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150 Eul si mecanismele de aparare

KATAN, A., vezi ANGEL, A.

KLEIN, ?\L (1932), The Psychoanalysis of Children, Londra, Hogarth

Press, editie revizuita, 1975.

Li\I'ORGUE, R. (1928), Oberlegungen zum Begriff der \Terdrangung, Int.

Z. Psychoanal., 14:371-374.

LE\'\'IN, B. D. (1932), Analysis and Structure of a Transient Hypomania,

Psychoanal. Quart., 1:43-58.

RADO, s (1933), Fear of Castration in Women, Psychoanal. Quan,


RANK, o. (1909), The l\iyth of the Birtb of the Hero, New York,

Nervous an Mental Diseases Publishing Co., 1914.

REICH, w. (1933), Charakteranalyse: Technik und Grundlagen fur

studierende und praktizierende Analyriker. Viena: Selbsrverlag

[Engleza: Character Analysis. New York: Noonday Press, 1949.]

WAELDER, J., vezi HaU, J. Waelder

WAELDER, R. (1930), The Principle of Multiple Function, Psychoanal.

Quart., 5:45-62, 1936.

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