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Problematik vid höga flöden - Gästrike Vatten AB Problematik vid höga flöden - Gästrike Vatten AB
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López-Vázquez, C.M., Hooijmans, C.M., Brdjanovic, D., Gijzen, H. J. & van Loosdrecht, M. C. M. (2008). Factors affecting the microbial populations at full-scale enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) wastewater treatment plants in The Netherlands. Water Research 42, s 2349-2360. Mino, T., Arun, V., Tsuzuki, Y. & Matsuo, T. (1987) Effect of phosphorus accumulation on acetate metabolism in the biological phosphorus removal process. Advances in Water Pollution Control: Biological Phosphate Removal from Wastewater, Pergamon Press, s 27- 38. Mino, T., van Loosdrecht, M. C. M. & Heijen, J. J. (1998). Microbiology and biochemistry of the enhanced biological phosphate removal process. Water Resource 32(11), s 3193-3207. Miyake, H. & Morgenroth, E. (2005). Optimization of Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal after Periods of Low Loading. Water Environmental Research 77(2), s 117-127. Moser-Engeler, R., Udert, K. M., Wild, D. & Siegrist, H. (1998). Products from primary sludge fermentation and their suitability for nutrient removal. Water Science Technology 38(1), s 265-273. Oehmen, A., Lemos, P. C., Carvalho, G., Yuhan, Z., Keller, J., Blackall, L. L. & Reis, A. A. M. (2007). Advances in enhanced biological phosphorus removal: From micro to macro scale. Water Research 41, s 2271-2300. Olsson, G. & Newell, B. (1999). Wastewater Treatment Systems. Modelling, Diagnosis and Control. IWA Publishing, London, UK. Randall, A. A., Benefield, L. D., Hill, W. E. (1997). Introduction of phosphorus removal in an enhanced biological phosphorus removal bacterial population. Water Resource 31(11), s 2869-2877. Saito, T., Brdjanovic, D. & van Loosdrecht, M. C. M. (2004). Effect of nitrate on phosphorus uptake by phosphate accumulating organisms. Water Research 38, s 3760-3768. Schuler A.J. & Jenkins D. (2002). Effects of pH on enhanced biological phosphorus removal metabolisms. Water Science and Technology 46(4-5), s 171-178. Schön, G., Geywitz, S. & Mertens, F. (1993). Influence of dissolved oxygen and oxidationreduction potential on phosphate release and uptake by activated sludge from sewage plants with enhanced biological phosphorus removal. Water Research 27(3), s 349-354. Seviour, R.J., Mino, T. & Onuki, M. (2003). The microbiology of biological phosphorus removal in activated sludge systems. FEMS Microbiology Reviews 27, s 99-127. Siegrist, H., Brunner, I., Koch, G., Linh Con Phan & Van Chieu Le. (1999). Reduction of biomass decay rate under anoxic and anaerobic conditions. Water Science and Technology 39(1), s 129-137. Slutliga villkor för utsläpp till vatten från Duvbackens avloppsreningsverk, beslut 2006-09-07. Länsstyrelsen Gävleborg. Stephens, H. L. & Stensel, H. D. (1998). Effect of operating conditions on biological phosphorus removal. Water Environment Research 70(3), s 362-369. Särner, E. (2007). Biologisk fosforavskiljning med hydrolys av returslammet och utan anaerob volym i huvudströmmen. Svenskt Vatten Utveckling, Rapport 2007-07. Temmink, H., Petersen, B., Isaacs, S. & Henze, M. (1996). Recovery of biological phosphorus removal after periods of low organic loading. Water Science and Technology 34(1-2), s. 1-8. Tillstånd enligt miljöbalken till avloppsrening, beslut 2001-12-14. (2001). Länsstyrelsen Gävleborg. Tykesson, E., Blackall, L. & Jansen, J la C. (2003). Growth of glycogen accumulation organisms as a probable consequence of simultaneous chemical precipitation in enhanced biological phosphorus removal. Presenterad på IWA konferens: Environmental Biotechnology Advancement on Water and Wastewater Applications in the tropics, 9-10 december 2003, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 47

López-Vázquez, C.M., Hooijmans, C.M., Brdjanovic, D., Gijzen, H. J. & van Loosdrecht, M.<br />

C. M. (2008). Factors affecting the microbial populations at full-scale enhanced biological<br />

phosphorus removal (EBPR) wastewater treatment plants in The Netherlands. Water Research<br />

42, s 2349-2360.<br />

Mino, T., Arun, V., Tsuzuki, Y. & Matsuo, T. (1987) Effect of phosphorus accumulation on<br />

acetate metabolism in the biological phosphorus removal process. Advances in Water<br />

Pollution Control: Biological Phosphate Removal from Wastewater, Pergamon Press, s 27-<br />

38.<br />

Mino, T., van Loosdrecht, M. C. M. & Heijen, J. J. (1998). Microbiology and biochemistry of<br />

the enhanced biological phosphate removal process. Water Resource 32(11), s 3193-3207.<br />

Miyake, H. & Morgenroth, E. (2005). Optimization of Enhanced Biological Phosphorus<br />

Removal after Periods of Low Loading. Water Environmental Research 77(2), s 117-127.<br />

Moser-Engeler, R., Udert, K. M., Wild, D. & Siegrist, H. (1998). Products from primary sludge<br />

fermentation and their suitability for nutrient removal. Water Science Technology 38(1), s<br />

265-273.<br />

Oehmen, A., Lemos, P. C., Carvalho, G., Yuhan, Z., Keller, J., Blackall, L. L. & Reis, A. A. M.<br />

(2007). Advances in enhanced biological phosphorus removal: From micro to macro scale.<br />

Water Research 41, s 2271-2300.<br />

Olsson, G. & Newell, B. (1999). Wastewater Treatment Systems. Modelling, Diagnosis and<br />

Control. IWA Publishing, London, UK.<br />

Randall, A. A., Benefield, L. D., Hill, W. E. (1997). Introduction of phosphorus removal in an<br />

enhanced biological phosphorus removal bacterial population. Water Resource 31(11), s<br />

2869-2877.<br />

Saito, T., Brdjanovic, D. & van Loosdrecht, M. C. M. (2004). Effect of nitrate on phosphorus<br />

uptake by phosphate accumulating organisms. Water Research 38, s 3760-3768.<br />

Schuler A.J. & Jenkins D. (2002). Effects of pH on enhanced biological phosphorus removal<br />

metabolisms. Water Science and Technology 46(4-5), s 171-178.<br />

Schön, G., Geywitz, S. & Mertens, F. (1993). Influence of dissolved oxygen and oxidationreduction<br />

potential on phosphate release and uptake by activated sludge from sewage plants<br />

with enhanced biological phosphorus removal. Water Research 27(3), s 349-354.<br />

Seviour, R.J., Mino, T. & Onuki, M. (2003). The microbiology of biological phosphorus<br />

removal in activated sludge systems. FEMS Microbiology Reviews 27, s 99-127.<br />

Siegrist, H., Brunner, I., Koch, G., Linh Con Phan & Van Chieu Le. (1999). Reduction of<br />

biomass decay rate under anoxic and anaerobic conditions. Water Science and Technology<br />

39(1), s 129-137.<br />

Slutliga villkor för utsläpp till vatten från Duvbackens avloppsreningsverk, beslut 2006-09-07.<br />

Länsstyrelsen Gävleborg.<br />

Stephens, H. L. & Stensel, H. D. (1998). Effect of operating conditions on biological<br />

phosphorus removal. Water Environment Research 70(3), s 362-369.<br />

Särner, E. (2007). Biologisk fosforavskiljning med hydrolys av returslammet och utan anaerob<br />

volym i huvudströmmen. Svenskt <strong>Vatten</strong> Utveckling, Rapport 2007-07.<br />

Temmink, H., Petersen, B., Isaacs, S. & Henze, M. (1996). Recovery of biological phosphorus<br />

removal after periods of low organic loading. Water Science and Technology 34(1-2), s. 1-8.<br />

Tillstånd enligt miljöbalken till avloppsrening, beslut 2001-12-14. (2001). Länsstyrelsen<br />

Gävleborg.<br />

Tykesson, E., Blackall, L. & Jansen, J la C. (2003). Growth of glycogen accumulation<br />

organisms as a probable consequence of simultaneous chemical precipitation in enhanced<br />

biological phosphorus removal. Presenterad på IWA konferens: Environmental<br />

Biotechnology Advancement on Water and Wastewater Applications in the tropics, 9-10<br />

december 2003, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.<br />


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