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ROC Receiver Operating Characteristic, en analysmetod<br />

RPS Recidivism Prediction Scale<br />

SAQ Self­Appraisal Questionnaire<br />

SD Standarddeviation<br />

SE Standardfel<br />

VRAG Violence Risk Appraisal Guide, ett riskbedömningsinstrument<br />

WAIS-R Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Revised<br />

116 R I S K B E D Ö M N I N G A R I N O M P S Y K I AT R I N – K A N VÅ L D I S A M H Ä L L E T F Ö R U T S ÄG A S ?<br />

B I L AG A 4 • F Ö R KO RT N I N G A R 117

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