Buletin 3_4-2010 web.pdf - Curtea de Conturi a Republicii Moldova

Buletin 3_4-2010 web.pdf - Curtea de Conturi a Republicii Moldova

Buletin 3_4-2010 web.pdf - Curtea de Conturi a Republicii Moldova


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effICIent InStrumentS to monItor<br />

aCtIVItIeS Implemented In CooperatIon<br />

wIth SwedISh natIonal audIt offICe<br />

The Court of Accounts of the Republic of <strong>Moldova</strong> (CoA) during<br />

last 5 years successfully implements activities stipulated in Strategic<br />

Development Plan for 2006-<strong>2010</strong> (SDP) of the Court of Accounts .<br />

During these years Swedish National Audit Office (SNAO) provi<strong>de</strong>d<br />

technical assistance to the CoA according to provisions of Cooperation<br />

Agreements and project documents . SNAO used to be and will<br />

continue to be near us as a main partner in implementing multiple<br />

reforming activities, main objective of which is insurance of the Court<br />

of Accounts functionality in compliance with international standards<br />

and best practices of external audit .<br />

CoA has committed to implement effective and transparent assistance<br />

provi<strong>de</strong>d by SNAO . For this purpose, cooperation areas and<br />

activities are annually planned according to goals and objectives set<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r project document and annual progress reports on achieved<br />

results are published on <strong>web</strong> page of the Court of Accounts (www .<br />

ccrm .md) .<br />

As any other project, cooperation between the CoA and SNAO has<br />

a monitoring mechanism consisting of two levels:<br />

project Coordinators (lower level – responsible person from<br />

the CoA and one from SNAO);<br />

Steering Committee (upper level – representatives of the CoA<br />

and SNAO) .<br />

We should also mark out the monitoring of cooperation with Swedish<br />

partners, conducted at the meetings of advisory board on Strategic<br />

<strong>de</strong>velopment of the Court of accounts, held, usually 2 times<br />

a year, atten<strong>de</strong>d by <strong>de</strong>velopment partners and donors who support<br />

our institution in implementing SDP .<br />

In this context, on 14 September <strong>2010</strong>, in Chisinau, took place the<br />

VI Steering Committee on Cooperation between the Coa and<br />

onaS, and on 17 December, <strong>2010</strong> – VII advisory board on Strategic<br />

<strong>de</strong>velopment of the Court of accounts, atten<strong>de</strong>d by <strong>de</strong>velopment<br />

and cooperation partners and representatives of the Ministry of<br />

Finance, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Informational Technologies<br />

and Communication and Financial Control and Revision Service . Reporting<br />

achievements and impediments faced by us along the way in<br />

this format has proven to be a good and valuable mechanism appreciated<br />

by all parties, which have the possibility of mutual information,<br />

Ecaterina Paknehad<br />

member of the Court<br />

of Accounts<br />

65<br />

projects running at the Court of Accounts

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