Nume: UNGUREANU Prenume: CONSTANTIN Data si locul nasterii ...

Nume: UNGUREANU Prenume: CONSTANTIN Data si locul nasterii ... Nume: UNGUREANU Prenume: CONSTANTIN Data si locul nasterii ...
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Nume: UNGUREANU Prenume: CONSTANTIN CURRICULUM VITAE Data si locul nasterii : 21 Aprilie 1967 BUCURESTI Cetatenie : ROMANA Stare civila : Casatorit Adresa : Strada Ceaikovski Nr 11 Bucuresti , Romania Telefon / E-mail : acasa - +40212310967 E-mail : Studii : Mobil +40 0723200402 Fundeni : +40 0213113670/71 int.155 Bacalaureat Liceul Mihai Viteazul Bucuresti 1985 Diploma Doctor-medic Universitatea Carol Davila 1996 Confirmat medic rezident specialitatea Urologie OMS 7/06.01.1998 Rezident specialitatea Urologie – Sp.D.Gerota Bucuresti ianuarie 1998-decembrie 1998 Schimbarea specialitatii de rezidentiat in CHIRURGIE GENERALA G.H./8419/1998 Rezident CHIRURGIE GENERALA ianuarie 1999-2005 Medic Specialist Chirurgie Generala – 2005 Cursuri postuniversitare : Chirurgia laparoscopica a colonului si rectului –Spitalul Clinic Fundeni Februarie-Martie2000 Actualitati in chirurgia endoscopica – al-II-lea curs international al International Association of surgeons,Gastroenterologists and oncologists – Bucuresti,Romania -2001

<strong>Nume</strong>: <strong>UNGUREANU</strong><br />

<strong>Prenume</strong>: <strong>CONSTANTIN</strong><br />


<strong>Data</strong> <strong>si</strong> <strong>locul</strong> <strong>nasterii</strong> : 21 Aprilie 1967 BUCURESTI<br />

Cetatenie : ROMANA<br />

Stare civila : Casatorit<br />

Adresa : Strada Ceaikovski Nr 11 Bucuresti , Romania<br />

Telefon / E-mail : acasa - +40212310967 E-mail :<br />

Studii :<br />

Mobil +40 0723200402 Fundeni : +40 0213113670/71 int.155<br />

Bacalaureat Liceul Mihai Viteazul Bucuresti 1985<br />

Diploma Doctor-medic Univer<strong>si</strong>tatea Carol Davila 1996<br />

Confirmat medic rezident specialitatea Urologie OMS 7/06.01.1998<br />

Rezident specialitatea Urologie – Sp.D.Gerota Bucuresti ianuarie 1998-decembrie<br />

1998<br />

Schimbarea specialitatii de rezidentiat in CHIRURGIE GENERALA G.H./8419/1998<br />

Rezident CHIRURGIE GENERALA ianuarie 1999-2005<br />

Medic Specialist Chirurgie Generala – 2005<br />

Cursuri postuniver<strong>si</strong>tare :<br />

Chirurgia laparoscopica a colonului <strong>si</strong> rectului –Spitalul Clinic Fundeni Februarie-Martie2000<br />

Actualitati in chirurgia endoscopica – al-II-lea curs international al International Association<br />

of surgeons,Gastroenterologists and oncologists – Bucuresti,Romania -2001

Actualitati in oncologia digestiva – IASG sectiunea romana -aprilie 2002 Bucuresti<br />

Al V-lea Simpozion <strong>si</strong> Curs postuniver<strong>si</strong>tar al IASG - Actualitati in Bolile Ficatului- Bucuresti<br />

aprilie 2003<br />

Al VI-lea Simpozion <strong>si</strong> Curs postuniver<strong>si</strong>tar al IASG – Actualitati in Diagnosticul <strong>si</strong><br />

Tratamentul Cancerului Colorectal – Bucuresti 2004<br />

Al VII-lea Simpozion <strong>si</strong> Curs postuniver<strong>si</strong>tar al Sectiunii romane a IASGO - Actualitati in<br />

Chirurgia hepato-bilio-pancreatica <strong>si</strong> in Transplantul hepatic - Bucuresti 2005<br />

Postgraduate Course and The First International Humboldt Workshop on Surgical Research<br />

Intra-abdominal Sep<strong>si</strong>s – Unresolved issues Bucuresti - mai 2005<br />

“6 th International Post-Graduate Course of Minimally Inva<strong>si</strong>ve Endocrine Surgery” –<br />

IRCAD/EITS –Strasbourg , France – mai 2005<br />

13 th International postgraduate Course , Current Trends and Developments in the<br />

Management of Abdominal Malignancies : A Multidisciplinary Approach Involving Surgical &<br />

Medical Oncologists and Pathologists – Athens,Greece –decembrie 2005<br />

XXIX Curso Internacional de Actualizacion en Cirugia General y del Aparato Digestivo –<br />

Madrid,Espana – mai 2006<br />

The 8 th Sympo<strong>si</strong>um and Post-Graduate Course of IASGO - Romanian Chapter – Bucuresti<br />

2006<br />

The 14 th International Postgraduate Course-IASGO –Advances in the Diagno<strong>si</strong>s &<br />

Management of Abdominal Diseases – Athens Greece, December 2006 -<br />

Al IX -lea Simpozion <strong>si</strong> Curs Postuniver<strong>si</strong>tar al Sectiunii Romane IASGO - Actualitati in<br />

Chirurgia Hepato-Bilio-Pancreatica <strong>si</strong> Transplant Hepatic - Bucuresti aprilie 2007<br />

Surgical trining course on the HAL (Haemorrhoidal Artery Ligation) – RAR (Recto Anal Repair)<br />

–u<strong>si</strong>ng Doppler Ultrasound Proctoscope -Vienna ,Austria – iunie 2007<br />

The 15 th International Postgraduate Course of IASGO – New Frontiers in the Diagno<strong>si</strong>s and<br />

Management of GI Diseases - Athens Greece ,December 2007<br />

The First Course of ISSO (The International School of Surgical Oncology) – with the topic<br />

Hepato-Bilio-Pancreatic Cancers – Univer<strong>si</strong>ty of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila”<br />

Bucuresti , Romania - aprilie 2008<br />

Cursul de Formare Continua al Sectiunii Romane a IASGO - cu titlul : “Chirurgia Radicala in<br />

Cancerul Gastric “ – Bucuresti ,Romania –aprilie 2008<br />

The EFISDS (European Federation International Society for Digestive Surgery) Postgraduate<br />

Training Course on Colorectal Diseases – Cluj-Napoca ,Romania – octombrie 2009<br />

Experienta profe<strong>si</strong>onala :<br />

1994 -1996 a<strong>si</strong>stent bloc operator chirurgie generala - Sp. D. Gerota Bucuresti<br />

1998 -1999 rezident urologie/chirurgie generala – Sp. D . Gerota Bucuresti<br />

1999- 2005 rezident Chirugie Generala – Institutul Clinic Fundeni ,Clinica de Chirurgie<br />

Generala <strong>si</strong> Transplant Hepatic *

2003 –A<strong>si</strong>stent Cercetare –Academia de Stiinte Medicale – Bucuresti<br />

2003-2006 Medic la clinica proctologica “Proctoline” –Bucuresti **<br />

2005 – Cercetator – Academia de Stiinte Medicale –Bucuresti<br />

2005 –pana in prezent , Medic Specialist Chirurgie Generala – Centrul de Chirurgie Generala<br />

<strong>si</strong> Transplant Hepatic Fundeni – Bucuresti<br />

2007 –pana in present – Medic la clinica proctologica “ PROCTOCLINIC “ –Bucuresti **<br />

Membru al unor societati stiintifice :<br />

Lucrari stiintifice :<br />

Societatea Romana de Chirurgie – din 2001<br />

International Association of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists and Oncologists - din 2004<br />

Asociatia Romana pentru Chirurgie Endoscopica <strong>si</strong> alte tehnici interventionale –din2002<br />

Colegiul Medicilor din Romania<br />

Total Pelvic Exenteration for Advanced Pelvic Malignancy - G. Mitulescu , C.Ungureanu,<br />

G.Gluck ,C. Stingu , D.Stanculeanu ,D.Mitulescu , S. Berbece , M.Savu , I.Popescu -16-th<br />

World Congress of the International Association of Surgeons ,Gastroenterologists and<br />

Oncologists , Madrid , Espana , 25-27 mai 2006<br />

Tumora Neuroendocrina Pancreatica T4 N1 M1 Tratament chirurgical <strong>si</strong> oncologic -<br />

C.Ungureanu ,G. Mitulescu , D.Stanculeanu, D. Mitulescu , V. Herlea , S. Berbece , I.Popescu<br />

–Conferinta Nationala de Chirurgie , Al II-lea Simpozion al Asociatiei Romane de Chirurgie<br />

Hepato-Bilio-Pancreatica <strong>si</strong> Transplant Hepatic , al IX-lea Simpozion <strong>si</strong> Curs Postuniver<strong>si</strong>tar<br />

al Sectiunii Romane a IASGO : Actualitati in Chirurgia Hepato-Bilio-Pancreatica <strong>si</strong> Transplant<br />

Hepatic , Hotel Intercontinental , Bucuresti – 18-21 Aprilie 2007<br />

Palliative Total Pelvic Exenteration - G. Mitulescu , C.Ungureanu ,D.Mitulescu ,D.<br />

Stanculeanu , N.Boleac , S. Berbece – vol rezumate – 17 th World Congress of the<br />

International Association of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists and Oncologists – Bucuresti , 5 -8<br />

septembrie 2007<br />

Soft Tissue Reconstruction After Total Pelvic Exenteration – C.Stingu , G.Mitulescu , C.<br />

Ungureanu, C. Huian , S.Berbece , N. Boleac – vol rezumate -17 th World Congress of the<br />

International Association of Surgeons ,Gastroenterologists and Oncologists –Bucuresti , 5-<br />

8 septembrie 2007<br />

Immediate Coverage of an Excized Pilonidal Cyst with a Superior Gluteal Perforation<br />

Flap.Case Report - C.Ungureanu , C. Stingu , G. Mitulescu , S. Berbece , N. Boleac – vol<br />

rezumate – 17 th World Congress of the International Association of Surgeons ,<br />

Gastroenterologists and Oncologists – Bucuresti , 5-8 septembrie 2007<br />

Laterrally Extented Total Pelvic Exenteration -G.Mitulescu , C.Ungureanu ,N.Boleac ,<br />

S.Berbece – vol rezumate -17 th World Congress of the International Association of Surgeons<br />

, Gastroenterologists and Oncologists - Bucuresti , 5-8 septembrie 2007

Limbi straine : Engleza<br />

Functional Transfer of a Gracillis Muscle Flap For Total Anal Incontinence . Case Report.-<br />

G.Mitulescu ,C. Stingu ,C.Ungureanu , O.Nicodim ,B.Ene –vol rezumate -17 th World<br />

Congress of the International Association of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists and Oncologists<br />

– Bucuresti – septembrie 2007<br />

Continent versus Non-Continent urinary Diver<strong>si</strong>on After Total Pelvic Exenteration –<br />

G.Mitulescu , G. Gluck , C.Ungureanu – vol rezumate – 17 th World Congress of the<br />

International Association of the Surgeons , Gastroenterologists and Oncologists –Bucuresti<br />

– septembrie 2007<br />

Botulinum Toxine In The Treatment of Anal Fissure –About 480 Cases – G.Mitulescu ,<br />

C.Ungureanu, O. Sgarbura , S. Ciurea , A. Kosa – vol rezumate – 17 th World Congress of the<br />

International Association of Surgeons , Gastroenterologists and Oncologists – Bucuresti –<br />

septembrie 2007<br />

Total Pelvic Exenteration In The Local Advanced Pelvic Cancer –About 94 Cases –<br />

G.Mitulescu, C.Ungureanu ,G.Gluck ,C.Stingu , D. Mitulescu ,D.Stanculeanu , O.Sgarbura<br />

,D.Tulbure , I.Popescu – vol rezumate – 17 th World Congress of the International<br />

Association of Surgeons ,Gastroenterologists and Oncologists – Bucuresti –sept.2007

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