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Referens<br />

Harris GT, Rice ME, Quincey VL.<br />

Violent recidivism of mentally disordered<br />

offenders. The development of a statistical<br />

prediction instrument. Crim Justice Behav<br />

1993;20:315-35.<br />

Bilaga 4. Förkortningar<br />

AUC Area Under the Curve, ytan under ROC-kurvan<br />

Beta-II Intelligenstest (Morton och Kellogg 1978)<br />

d ”Cohens d”<br />

DBRS Dangerous Behavior Rating Scale<br />

H-10, H-skala Den historiska delen av HCR-20<br />

HCR-20 Historical, Clinical and Risk Management – 20,<br />

ett riskbedömningsinstrument<br />

ICD-9 International Classification of Diseases, version 9<br />

LSI, LSI-R Level of Service Inventory<br />

NND Numbers Needed to Detain<br />

NPV Negativt Prediktivt Värde<br />

OGRS Offender Group Reconviction Scale<br />

PCL Psychopathy Checklist<br />

PCL-R Psychopathy Checklist – Revised<br />

PCL:SV Psychopathy Checklist<br />

PPV Positivt Prediktivt Värde<br />

PS Personlighetsstörningar<br />

B I L AG A 4 • F Ö R KO RT N I N G A R 115

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