as well as children are online more and more. Our experience<br />

is that at many workplaces as good as everyone use computers and everyone is expected to have digital<br />

skills. However at most schools the reality is far from this. According to Findahl's report from 2009, 99<br />

percent of all pupils (in Sweden) have access to computers and internet, yet it is rare that they get school<br />

assignments where the use of internet is acquired (Findahl 2009).<br />

The purpose of our paper is to understand how digital media can be used as a resource for learning,<br />

through the perspective of young people. The goal of this study is to understand how pupils make<br />

meaning 2 of digital media as a resource for learning. Therefore we found it essential to examine how the<br />

conditions and opportunities in the schools affect young people's reflections.<br />

In order to achieve this we chose to use qualitative data collection methods such as observations and<br />

unstructured group interviews. We observed two different classes of core subjects, and conducted two<br />

unstructured group interviews with pupils from Tumba gymnasium.<br />

One of our results, and the most essential one, was a pattern of an abstract phenomenon. Teachers<br />

describe students as fed up and unmotivated, the students themselves say that "it's just boring". This is a<br />

fact that is accepted by teachers and students without deeper reflection. "It's school."<br />

We refer to this phenomenon as "the abstract tediousness"which constitutes the core of our analysis. "The<br />

abstract tediousness"is the result of what happens when teachers do not make meaning of what they are<br />

teaching their pupils, which therefore makes the pupils feel uninvolved. The absence of creative tasks and<br />

a structure of hierarchy where the presence of the pupils is of greater importance than the assignment<br />

itself, also contributes to "the abstract tediousness". Another element that can be explained by the<br />

phenomenon "the abstract tediousness"is that pupils can’t make relevant digital media because they get<br />

caught up in an endless argument about the importance of grades. Our conclusion is that the pupils cannot<br />

make relevant digital media as a resource for learning because the schools fail in explaining the<br />

importance of learning.<br />

Keywords<br />

Digital media at school, digital media as a resource for learning, make meaning, digital native, digital<br />

immigrant<br />

2 Make something relevant within its context<br />


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