

C h a p t e r 2 : r a d i o - W a v e P r o p a g a t i o n 65 For long-distance terrestrial radio communication, however, the single most important map projection of our earth is the azimuthal equidistant projection. That’s quite a mouthful, but fortunately we can refer to it by its nickname: great circle map. A great circle is any line drawn on the surface of a sphere that cuts the orb perfectly in half. Such a line must necessarily lie on a plane that passes through the center of the sphere. If we visualize passing an extremely large and rigid sheet of paper through our earth in such a way that two selected points on the sphere’s surface and a point at the exact center of the sphere are all in contact with the paper, the intersection of the paper with the surface of the sphere forms a great circle connecting the two surface points. We will leave it to the mathematicians to prove that the great circle we just created is not only the largest circle that can be drawn on a sphere but also includes the shortest path for traveling between the two points while following the curvature of the surface. Great circles are circumferences of a sphere. There can be an infinite number of them, but, except for one special situation, only one can be drawn between two specific points on the spherical surface. Generally, both a short path and a long path connect those two points. However, if the two points are exactly halfway around the globe from each other, they are called antipodes of each other, and the short path is identical in length to the long path. In fact, compass heading makes absolutely no difference when traveling between antipodal points—any road will take you there! Thus, an infinite number of great circles connects two points if they are antipodes. To maximize the utility of the great circle approach to determining bearings, maps constructed according to azimuthal equidistant projection rules are employed. As implied by the name, distance along any radius line (azimuth) from the center of the map is precisely proportional to linear distance traveled over a spherical ground, and the same length regardless of compass bearing from the center of the map. (The same is definitely not true for circumferential distances on the map.) For example, if London and Los Angeles are equidistant from New York City, they will also be equidistant from the center of a great circle map centered on New York. This is not true of the Mercator projection; at higher latitudes (both positive and negative), an inch on the flat map corresponds to a much shorter distance on the earth than an inch near the equator does. The other constraint for drawing an azimuthal equidistant projection is that each straight-line radius drawn from the center of the map (usually the user’s location) to its periphery must correspond to a great circle on the earth. Thus, by tracing the single radius line that runs between the center of the map and any other location in the world, the user is assured of following the shortest possible path to that location. Unlike a Mercator projection or other traditional wall map of the world, the shapes of land masses and bodies of water on a great circle map depend on the location chosen for the center of the map. When the rules for creating a great circle map are correctly followed, antipodal (or nearly so) continents or countries become “smeared” all around the periphery of the map. From the northeastern United States, for instance, Australia “morphs” to a rather strange shape. For radio amateurs, the best centers for great circle maps are usually their own transmitting and receiving sites. But maps having their centers a short distance away are useable except for the most precise measurements and for very short distances from the center. Figure 2.35 is a great circle map drawn on Washington, D.C. For HF DXing, it is more than satisfactory for users located up and down virtually the entire east coast of the United States.

66 p a r t I I : F u n d a m e n t a l s Figure 2.35 Azimuthal map centered on Washington, D.C. (Courtesy of The ARRL Antenna Book.) For a while, antenna manuals published by the ARRL included a family of great circle maps centered on selected population centers around the world. Nowadays, plotting software is readily available for download from the Internet at no cost, either stand-alone or as part of a larger log-keeping and station control package. Whether using multiple hard-copy maps or recentering a software-generated map with a few keystrokes (to enter new latitude and longitude coordinates for the center of the map), seeing the world of HF radio propagation through the eyes of your fellow hobbyists on other continents is often highly informative. Airplane crews and DXers both consult great circle maps to ascertain the compass heading that corresponds to the shortest distance between two points on (or just above) the surface of the earth. The navigator wants to get the airplane from here to there in the shortest possible time and with the smallest fuel expenditure; the radio operator wants to get a signal from here to there with the least path loss possible. As a general rule, the

C h a p t e r 2 : r a d i o - W a v e P r o p a g a t i o n 65<br />

For long-distance terrestrial radio communication, however, the single most important<br />

map projection of our earth is the azimuthal equidistant projection. That’s quite a<br />

mouthful, but fortunately we can refer to it by its nickname: great circle map.<br />

A great circle is any line drawn on the surface of a sphere that cuts the orb perfectly<br />

in half. Such a line must necessarily lie on a plane that passes through the center of the<br />

sphere. If we visualize passing an extremely large and rigid sheet of paper through<br />

our earth in such a way that two selected points on the sphere’s surface and a point at<br />

the exact center of the sphere are all in contact with the paper, the intersection of the<br />

paper with the surface of the sphere forms a great circle connecting the two surface<br />

points. We will leave it to the mathematicians to prove that the great circle we just<br />

created is not only the largest circle that can be drawn on a sphere but also includes<br />

the shortest path for traveling between the two points while following the curvature<br />

of the surface.<br />

Great circles are circumferences of a sphere. There can be an infinite number of them,<br />

but, except for one special situation, only one can be drawn between two specific points<br />

on the spherical surface. Generally, both a short path and a long path connect those two<br />

points. However, if the two points are exactly halfway around the globe from each<br />

other, they are called antipodes of each other, and the short path is identical in length to<br />

the long path. In fact, compass heading makes absolutely no difference when traveling<br />

between antipodal points—any road will take you there! Thus, an infinite number of<br />

great circles connects two points if they are antipodes.<br />

To maximize the utility of the great circle approach to determining bearings, maps<br />

constructed according to azimuthal equidistant projection rules are employed. As implied<br />

by the name, distance along any radius line (azimuth) from the center of the map is<br />

precisely proportional to linear distance traveled over a spherical ground, and the same<br />

length regardless of compass bearing from the center of the map. (The same is definitely<br />

not true for circumferential distances on the map.) For example, if London and Los Angeles<br />

are equidistant from New York City, they will also be equidistant from the center<br />

of a great circle map centered on New York. This is not true of the Mercator projection;<br />

at higher latitudes (both positive and negative), an inch on the flat map corresponds to<br />

a much shorter distance on the earth than an inch near the equator does.<br />

The other constraint for drawing an azimuthal equidistant projection is that each<br />

straight-line radius drawn from the center of the map (usually the user’s location) to its<br />

periphery must correspond to a great circle on the earth. Thus, by tracing the single<br />

radius line that runs between the center of the map and any other location in the world,<br />

the user is assured of following the shortest possible path to that location.<br />

Unlike a Mercator projection or other traditional wall map of the world, the shapes<br />

of land masses and bodies of water on a great circle map depend on the location chosen<br />

for the center of the map. When the rules for creating a great circle map are correctly<br />

followed, antipodal (or nearly so) continents or countries become “smeared” all around<br />

the periphery of the map. From the northeastern United States, for instance, Australia<br />

“morphs” to a rather strange shape.<br />

For radio amateurs, the best centers for great circle maps are usually their own<br />

transmitting and receiving sites. But maps having their centers a short distance away<br />

are useable except for the most precise measurements and for very short distances from<br />

the center. Figure 2.35 is a great circle map drawn on Washington, D.C. For HF DXing,<br />

it is more than satisfactory for users located up and down virtually the entire east coast<br />

of the United States.

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