vetenskapsrådets kartläggning, utvärdering och rekommendationer ...

vetenskapsrådets kartläggning, utvärdering och rekommendationer ... vetenskapsrådets kartläggning, utvärdering och rekommendationer ...


2 KARTLÄGGNING OCH UTVÄRDERING AV SVENSK VÅRDFORSKNING – HUVUDRAPPORT OCH UNDERLAG FÖR VETENSKAPSRÅDETS REKOMMENDATIONER and applied end of the spectrum. It is not possible to assess how well connected these various areas of research are in practice. Ageing and old age conditions have a long tradition for population based and longitudinal studies. The publication profile is mixed. The Child theme has focused its efforts particularly on the development of the ICF classification, with a range of EU and international collaborations. The publications are of mixed quality. The long term illness theme covers many areas. This makes it difficult to discern key achievements; those listed seem to simply mirror the sub themes under which the work is organized. This breadth is reflected in the publications listed, revealing little overall coherence in terms of scope. The quality improvement and leadership profile reports interdisciplinary research tackling complex issues of practice and policy change/innovation. Some good quality publications are reported, although some papers included are under review or submitted. They have a regional demonstration project looking at systems change for patients with cancer and EU funding for a study of hospital care, with a range of international collaborators reported. Research in the other three areas: oral health, prosthetics/ orthotics and social work could all fit well with the research on long term illness, older age and child, and it seems somewhat illogical to have separated them out. With regard to research in oral health, the Jonkoping Studies from 1973, 1983, 1993 and 2003 have been of great importance for looking at different oral health variables and changes over time. Research in Prosthetics and Orthotics, is in a development phase and is one of only six programmes of such work worldwide. Similarly research in social work is new introduction, since 2010. Research collaboration and networks For each of the profiles and platforms/programs there are listed a number of national and international collaboration partners and networks. For some projects there seem to have been collaborations in place over a number of years, reflected in publications. Limited international collaboration in the oral health theme is noted, in spite of the great international significance of the research reported. Continuation of this very good programme of research would benefit from interactions with other groups who have a similar research focus. Future plans and potential There are future plans for each profile and platform/program but these are not presented in any detail. 48 VETENSKAPSRÅDETS KARTLÄGGNING, UTVÄRDERING OCH REKOMMENDATIONER ANGÅENDE SVENSK VÅRDFORSKNING

2 KARTLÄGGNING OCH UTVÄRDERING AV SVENSK VÅRDFORSKNING – HUVUDRAPPORT OCH UNDERLAG FÖR VETENSKAPSRÅDETS REKOMMENDATIONER Overall assessment of strong and weak research areas There are many areas of strength in the Care Sciences at Jönköping University and the organization of the main research areas in profiles/programs gives an overview of this. Oral health was noted to be particularly strong. The broad view of Care Sciences implies that there is a lack of focus and coordination across the platforms and programmes. This has made assessment difficult. Given that the numbers of staff involved in some of the very good research is limited, it will be important to collaborate across the themes in the future and to work together to strategically develop and better conceptualize interdisciplinary Care Sciences research at the University. Overall rating: C (Internationally recognised), with B for oral health. UNIVERSITY OF SKÖVDE At University of Skövde, the most important research subjects within the area of Care Sciences include development of care and treatments for health promotion and well-being and studies of underlying mechanisms. The research includes excellent competence within the fields of Care Science: Reproductive, Perinatal and Sexual Health; Public Health; Information Systems; Business Administration; Social Psychology; Production Engineering; Human Work Science and Ergonomics; and Logistics. Women were in the majority among academic staff but men were more common in senior positions. The major discipline was nursing, followed by public health and then a number of different areas including product engineering, transport systems, IT, social psychology. The external funding per area in 2010 was modest. Main Research Areas University of Skövde highlighted four main research areas. These are: A Lifelong learning and support to promote health and well-being, as well as to prevent illness. (6 research subjects) B Well-being and supportive health through complementary and alternative methods. (4 research subjects) C Instrument development: measuring outcomes of interventions and implementations. (3 research subjects) D Development of methods in organizations promoting care (8 research subjects). VETENSKAPSRÅDETS KARTLÄGGNING, UTVÄRDERING OCH REKOMMENDATIONER ANGÅENDE SVENSK VÅRDFORSKNING 49


and applied end of the spectrum. It is not possible to assess how well connected<br />

these various areas of research are in practice. Ageing and old age<br />

conditions have a long tradition for population based and longitudinal studies.<br />

The publication profile is mixed.<br />

The Child theme has focused its efforts particularly on the development<br />

of the ICF classification, with a range of EU and international collaborations.<br />

The publications are of mixed quality. The long term illness theme<br />

covers many areas. This makes it difficult to discern key achievements;<br />

those listed seem to simply mirror the sub themes under which the work<br />

is organized. This breadth is reflected in the publications listed, revealing<br />

little overall coherence in terms of scope. The quality improvement and<br />

leadership profile reports interdisciplinary research tackling complex issues<br />

of practice and policy change/innovation. Some good quality publications<br />

are reported, although some papers included are under review or submitted.<br />

They have a regional demonstration project looking at systems change<br />

for patients with cancer and EU funding for a study of hospital care, with a<br />

range of international collaborators reported.<br />

Research in the other three areas: oral health, prosthetics/ orthotics and<br />

social work could all fit well with the research on long term illness, older<br />

age and child, and it seems somewhat illogical to have separated them out.<br />

With regard to research in oral health, the Jonkoping Studies from 1973,<br />

1983, 1993 and 2003 have been of great importance for looking at different<br />

oral health variables and changes over time. Research in Prosthetics and<br />

Orthotics, is in a development phase and is one of only six programmes of<br />

such work worldwide. Similarly research in social work is new introduction,<br />

since 2010.<br />

Research collaboration and networks<br />

For each of the profiles and platforms/programs there are listed a number of<br />

national and international collaboration partners and networks. For some<br />

projects there seem to have been collaborations in place over a number of<br />

years, reflected in publications. Limited international collaboration in the<br />

oral health theme is noted, in spite of the great international significance<br />

of the research reported. Continuation of this very good programme of research<br />

would benefit from interactions with other groups who have a similar<br />

research focus.<br />

Future plans and potential<br />

There are future plans for each profile and platform/program but these are<br />

not presented in any detail.<br />


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