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The library at the Univ of Trollhättan/Uddevalla> News<br />

Home<br />

Journals | Svenska<br />

Uppsök - Swedish bachelor's and master's thesis in fulltext 20041202<br />

Uppsök is a new database that provides a common search interface to fulltext bachelor's and<br />

master's thesis from several Swedish universities. Uppsök is hosted by Libris - the Swedish Union<br />

Catalogue.<br />

New services on the library website 20040817<br />

Librarian on duty - now in the daytime<br />

Librarian on duty, a chat service that has been made available during evenings and weekends<br />

through the Swedish Net University, may now be used in the daytime as well. Between about 8.00<br />

and 16.30, librarians at the Library of the University of Trollhättan/Uddevalla will answer your<br />

questions online.<br />

The Searchguide - help to better searches<br />

Do you need simple and fast help with getting started on your searches? Use the Searchguide, a<br />

self-instructive and clear entrance to searches in library catalogues, electronic journals, databases<br />

and internet.<br />

Search workshop<br />

If you need individual search support, i.e. when you are working on your thesis, we offer drop-in<br />

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