vetenskapsrådets kartläggning, utvärdering och rekommendationer ...

vetenskapsrådets kartläggning, utvärdering och rekommendationer ... vetenskapsrådets kartläggning, utvärdering och rekommendationer ...


2 KARTLÄGGNING OCH UTVÄRDERING AV SVENSK VÅRDFORSKNING – HUVUDRAPPORT OCH UNDERLAG FÖR VETENSKAPSRÅDETS REKOMMENDATIONER DALARNA UNIVERSITY Main Research Areas The main research areas within Care Sciences are: Aging and older people a. Quality of life in frail older people b. Family care of older people c. The connection between older people`s physical health and psychological well-being Health and quality of life in long term illness such as diabetes, stroke, obstructive pulmonary disease and lung cancer. In addition research on oral health focusing on patient related outcomes. Women and child health including broad headings such as public health, medical aspects of sexual, reproductive and perinatal health and breastfeeding. In addition studies of health of women and children in low income countries. Health care organizations, knowledge use and informatics d. Studies on registered nurses` evidence-based practice e. How information technology and standardized terminology can support nurses’ clinical decision making f. The impact of health care work context on nurses` practice and patient safety g. Quality of the physical health care environment and its impact on patient health and the care process Quality of research For each of these four main research areas are listed the 10 most important publications from 2005. In all the main areas there seems to be one person being main or co-author for more papers indicating a leading role in the research field. Although there seems to be too many research areas including subheadings some of the areas seem to be strong with major contributions such as in the area of ageing and older people and in oral health Ageing and older people. Some bold and innovative work on buildings plus major collaborative studies on falls prevention and assessing carer needs. But they are not the lead institution in any of these. 38 VETENSKAPSRÅDETS KARTLÄGGNING, UTVÄRDERING OCH REKOMMENDATIONER ANGÅENDE SVENSK VÅRDFORSKNING

2 KARTLÄGGNING OCH UTVÄRDERING AV SVENSK VÅRDFORSKNING – HUVUDRAPPORT OCH UNDERLAG FÖR VETENSKAPSRÅDETS REKOMMENDATIONER Health and quality of life in long term illness. Studies on co-morbidity e.g. diabetes and blindness are important. But outputs are relatively limited to date, except in oral health. The quality of research in oral health is reasonable with strong performance in some areas, and there is good evidence of international collaborations. The oral health group seems to be a small but productive unit. Women and child health. Important research questions about how social interventions can improve health outcomes. Some impressive outputs that seem to be innovative. A main part of the research here seems to have been performed abroad (Vietnam, Uganda, India) Health care organizations, knowledge use and informatics. Applicants themselves report “slow progress” in this area. The research seems to be limited to computerized decision support system (CDSS) in nursing. Comparing the number of staff with the number of main research areas, including research subjects, it seems as if the research interests are too many compared to establishing a critical mass for each of the research areas. It also seems to be too much to be involved in research in maternal mortality and morbidity in many countries abroad. Research in low income settings is very important, but also demanding. Establishing collaboration and research in three different settings must be very resource demanding. Research collaboration and networks (nationally and internationally) For all the main research areas there seems to be both regional, national and/or international collaboration and networks. Especially in the area of aging and older people there seems to be a high level of collaboration and networking also through EU projects. Future plans and potential Dalarna University will prioritize all the four research areas during coming years. Multidisciplinary research collaboration will be further supported. Whether there are potential to develop all the four areas might be questioned especially when taking the number of staff in consideration. Overall assessment of strong and weak research areas Dalarna University is identifying specific research areas. However, four research areas may be too many compared to the number of staff (including the number of professors). Of the main research areas the area of aging and older people seems to have the best potential. In this area there are national VETENSKAPSRÅDETS KARTLÄGGNING, UTVÄRDERING OCH REKOMMENDATIONER ANGÅENDE SVENSK VÅRDFORSKNING 39



Main Research Areas<br />

The main research areas within Care Sciences are:<br />

Aging and older people<br />

a. Quality of life in frail older people<br />

b. Family care of older people<br />

c. The connection between older people`s physical health and psychological<br />

well-being<br />

Health and quality of life in long term illness such as diabetes, stroke, obstructive<br />

pulmonary disease and lung cancer. In addition research on oral health<br />

focusing on patient related outcomes.<br />

Women and child health including broad headings such as public health,<br />

medical aspects of sexual, reproductive and perinatal health and breastfeeding.<br />

In addition studies of health of women and children in low income<br />

countries.<br />

Health care organizations, knowledge use and informatics<br />

d. Studies on registered nurses` evidence-based practice<br />

e. How information technology and standardized terminology can support<br />

nurses’ clinical decision making<br />

f. The impact of health care work context on nurses` practice and patient<br />

safety<br />

g. Quality of the physical health care environment and its impact on patient<br />

health and the care process<br />

Quality of research<br />

For each of these four main research areas are listed the 10 most important<br />

publications from 2005. In all the main areas there seems to be one person<br />

being main or co-author for more papers indicating a leading role in the<br />

research field.<br />

Although there seems to be too many research areas including subheadings<br />

some of the areas seem to be strong with major contributions such<br />

as in the area of ageing and older people and in oral health<br />

Ageing and older people.<br />

Some bold and innovative work on buildings plus major collaborative studies<br />

on falls prevention and assessing carer needs. But they are not the lead<br />

institution in any of these.<br />


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