2011, nr. 1 - Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei

2011, nr. 1 - Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei

2011, nr. 1 - Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei


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148<br />

Meto<strong>de</strong>le neuroimagistice <strong>de</strong> cercetare au contribuit<br />

la evaluarea valorii procesului <strong>de</strong>generativ-distrofi<br />

c vertebral în patogeneza tulburărilor ischemice<br />

medulare.<br />

Concluzii. Factorul spondilotic <strong>de</strong> nivel toracic<br />

s-a dovedit a fi responsabil <strong>de</strong> compresia atât vasculară<br />

primară a vaselor magistrale, cu <strong>de</strong>clanșarea<br />

simptomatologiei clinice simetrice, cât și a măduvei<br />

spinării propriu-zise, cu implicarea secundară<br />

a vaselor piale și evoluarea unui tablou clinic asimetric.<br />

Bibliografi e<br />

1. Belanger T. A., Emery S. E. Th oracic Disc Disease<br />

and Myelopathy. Th e Adult and Pediatric Spine. Eds. J. W.<br />

Frymoyer and S. W. Wiesel. 3rd ed. 2 vols. Phila<strong>de</strong>lphia:<br />

Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2004:855-864.<br />

2. Castro-Moure F., Kupsky W., Coshgarian H.G.,<br />

Pathophysiological classifi cation of human spinal cord ischemia.<br />

J. Spinal. Cord. Med., 1997; 20:74-87.<br />

3. Iizuka H., Iida T., Okamoto K., Takada H., Akai T.<br />

Histopathological Study of Autopsy Cases with Compressive<br />

Myelopathy due to Epidural Malignancy, Cervical Ossifi cation<br />

of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament, and Cervical<br />

Spondylosis. Journal of Kanazawa Medical University, 2002;<br />

vol. 27, 2:117-121.<br />

4. Lazorthes G. Pathology, classifi cation and clinical<br />

aspects of vascular disease of the spinal cord. Handbook of<br />

clinical neurology, vascular disease of the nervous system.<br />

Part II. Ed. Vinken P.J., BruynG.W., Amsterdam: North-<br />

Holland, 1972:492-506.<br />

5. Lazorthes G. Blood supply and vascular pathology<br />

of the spinal cord. Spinal angiomas. Ed. Pia H.W., Djindjian<br />

R., Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 1978; p.10.<br />

6. Liera E.C. Vascular disor<strong>de</strong>rs of the spinal cord.<br />

Gilman S., Goldstein G.W., Waxman S.G. Editors. Neurobase.<br />

San Diego: Arbor Publshing, 1st 1999 ed.<br />

7. Marsh W.R. Vascular lesions of the spinal cord:<br />

history and classifi cation. Neurosurg. Clin. N. Am., 1998,<br />

10:1-8.<br />

8. Nitin Dange, Amit Mahore, Atul Goel.<br />

Th oracic<br />

compressive myelopathy due to post-traumatic intradural<br />

migartion of ossifi ed yellow ligament: Case report. Indian Journal<br />

of Neurotrauma, 2009; vol. 6, 1:48-53.<br />

9. Natarajan Muthukumar. Dural ossifi cation in ossifi<br />

cation of ligamentum fl avum. Spine, 2009; vol. 34, 24:<br />

2654-2661.<br />

10. Nakanishi Kazuyoshi, Tanaka Nobuhiro, Sasaki<br />

Hirofumi, Kamei Naosuke, Hamasaki Takahiko, Yamada<br />

Kiyotaka, Yamamoto Risako, Nakamae Toshio, Ochi Mitsuo.<br />

Assessment of Central Motor Conduction Time in the<br />

Buletinul AŞM<br />

Diagnosis of Compressive Th oracic Myelopathy. Spine, 2010;<br />

vol. 35, 26: E1593-E1598.<br />

11. Герман Д.Г. Ишемические нарушения спинального<br />

кровообращения. Кишинев, 1972; 268 с.<br />

12. Герман Д.Г., Скоромец А.А. Нарушения спинномозгового<br />

кровообращения. Кишинев, 1981; 318 с.<br />

Rezumat<br />

Prezentul studiu pe un lot <strong>de</strong> 51 <strong>de</strong> pacienţi a contribuit<br />

la evaluarea valorii procesului <strong>de</strong>generative-distrofic<br />

vertebral în patogeneza tulburărilor ischemice<br />

medulare <strong>de</strong> nivel toracic. Meto<strong>de</strong>le neuroimagistice au<br />

pus în evi<strong>de</strong>nţă hernii discale, osificarea ligamentului<br />

flav și longitudinal posterior, în asociere cu stenozarea<br />

congenitală a canalului medular <strong>de</strong> nivel toracic, fracturi<br />

tasate, osteofite posterioare, stenozarea laterală a<br />

canalului medular, cauzată <strong>de</strong> hipertrofia articulaţiilor<br />

intervertebrale, pe fundalul cărora s-au <strong>de</strong>zvoltat atât<br />

forme clinice cu evolutie simetrică prin compresia vaselor<br />

spinale magistrale, cât și asimetrică prin compresia<br />

medulară.<br />

Summary<br />

Th e study of 51 patients contributed to the assessment<br />

of the role of <strong>de</strong>generative-dystrophic modifi cations of the<br />

spinal column in the pathogenesis of thoracic ischemic<br />

medullar disturbances. Neuroimaging investigations highlighted<br />

the disc herniations, ossifi cation of fl avum and<br />

posterior longitudinal ligaments in association with congenital<br />

spinal canal stenosis of the thoracic level, vertebral<br />

compression fractures, posterior osteophytes, lateral spinal<br />

canal stenosis caused by hypertrophy of the facet joints, on<br />

which background both symmetrical and asymmetric clinical<br />

forms <strong>de</strong>veloped due to compression of spine or spinal<br />

vessels.<br />

Резюме<br />

Данное исследование группы из 51 пациентов<br />

позволило оценить роль дегенеративнодистрофического<br />

процесса позвоночника в патогенезе<br />

ишемических нарушений спинного мозга на грудном<br />

уровне. Нейровизуализационные методы выявили<br />

грыжи дисков, оссификацию задней продольной и<br />

жёлтой связок в комбинации с врождённым стенозом<br />

позвоночного канала на грудном уровне, компрессионные<br />

переломы, задние остеофиты, латеральный<br />

стеноз позвоночного канала вызванный гипертрофией<br />

дугоотростчатых суставов, на фоне которых были<br />

отмечаны клинические формы с симметричным и<br />

асимметричным течением, вызванным компрессией<br />

магистральных сосудов или непосредственным сдавлением<br />

спинного мозга.

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