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Bibliografie 149

['REUD, SIGMlJND (1913), Totem and Taboo, Standard Eclition, 13:1-161.

fREUD, SIGMUND (1915), Instincts and Their Vicissitudes, Standat-d

Edition, 14:109-140.

fREUD, SIGMUND (1920), Beyond the Pleasure Principle, Standard

Edition, 18:3-64.

FREUD, SIG;\IUND (1921), Group Psychology and the Analysis of the

Ego, Standard Edition, 18:67-147.

fREUD, SIG:\IUND (1922), Some Neurotic Mechanisms in Jealousy,

Paranoia and Homosexuality, Standard Edition, 18:221-232.

FREUD, SIG.\IUND (1923), The Ego and the Id, Standard Edition,


FREUD, SIGlvIUND (1926), Inhibitions, Symptoms and Anxiety,

Standard Eclition, 20:77-175.

FREUD, SIGilIUND (1933), New Introductory Lectures on Psycho­

Analysis, Standard Edition, 22:3-182.

HALL, J. \'\'AELDER (1946), The Analysis of a Case of Night Terror, The

Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 2:189-228, Londra, Hogarth Press.

]ONES, E. (1922), Some Problems of Adolescence. Papers on Psycho­

Analysis, Londra, Bailliere, Tindall & Cox, ed. 5, 1948, pp. 389-406.

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