rapport 1129 Potentialbedömning av flygaskor ...

rapport 1129 Potentialbedömning av flygaskor ...

rapport 1129 Potentialbedömning av flygaskor ...


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sary compressive strength. The results show that the compressive strength decreases if<br />

wet-stored fly ash is used in the stabilised samples compared with the use of dry fly ash<br />

instead.<br />

Sediment<br />

Sediments from the Port of Gävle entry channel are sulphatic silty sediments with approximately<br />

5% organic content (TOC). Water quota is between 329 and 370%. The<br />

sediment’s pollutant content and pollutant levels were compared to those in some other<br />

Swedish ports and therefore can be considered representative of sediment in Swedish<br />

ports.<br />

S / S Treatment – Properties in Terms of Technology and Environment<br />

Fly ashes A1–A5 were used as a binder together with C / M. No clear correlation<br />

between the key parameters of fly ashes and the obtained compressive strengths of the<br />

stabilised samples can be identified, except that the minimum compressive strength was<br />

obtained with the fly ash with lowest CaO content and the maximum compressive<br />

strength with a maximum content of CaO. The binder composition was 50% cement,<br />

20% Merit 5000 and 30% fly ash (A1–A5). The amount of binder was 150 kg/m 3 .<br />

Figure 1 presents the compressive strength results summarized for the stabilisation of<br />

the two sediments and the five different binder mixtures. All binder mixtures A1–A5<br />

passed the basic criterion of compressive strength > 140 kPa after 91 days, see Figure 1.<br />

The median of the investigated sediments’ compressive strength was more than 500 kPa<br />

after 91 days and the minimum compressive strength was about 300 kPa, which was<br />

achieved with A2. The highest value was achieved with A1, around 780 kPa. All samples<br />

yielded permeability values between 10 -8 m / s and 10 -9 m / s after 91 days. Since<br />

batch test were performed on the stabilised material, the leaching of organic pollutants<br />

is barely detectable. Even the leaching of metals was low in these tests.<br />

Tryckhållfasthet. kPa<br />

800<br />

700<br />

600<br />

500<br />

400<br />

300<br />

200<br />

100<br />

0<br />

28 dygn 91 dygn<br />

Figure 1 Compressive strength results as median, maximum and minimum values of the binder<br />

mixtures A1–A5 for the investigated sediments. The amount of binders was 150 kg/m 3 – the<br />

recipe mixture was C / M / A (50/20/30), where A is A1–A5.<br />

Finances<br />

In a s / s project, there are usually large volumes of dredged material to be stabilised,<br />

which require large volumes of binders. Normally, the binder quantity is 100–200 kg/m 3<br />


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