vetenskapsrådets kartläggning, utvärdering och rekommendationer ...

vetenskapsrådets kartläggning, utvärdering och rekommendationer ... vetenskapsrådets kartläggning, utvärdering och rekommendationer ...


2 KARTLÄGGNING OCH UTVÄRDERING AV SVENSK VÅRDFORSKNING – HUVUDRAPPORT OCH UNDERLAG FÖR VETENSKAPSRÅDETS REKOMMENDATIONER improving our understanding of symptoms is important for improving measures to alleviate suffering. There are some significant publications, though it would seem that the best papers are mostly still in progress. Promotion of a healthy life In this research area there is a good range of original research, including one systematic review. Research findings here focus on improving well-being and encouraging people to live healthy lives. A number of research groups are working in this area in diverse topics, many related to interventions within particular care settings. Here too, there are some big themes of international relevance such as alcohol and mental health, and technologies to support independent living. The longitudinal studies that take a life course / lifestyle perspective are particularly good. There are a couple of major epidemiological publications but few so far with major international impact. Contexts and circumstances The findings from studies in this area have brought health benefits for patients with hip fractures and chronic heart failure and saved money for healthcare. There is a good range of original research in good quality journals. There is also evidence of innovative work across faculties on how the environment affects illness and health outcomes e.g. in intensive care units. There is strong interdisciplinary work ongoing in this research area. Research methodology This research area obviously benefits other researchers and builds confidence among the consumers of research as to the validity of results. There is evidence that work in this research area is having an impact nationally. There is less evidence in this documentation of international impact. This is surprising considering that methodological research should have international impact and does there appears to be depth and imagination. Research Collaborations and Networks (nationally and Internationally). Gothenburg University has developed strong collaborations within the institution, with the regional health care organization and hospital, and with Lund University (Vårdal Foundation), and a multi-disciplinary graduate school. There is also a long lasting and strong collaboration with Johns Hopkins University in the USA in the symptoms and interventions research area. There is some mention of other international collaborations, but this is not focused on well. Nonetheless, the University is also home to two excellent journals in health care research, both of which are international. In addition, local collaboration is helped through having joint appointments with clinical areas. 36 VETENSKAPSRÅDETS KARTLÄGGNING, UTVÄRDERING OCH REKOMMENDATIONER ANGÅENDE SVENSK VÅRDFORSKNING

2 KARTLÄGGNING OCH UTVÄRDERING AV SVENSK VÅRDFORSKNING – HUVUDRAPPORT OCH UNDERLAG FÖR VETENSKAPSRÅDETS REKOMMENDATIONER Future plans and potential The future plans for care science research at the University of Gothenburg are realistic and strategic. They relate to the recruitment of high quality research staff and early career researchers and further development of their four areas of research. There is also the aim of expanding the GPCC as a unique research centre. This will involve more and larger studies evaluating person-centred care, E-health research, the relation between symptoms and signs and effects of interventions to alleviate symptoms. There is also a desire to extend research on environmental issues. However, they admit that the research in this area is premature. They also plan to expand their national collaborations not only with other universities but with companies and social groups. Finally, they wish to encourage European collaborations and they point out that they have existing collaborations with care science researchers in China (Fudan University), Vietnam (Hanoi University) and the U.S. (Duke University, North Carolina). Unfortunately, the future plans are phrased in generic terms across the University and the reader does not get a good feel for plans relating to specific aspects of the Care Sciences. Overall assessment of strong and weak research areas Well-written self-assessment document which engages critically and reflexively with the ‘Care Sciences’ challenge. The four research areas are all addressed in an explicitly interdisciplinary way. The publications are focused on the four areas of research and many in good international peer reviewed and in many cases high impact factored journals. There has also been significant grant income. The research selectivity in this university is impressive. Its strength lies in its focus on the four areas where they are making a substantial contribution to generating, challenging and testing new knowledge. Their culture of multidisciplinary collaboration is excellent and they have plans to expand the national and international collaborations. There are a large number of PhD students affiliated with these research areas. The weaknesses in the paperwork are the lack of any reference to gaining international funding for their research (e.g. EU FP7 or NIH) and there was very little detail on international research collaborations. There are a large number of staff in the ‘other’ category and it is difficult to know what discipline they belong to. In addition, many of the professors are in the 60+ age range and an emphasis on succession planning and sustainable is lacking. Nonetheless, the assessment for Gothenburg University is internationally excellent (B). VETENSKAPSRÅDETS KARTLÄGGNING, UTVÄRDERING OCH REKOMMENDATIONER ANGÅENDE SVENSK VÅRDFORSKNING 37


Future plans and potential<br />

The future plans for care science research at the University of Gothenburg<br />

are realistic and strategic. They relate to the recruitment of high quality<br />

research staff and early career researchers and further development of their<br />

four areas of research. There is also the aim of expanding the GPCC as a<br />

unique research centre. This will involve more and larger studies evaluating<br />

person-centred care, E-health research, the relation between symptoms and<br />

signs and effects of interventions to alleviate symptoms. There is also a desire<br />

to extend research on environmental issues. However, they admit that<br />

the research in this area is premature. They also plan to expand their national<br />

collaborations not only with other universities but with companies and<br />

social groups. Finally, they wish to encourage European collaborations and<br />

they point out that they have existing collaborations with care science researchers<br />

in China (Fudan University), Vietnam (Hanoi University) and the<br />

U.S. (Duke University, North Carolina). Unfortunately, the future plans are<br />

phrased in generic terms across the University and the reader does not get a<br />

good feel for plans relating to specific aspects of the Care Sciences.<br />

Overall assessment of strong and weak research areas<br />

Well-written self-assessment document which engages critically and reflexively<br />

with the ‘Care Sciences’ challenge. The four research areas are all addressed<br />

in an explicitly interdisciplinary way. The publications are focused<br />

on the four areas of research and many in good international peer reviewed<br />

and in many cases high impact factored journals. There has also been significant<br />

grant income. The research selectivity in this university is impressive.<br />

Its strength lies in its focus on the four areas where they are making a<br />

substantial contribution to generating, challenging and testing new knowledge.<br />

Their culture of multidisciplinary collaboration is excellent and they<br />

have plans to expand the national and international collaborations. There<br />

are a large number of PhD students affiliated with these research areas. The<br />

weaknesses in the paperwork are the lack of any reference to gaining international<br />

funding for their research (e.g. EU FP7 or NIH) and there was very<br />

little detail on international research collaborations. There are a large number<br />

of staff in the ‘other’ category and it is difficult to know what discipline<br />

they belong to. In addition, many of the professors are in the 60+ age range<br />

and an emphasis on succession planning and sustainable is lacking. Nonetheless,<br />

the assessment for Gothenburg University is internationally excellent (B).<br />


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