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Läs boken online - Centrum för Välfärd efter Välfärdsstaten

Läs boken online - Centrum för Välfärd efter Välfärdsstaten


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Litteratur<br />

Aaron, Henry (1997), ”Privatizing social security : a bad idea whose time<br />

will never come”, i Brookings Review, nr 3.<br />

— & Reischauer, Robert (1999), ”Should we retire social security? : grading<br />

the reform”, i Brookings Review, nr 1.<br />

Akerlof, George & Yellen, Janet (1996), ”New mothers, not married : technology<br />

shock, the demise of shotgun marriage, and the increase of out-ofwedlock<br />

births”, i Brookings Review, nr 4.<br />

Bartelt, David (1993), ”Housing the ’underclass’”, i Katz (red).<br />

Besharov, Douglas (1996), ”Poverty, welfare dependency, and the underclass<br />

: trends and explanations”, i Darby (red).<br />

Blendon, Robert, Benson, John, Brodie, Mollyann & Wainess, Flint (1998),<br />

”America in denial : the public’s view of the future of social security”, i<br />

Brookings Review, nr 3.<br />

Bosworth, Barry & Burtless, Gary (1997), ”Budget crunch : population<br />

aging in rich countries”, i Brookings Review, nr 3.<br />

Brauner, Sarah & Loprest, Pamela (1999), Where are they now? : what<br />

states’ studies of people who left welfare tell us. (New federalism : issues<br />

and options for states, nr A-32.) Washington, DC: Urban Institute, maj.<br />

Budget of the United States : fiscal year 1999<br />

(http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/budget99/maindown.html).<br />


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