vetenskapsrådets kartläggning, utvärdering och rekommendationer ...

vetenskapsrådets kartläggning, utvärdering och rekommendationer ... vetenskapsrådets kartläggning, utvärdering och rekommendationer ...


2 KARTLÄGGNING OCH UTVÄRDERING AV SVENSK VÅRDFORSKNING – HUVUDRAPPORT OCH UNDERLAG FÖR VETENSKAPSRÅDETS REKOMMENDATIONER Neurological care (Hagell, Westergren); focused outcome measurement research. 10 peer reviewed publications including 2 with international collaboration of which 1 in high profile Nature Medicine. However, this publication is within biomedicine and not Care Science. Contributions to international front-line research. Children’s and Women’s health: (Elgan, Berg, Ny, Dykes, Hedov, Anneren, Clausson, Berggren) – wide authorship possibly reflects doctoral students. No international collaboration evident in publications. Three of 9 peer reviewed publications on immigrant women’s health in Sweden, the others range over school nursing issues, middle aged women, parents of disabled children. No key achievements in relation to international front-line research. Psychiatric care (Bengtsson-Tops the main author). No international collaboration in publications, and does not claim to be international frontline research. Nursing education and practice (multiple authors, some of whom primarily engaged in other listed research areas). Interest in user involvement and participatory action research. Two of the 10 publications show international collaboration. Oral health (Andersson P). Some high impact outputs of international relevance (osteoporosis and periodontal disease), others specific to the delivery of health care and health promotion in Sweden (smoking cessation by Hygienists). Dental hygiene publications with one publication with other authors signaling an internationally significant area of work relating oral health to other diseases. Health promotion (Axelsson, Andersson, Bjorklund, Nillson) Recent orientation toward workplace health. No evidence of international collaboration in publication or international front-line research. Key achievements include development of assessments and outcome measure regarding Neurological care, and a Participatory Action Research as an approach to implement research in practice. Also the relation between oral health and other health conditions is unique in an international perspective. The majority of publications listed are in international journals, however, there are quite a few in national or Scandinavian journals. There are a good range of high quality international papers, with rather more higher quality/ impact papers in the two themes they identify as being of international standing (older people and neurological care). In the older people theme these are especially strong in nutrition; I was expecting to see more research published in the field of dementia thus corresponding with their self-assessment. 52 VETENSKAPSRÅDETS KARTLÄGGNING, UTVÄRDERING OCH REKOMMENDATIONER ANGÅENDE SVENSK VÅRDFORSKNING

2 KARTLÄGGNING OCH UTVÄRDERING AV SVENSK VÅRDFORSKNING – HUVUDRAPPORT OCH UNDERLAG FÖR VETENSKAPSRÅDETS REKOMMENDATIONER Research Collaboration and Networks (national and international) Collaboration nationally and internationally is stated within all seven research areas. Within oral health sensible collaboration nationally some claimed international, but little evidence Future plans and potential Future plans are described for topics within each area. However, no coherent strategy is suggested. Their plans for the future are clearly described and quite specific, however rather too wide ranging in our opinion. Why are there plans (albeit within the overarching themes) to diversify beyond the issues in which they currently have a strong position? Overall assessment of strong and weak research areas HkR has strength in very practice oriented research. However, the possibility of reaching high research quality is hampered by spreading out too wide with 7 research areas not really linked in topic or methodology. Claimed activity in relation to Oral Health and systemic disease interactions, but no evidence presented and no future plans identified. This aspect of research is not unique. Very clearly written self-evaluation report, avoiding repetition of information. However, common problems to many self-evaluation reports arise: lack of description of research methodologies, lack of delineation of externally funded projects, lack of documentation of the outcomes of national and international collaboration (e.g. publications), lack of identification of HEI members in the authorship of the listed publications, lack of detail in future plans as to how they intend to achieve their plans – funding, staffing, collaboration, organization, etc. Overall rating: C/D (Internationally recognised / Regionally/Nationally) UNIVERSITY WEST Main Research Areas Care Sciences research at University West is three years old and appears to be conducted through the Nursing, Health Sciences, Cultural and Social Analysis and the Social Psychiatry programmes. Most of the research is carried out in nursing and covers a broad range of research methodologies. The main research areas are diverse and include: Chronic illness and fatigue; Surgery, pain and sexuality; Self-care and compliance in severe chronic illness; Quality of life and health in the elderly; Mental illness; Skills deve- VETENSKAPSRÅDETS KARTLÄGGNING, UTVÄRDERING OCH REKOMMENDATIONER ANGÅENDE SVENSK VÅRDFORSKNING 53


Research Collaboration and Networks (national and international)<br />

Collaboration nationally and internationally is stated within all seven research<br />

areas. Within oral health sensible collaboration nationally some claimed<br />

international, but little evidence<br />

Future plans and potential<br />

Future plans are described for topics within each area. However, no coherent<br />

strategy is suggested. Their plans for the future are clearly described and<br />

quite specific, however rather too wide ranging in our opinion. Why are<br />

there plans (albeit within the overarching themes) to diversify beyond the<br />

issues in which they currently have a strong position?<br />

Overall assessment of strong and weak research areas<br />

HkR has strength in very practice oriented research. However, the possibility<br />

of reaching high research quality is hampered by spreading out too wide<br />

with 7 research areas not really linked in topic or methodology. Claimed<br />

activity in relation to Oral Health and systemic disease interactions, but no<br />

evidence presented and no future plans identified. This aspect of research<br />

is not unique.<br />

Very clearly written self-evaluation report, avoiding repetition of information.<br />

However, common problems to many self-evaluation reports arise:<br />

lack of description of research methodologies, lack of delineation of externally<br />

funded projects, lack of documentation of the outcomes of national<br />

and international collaboration (e.g. publications), lack of identification of<br />

HEI members in the authorship of the listed publications, lack of detail in<br />

future plans as to how they intend to achieve their plans – funding, staffing,<br />

collaboration, organization, etc.<br />

Overall rating: C/D (Internationally recognised / Regionally/Nationally)<br />


Main Research Areas<br />

Care Sciences research at University West is three years old and appears to<br />

be conducted through the Nursing, Health Sciences, Cultural and Social<br />

Analysis and the Social Psychiatry programmes. Most of the research is carried<br />

out in nursing and covers a broad range of research methodologies.<br />

The main research areas are diverse and include: Chronic illness and fatigue;<br />

Surgery, pain and sexuality; Self-care and compliance in severe chronic<br />

illness; Quality of life and health in the elderly; Mental illness; Skills deve-<br />


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