vetenskapsrådets kartläggning, utvärdering och rekommendationer ...

vetenskapsrådets kartläggning, utvärdering och rekommendationer ... vetenskapsrådets kartläggning, utvärdering och rekommendationer ...


2 KARTLÄGGNING OCH UTVÄRDERING AV SVENSK VÅRDFORSKNING – HUVUDRAPPORT OCH UNDERLAG FÖR VETENSKAPSRÅDETS REKOMMENDATIONER search agenda. They are: 1) women and child health (3 groups), 2) living with long-term disability (7 groups), 3) older adults with activity limitations and participation restrictions (5 groups), 4) cancer nursing and palliative care (9 groups), and 5) health systems, policy, management, informatics, and economics (8 groups). This thematic arrangement has been in place since 2008. The report from KI is organized under the 5 core areas, and is very clear. The statistics reports a body of 492 researchers, including 164 doctoral students. The majority of individuals are women at all levels. The main subject is nursing, followed by public health, then a range of therapies and other subjects. Public health has received the bulk of external funding. Quality of the research Research in the Care Sciences at KI is well organized, well-funded, and supported by a strong infrastructure. As might be expected from those conditions, the quality of research is generally excellent. A variety of research methods and approaches from small scale phenomenological studies to population level quantitative studies are conducted. Several longitudinal studies take advantage of the opportunities afforded by a national health care system, and research takes place at every level of health concern, from the experiences of individuals, to health care providers, to symptom management, to policy. The groups at KI have developed a number of research and assessment instruments with strong psychometric properties, some of which have clinical use. Research addresses critical issues to health, health care, and health care systems. Prevention, intervention, and management are included in the research program, and novel means of intervention are studied. Some of the work done provides evidence to support practice. The PhD programme is very extensive, with responsibility reported for organizing the national Post Graduate School in Care Sciences in 2001. Work is published internationally in top ranked journals. In many there is evidence of international collaborations and important empirical findings, and also some evidence of theoretical and methodological innovation. Assessors’ views of the quality of publications across the five themes were as follows: Women and child health. Important findings about maternal-infant bonding. Published in leading specialist journals. Living with long-term disability. Good quality papers on rehabilitation after stroke, including involvement in systematic reviews published in the Lancet. Older adults with activity limitations and participation restrictions. Good papers in specialist journals plus a contribution to a paper published in the Lancet. 58 VETENSKAPSRÅDETS KARTLÄGGNING, UTVÄRDERING OCH REKOMMENDATIONER ANGÅENDE SVENSK VÅRDFORSKNING

2 KARTLÄGGNING OCH UTVÄRDERING AV SVENSK VÅRDFORSKNING – HUVUDRAPPORT OCH UNDERLAG FÖR VETENSKAPSRÅDETS REKOMMENDATIONER Cancer nursing and palliative care. One highly-cited paper on symptoms in lung cancer; several small more recent studies on the patient experience in good quality journals. Health systems, policy, management, informatics and economics. Internationally known published research in knowledge translation and e health. Research Collaborations and Networks KI has collaborations at all levels of research, in all areas. Notably, research collaborations take place with other Swedish institutions and with researchers all over the world. It appears that KI has made strategic choices to partner with some of the top institutions and individuals in the areas where the Care Sciences program at KI is focused. For example, the US institutions listed in the Core 3 area have some of the best known and highest quality research programs concerned with older adults in that country. KI has also demonstrated that they network with health care organizations within Sweden, notably those that are in the Stockholm area. Collaborations and relationships into policy (including feeding into national policies and guidelines) and practice (especially local health care providers and educationalists) seem impressive. International links are excellent. Their approach to dissemination is very well organized and strategic, fitting with their links to policy and practice, and including the general public. Future plans and potential KI has created the infrastructure and developed the faculty to continue to build research of the highest quality. They are well-situated to continue to develop their existing research and take on novel questions and methodologies. Their pipeline of developing researchers should help to continue the high quality and productivity of research endeavours as the large number of researchers in mature careers reach retirement age. It also appears that KI has developed the practice networks to provide access to study populations and assess novel approaches to care. Overall assessment of strong and weak research areas KI demonstrates much strength in their self-evaluation report, with internationally excellent and in some cases world leading research across its core themes based on strong collaborations. The thematic arrangement under which Care Sciences research is organized has been in place since 2008, meaning that there is scope for further work/ evolution to ensure that the themes have a stronger coherence. Whether there is communication and collaboration across the five research areas was not possible to assess. The recently gained funding of a Strategic Centre in Care Sciences (since Ja- VETENSKAPSRÅDETS KARTLÄGGNING, UTVÄRDERING OCH REKOMMENDATIONER ANGÅENDE SVENSK VÅRDFORSKNING 59


search agenda. They are: 1) women and child health (3 groups), 2) living with<br />

long-term disability (7 groups), 3) older adults with activity limitations and<br />

participation restrictions (5 groups), 4) cancer nursing and palliative care (9<br />

groups), and 5) health systems, policy, management, informatics, and economics<br />

(8 groups). This thematic arrangement has been in place since 2008.<br />

The report from KI is organized under the 5 core areas, and is very clear.<br />

The statistics reports a body of 492 researchers, including 164 doctoral<br />

students. The majority of individuals are women at all levels. The main<br />

subject is nursing, followed by public health, then a range of therapies and<br />

other subjects. Public health has received the bulk of external funding.<br />

Quality of the research<br />

Research in the Care Sciences at KI is well organized, well-funded, and supported<br />

by a strong infrastructure. As might be expected from those conditions,<br />

the quality of research is generally excellent. A variety of research<br />

methods and approaches from small scale phenomenological studies to<br />

population level quantitative studies are conducted. Several longitudinal<br />

studies take advantage of the opportunities afforded by a national health<br />

care system, and research takes place at every level of health concern, from<br />

the experiences of individuals, to health care providers, to symptom management,<br />

to policy. The groups at KI have developed a number of research<br />

and assessment instruments with strong psychometric properties, some of<br />

which have clinical use. Research addresses critical issues to health, health<br />

care, and health care systems. Prevention, intervention, and management<br />

are included in the research program, and novel means of intervention are<br />

studied. Some of the work done provides evidence to support practice. The<br />

PhD programme is very extensive, with responsibility reported for organizing<br />

the national Post Graduate School in Care Sciences in 2001.<br />

Work is published internationally in top ranked journals. In many there is evidence<br />

of international collaborations and important empirical findings, and<br />

also some evidence of theoretical and methodological innovation. Assessors’<br />

views of the quality of publications across the five themes were as follows:<br />

Women and child health. Important findings about maternal-infant bonding.<br />

Published in leading specialist journals.<br />

Living with long-term disability. Good quality papers on rehabilitation after<br />

stroke, including involvement in systematic reviews published in the<br />

Lancet.<br />

Older adults with activity limitations and participation restrictions. Good<br />

papers in specialist journals plus a contribution to a paper published in the<br />

Lancet.<br />


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