

C h a p t e r 2 : r a d i o - W a v e P r o p a g a t i o n 67 interests of both types of users are best served by selecting the shorter of the two great circle segments connecting the two points of interest, although that is not always the case for radio communications, as we shall see shortly. Later in this book we take up directional antennas—antennas deliberately designed to maximize radiation in one direction or a small range of directions in exchange for accepting reduced radiation in other directions. With the exception of broadcast stations and government or commercial point-to-point stations, most directional antennas are intended to be rotated either electronically or mechanically. However, some highly directive MF and HF antennas for transmitting (the rhombic) or receiving (the Beverage) are too large to be rotated. Instead, one or more of each is constructed with its direction of maximum signal fixed on a desired region of our globe. An amateur low-band DXer in Maryland might choose to install a Beverage receiving antenna aimed at Europe. By referring to the great circle map of Fig. 2.35, he would conclude (correctly) that his Beverage should be oriented so as to provide maximum pickup of incoming signals centered on a true compass bearing of somewhere between 45 and 50 degrees. An amateur in Japan (roughly the same latitude as Washington, D.C., and Lisbon), on the other hand, would not aim due east or west to favor Europe on his receiving antenna; instead, he would first consult a great circle map centered on Tokyo and then aim his Beverage 25 to 30 degrees west of north! Ionospheric Fading It should be apparent from the preceding paragraphs that ionospheric communications are statistical in nature, rather than deterministic. One contributing phenomenon is Âfading—time-varying signal strength and phase at the receiver site. Perhaps the most audibly dramatic form of fading—selective fading—is what we often hear when listening to analog voice transmissions on the MF and lower HF bands at night. Especially at night, at distances beyond the local ground-wave reception zone, the received signal will often consist of ground wave, sky wave, and multiple reflections of the sky wave from the ionosphere. Thanks primarily to the unceasing motion of the ionosphere, the received signal is an ever-changing mix of the transmitted signal arriving by uncountable numbers of paths, each having its own (time-varying) amplitude and phase relative to original signal. But the most distinctive aspect of this fading is caused by the fact that the ionosphere is dispersive and its reflection characteristics are different for even slightly different frequencies. Since an analog HF voice transmission consists of frequency components spread over a 3- to 20-kHz range around the carrier frequency depending on the service (amateur versus broadcast, for instance) and mode (amplitude-modulated double sideband with carrier versus single sideband suppressed carrier), the received signal is an eerie distortion of the original, similar to the flanger feature of modern-day sound mixers. It is such a distinctive sound that a pop music single released in 1959—“The Big Hurt” by Miss Toni Fisher—went all the way to number three on Billboard magazine’s top 100 by replicating that sound. Fading from any cause is a serious problem that can disrupt reliable communications and severely reduce intelligibility. Its effects can often be overcome by using one of several diversity reception systems. Three forms of diversity technique are popular: frequency diversity, spatial diversity, and polarization diversity. In the frequency diversity system of Fig. 2.36, the transmitter delivers RF with identical modulating information to two or more frequencies simultaneously. Because the two frequencies will almost certainly fade differentially, one will always be stronger.

68 p a r t I I : F u n d a m e n t a l s F 1 and F 2 XMTR 1 F 1 RCVR 1 AF 1 XMTR 2 F 2 RCVR 2 AF 2 F 2 F 1 F 2 F 1 F Composite audio out Figure 2.36 Frequency diversity reduces fading. The spatial diversity system of Fig. 2.37 employs a single transmitter frequency but two or more receiving antennas are used, typically spaced one half wavelength apart in the direction of the transmitter. The theory is that the signal will fade at one antenna while it grows stronger at the other. Diversity receivers utilize separate, but identical, phase-locked receivers tuned by the same master local oscillator and each connected to a separate antenna. Simple analog audio mixing or digital voting techniques based on the relative strengths of the signals keeps the audio output relatively constant while the RF signal at any one antenna fades in and out. In the past few years, use of diversity reception on the 160- and 80-m bands with this approach has become popular with serious weak-signal DXers, thanks to the Elecraft K3 transceiver, which can be outfitted with a second, identical receiver that can be phase-locked to the main receiver. The audio outputs of the two receivers can be combined in an electronic mixer or kept separate to feed the left and right channels of stereo speakers or headphones. In the latter case, the operator’s brain performs the final signal processing that results in enhanced ability to pull weak, fading signals out of the band noise. Polarization diversity reception (Fig. 2.38) uses both vertically and horizontally polarized antennas to enhance reception. This form of diversity is based on the fact that our “always undulating” ionosphere slowly and randomly shifts the polarization of the transmitted signal as it refracts it back to the earth. As in the space diversity system, the outputs of the vertical and horizontal receivers are combined to produce a constant level output. Using the Ionosphere The refraction of MF, HF, and some lower VHF radio signals back to the earth via the ionosphere is the backbone of long-distance terrestrial MF/HF radio communications. As a direct consequence of the complex interplay between the three major ionospheric layers and their individual reactions to bombardment by the sun, in conjunction with path loss considerations, absorption, and the ever-changing position of the earth with respect to the sun, determining the best frequencies and times for communicating

C h a p t e r 2 : r a d i o - W a v e P r o p a g a t i o n 67<br />

interests of both types of users are best served by selecting the shorter of the two great<br />

circle segments connecting the two points of interest, although that is not always the case<br />

for radio communications, as we shall see shortly.<br />

Later in this book we take up directional antennas—antennas deliberately designed<br />

to maximize radiation in one direction or a small range of directions in exchange for<br />

accepting reduced radiation in other directions. With the exception of broadcast stations<br />

and government or commercial point-to-point stations, most directional antennas<br />

are intended to be rotated either electronically or mechanically. However, some highly<br />

directive MF and HF antennas for transmitting (the rhombic) or receiving (the Beverage)<br />

are too large to be rotated. Instead, one or more of each is constructed with its direction<br />

of maximum signal fixed on a desired region of our globe. An amateur low-band<br />

DXer in Maryland might choose to install a Beverage receiving antenna aimed at Europe.<br />

By referring to the great circle map of Fig. 2.35, he would conclude (correctly) that<br />

his Beverage should be oriented so as to provide maximum pickup of incoming signals<br />

centered on a true compass bearing of somewhere between 45 and 50 degrees. An amateur<br />

in Japan (roughly the same latitude as Washington, D.C., and Lisbon), on the other<br />

hand, would not aim due east or west to favor Europe on his receiving antenna; instead,<br />

he would first consult a great circle map centered on Tokyo and then aim his Beverage<br />

25 to 30 degrees west of north!<br />

Ionospheric Fading<br />

It should be apparent from the preceding paragraphs that ionospheric communications<br />

are statistical in nature, rather than deterministic. One contributing phenomenon is<br />

Âfading—time-varying signal strength and phase at the receiver site.<br />

Perhaps the most audibly dramatic form of fading—selective fading—is what we<br />

often hear when listening to analog voice transmissions on the MF and lower HF bands<br />

at night. Especially at night, at distances beyond the local ground-wave reception zone,<br />

the received signal will often consist of ground wave, sky wave, and multiple reflections<br />

of the sky wave from the ionosphere. Thanks primarily to the unceasing motion of<br />

the ionosphere, the received signal is an ever-changing mix of the transmitted signal<br />

arriving by uncountable numbers of paths, each having its own (time-varying) amplitude<br />

and phase relative to original signal. But the most distinctive aspect of this fading<br />

is caused by the fact that the ionosphere is dispersive and its reflection characteristics are<br />

different for even slightly different frequencies. Since an analog HF voice transmission<br />

consists of frequency components spread over a 3- to 20-kHz range around the carrier<br />

frequency depending on the service (amateur versus broadcast, for instance) and mode<br />

(amplitude-modulated double sideband with carrier versus single sideband suppressed<br />

carrier), the received signal is an eerie distortion of the original, similar to the flanger<br />

feature of modern-day sound mixers. It is such a distinctive sound that a pop music<br />

single released in 1959—“The Big Hurt” by Miss Toni Fisher—went all the way to number<br />

three on Billboard magazine’s top 100 by replicating that sound.<br />

Fading from any cause is a serious problem that can disrupt reliable communications<br />

and severely reduce intelligibility. Its effects can often be overcome by using one<br />

of several diversity reception systems. Three forms of diversity technique are popular:<br />

frequency diversity, spatial diversity, and polarization diversity.<br />

In the frequency diversity system of Fig. 2.36, the transmitter delivers RF with identical<br />

modulating information to two or more frequencies simultaneously. Because the<br />

two frequencies will almost certainly fade differentially, one will always be stronger.

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