Buletin 3_4-2010 web.pdf - Curtea de Conturi a Republicii Moldova

Buletin 3_4-2010 web.pdf - Curtea de Conturi a Republicii Moldova

Buletin 3_4-2010 web.pdf - Curtea de Conturi a Republicii Moldova


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cial checklists to <strong>de</strong>termine whether all audit activities<br />

were conducted by audit team members at<br />

planning, execution and reporting stages .<br />

It can also be applied the practice of using<br />

quality self-assessment questionnaire that is issued<br />

by management of audited entity and used by<br />

team lea<strong>de</strong>r to i<strong>de</strong>ntify certain problems in either<br />

organization of audit activity or <strong>de</strong>termining value<br />

ad<strong>de</strong>d of the audit mission . These control procedures<br />

ensure quality of performed audit and<br />

are used by the Experts commission for quality<br />

review .<br />

Quality assurance is carried out by two types<br />

of reviews: hot reviews and cold reviews . Internal<br />

reviews are conducted by expert committee,<br />

composed of two directors of <strong>de</strong>partments, two<br />

consultants of the Auditor General and Secretary<br />

of the Commission (prepares minutes of the meeting)<br />

. During hot reviews experts usually examine<br />

draft audit report before it is submitted to the audited<br />

entity, as well as other issues appeared . During<br />

cold reviews this committee analyzed audit<br />

reports selected according to certain criteria (e .g .<br />

previous year auditor’s report contained adverse<br />

opinion, and afterwards – an unqualified opinion;<br />

resonance of audit topics, complexity of area and<br />

audited entities, etc .) . External reviews are performed<br />

by foreign experts . Thus, in 2007 institution<br />

was subject to external review by the Fe<strong>de</strong>ral Court<br />

of Auditors of Germany .<br />

A current theme is auditing of state budget<br />

revenues . SAO of the Republic of Macedonia applies<br />

in this respect, conclusions and recommendations<br />

adopted by VI EUROSAI Congress, its audit<br />

standards and internal gui<strong>de</strong>lines . Revenue audit<br />

starts with elaboration of a special strategy, which<br />

objective is to i<strong>de</strong>ntify all state budget revenues<br />

and check their sources . This audit is conducted<br />

by three parallel teams (Ministry of Finance, Head<br />

Office of State Tax Service, and Head Office of Customs<br />

Service), which examine the dynamics of forecasted<br />

and executed revenue indicators (duties<br />

and fiscal taxes / customs fees), evaluate internal<br />

controls of audited entities at all levels, i<strong>de</strong>ntify<br />

potential possibilities of tax evasion .<br />

Auditing local budgets shall be ma<strong>de</strong> by SAO<br />

of the Republic of Macedonia in accordance with<br />

recommendations of V EUROSAI Congress, which<br />

provi<strong>de</strong>s for: carry out performance audits on legality<br />

and fairness of public revenue collection,<br />

testing effectiveness of revenue collection system,<br />

evaluating objectives achieved in terms of<br />

income . When auditing revenues their legality, coverage,<br />

timeliness and completeness is taken into<br />

account, un<strong>de</strong>rstanding administration process,<br />

evaluation of internal control system and i<strong>de</strong>ntified<br />

risks are also taken into account .<br />

IT Audit in SAO of the Republic of Macedonia<br />

is performed by Department for informational technologies<br />

and IT audit, which is responsible for<br />

both <strong>de</strong>velopment and maintenance of IT systems,<br />

as well as carrying out audits . IT Audits can be<br />

performed separately or as a component part of<br />

other audits .<br />

In or<strong>de</strong>r to select informational systems which<br />

will primordial subject to audit, Department for<br />

informational technologies and IT audit applies a<br />

questionnaire which is returned to public authorities<br />

to <strong>de</strong>termine all informational systems used<br />

by the entity, including those used to generate financial<br />

reports, and system used in daily basis .<br />

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international cooperation

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