

I n d e x 763 transmission lines, 109–138 absorbed power (P a ), 578 admittance, 142 attenuation constant (α), 120 attenuation factor, 120 boundary conditions, 124–125 capacitance, 114–115 characteristic (or surge) impedance (Z 0 ), 110, 114–118 equations for, 116–117 coaxial cable, 112–113 (see also coaxial cable) conductance, 114–115 current standing wave ratio (ISWR), 133–134 dielectric loss in, 447–448 distortionless, 115 electrical vs. physical length of, 118–119, 120, 267–268 equivalent circuit, 114 forward current (see incident current) forward voltage (see incident voltage) gas-Âfilled line, 112–113 geometries, 109–113 half-Âwavelength, 143 hardline, 112 helical line, 112 impedance, 110 impedance matching, 138–147 incident (forward) current (I FWD ), 124–127 incident (forward) voltage (V FWD ), 124–127 inductance, 114–116 loss, 119–121 lossless, 115 matched (“flat”), 133, 135 measurements, 141–142 mismatch (VSWR) losses in, 135–138 ohmic loss in, 114, 447–448 Ohm’s law in, 125 open-Âwire line (OWL), 110–111 parallel (conductor) lines, 110–111, 579–582 permeability (µ), 116 permittivity (ε; dielectric constant), 116–118 phase constant (β), 120, 140–142 phasing section, 156 propagation constant (γ), 120 transmission lines (Cont.): quarter-Âwavelength matching section, 143–144 quarter-Âwavelength shorted stub, 144–145 Q section matching, 143–144 radiation loss, 447–448 reactance, 140–142 reflected current (V REF ), 124–127, 131–134 reflected voltage (V REF ), 124–127, 131–135 reflection coefficient, 124, 126 reflection loss, 135–138 resistance, 114–115 responses, 121–138 return loss, 573 rigid, 112 (see also hardline) shielded parallel line, 111 shielded Âtwin-Âlead, 111 shorted lines, 130, 140–142 shorted stubs, 140–142 (see also stub matching systems) single-Âwire, 110, 225, 254 skin effect, 115 Smith chart, 559–585 spacers, 110–111 standing wave ratio (SWR), 133–138 standing waves, 121–122 steady-Âstate ac response, 131–133 step-Âfunction response, 121–123 stripline (or microstripline), 113, 117–118 stub matching systems (see stub matching systems) surge impedance, 110 (see also characteristic impedance) time domain reflectometry (TDR) measurements, 127–131 transmission loss coefficient (TLC), 573 triangles, 717–722 twin-Âlead, 111 velocity factor, 118–119, 129, 142, 267–268 voltage minima and maxima, 132 voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR), 134–138 wavelength calculation in, 116 transmission line transformers, 118, 143–147 transmission loss, 571, 573 coefficient (TLC), 571, 573, 577, 579

764 I n d e x transmitters, Âspark-Âgap, 4, 91 transverse electric (TE) mode, 452–454 transverse electromagnetic (TEM) waves, 14, 93–96, 451–452 transverse magnetic (TM) mode, 453–454, 461, 462 trap dipoles, 217–218, 419 traveling wave antennas, 260–262, 332–334, 358 traveling waves: on dipole, 97, 98–102 triangles, 717–722 area, 720–722 triangulation, 515–516 trifilar winding, 540, 542–543 troposphere, 20–22 tropospheric propagation, 38–44 T/R switch, 587 tuned feeder antennas, 221–224 tuning: ground wire, 691 dipoles, 175–178 marine antennas, 385–388 small loop, 349–350, 359–360 turns calculator, 543–544 TV Âreceive-Âonly (TVRO) satellite dishes, 483–484, 497 twin-Âlead, 111 folded dipole, 636–638 2λ (bisquare) loop, 215–216 U Ufer ground, 671 ultra-Âhigh-Âfrequency (UHF) antennas (See VHF/UHF antennas) ultraviolet radiation, 14, 48 umbra region, 23 unit(y) resistance (conductance) circle in, 562–564, 580 V varactor tuning (loop), 349–351 vector network analyzer (VNA), 127, 129, 141, 187, 338, 585 vee beam longwire antennas, 258–261 (See also longwire) velocity, 715 velocity factor (v F ), 14, 118–119, 267–268, 573–575, 597 coaxial cable, 20, 129, 141–142, 441, 596–597 microwave waveguides, 454–458 table of (for transmission lines), 119 velocity of propagation, 12, 105 vertical antenna installations, 645–651 base construction, 647–652 cherry-Âpicker, 651 elevated Âground-Âplane, 645 frost heaves, 649 ground-Âmounted, 645 guy wires and ropes, 646–648 lightning grounding, 645–646 masts, 646–648 pivoting, 646, 648 radials, 645–647 safety, 625–628 vertical antennas (See vertically polarized antennas) vertical arrays, 265–275, 415 advantages, 265–266 array factor, 153–159 broadside mode, 149–152, 266–267 cardioid pattern, 158–159 end-Âfire mode, 152–153, 267–268 four-Âsquare, 273–274, 415 grounding, 237–244, 275, 692–698 (see also ground) phasing and switching techniques, 267–271 receive-Âonly, 274–275 six-, eight-, and Ânine-Âcircle, 274–275 three-Âelement, 272–273 two-Âelement, 149–153, 158–159, 266–271 vertical coaxial VHF/UHF antenna, 231 vertical dipole, 230–231, 430, 432 vertically polarized antennas, 229–249, 401–415 5 ⁄8-wavelength Âground-Âplane vertical, 157, 429–430 coaxial vertical, 427–429 collinear dipole, 430, 432 current, 233–234 dipole, 230–231, 232 coaxial, 231, 427–429 dimensions, 230 drooping radials (see Âground-Âplane vertical antennas)

764 I n d e x<br />

transmitters, Âspark-Âgap, 4, 91<br />

transverse electric (TE) mode,<br />

452–454<br />

transverse electromagnetic (TEM) waves, 14,<br />

93–96, 451–452<br />

transverse magnetic (TM) mode, 453–454, 461,<br />

462<br />

trap dipoles, 217–218, 419<br />

traveling wave antennas, 260–262, 332–334,<br />

358<br />

traveling waves:<br />

on dipole, 97, 98–102<br />

triangles, 717–722<br />

area, 720–722<br />

triangulation, 515–516<br />

trifilar winding, 540, 542–543<br />

troposphere, 20–22<br />

tropospheric propagation, 38–44<br />

T/R switch, 587<br />

tuned feeder antennas, 221–224<br />

tuning:<br />

ground wire, 691<br />

dipoles, 175–178<br />

marine antennas, 385–388<br />

small loop, 349–350, 359–360<br />

turns calculator, 543–544<br />

TV Âreceive-Âonly (TVRO) satellite dishes,<br />

483–484, 497<br />

twin-Âlead, 111<br />

folded dipole, 636–638<br />

2λ (bisquare) loop, 215–216<br />

U<br />

Ufer ground, 671<br />

ultra-Âhigh-Âfrequency (UHF) antennas (See<br />

VHF/UHF antennas)<br />

ultraviolet radiation, 14, 48<br />

umbra region, 23<br />

unit(y) resistance (conductance) circle in,<br />

562–564, 580<br />

V<br />

varactor tuning (loop), 349–351<br />

vector network analyzer (VNA), 127, 129, 141,<br />

187, 338, 585<br />

vee beam longwire antennas, 258–261<br />

(See also longwire)<br />

velocity, 715<br />

velocity factor (v F ), 14, 118–119, 267–268,<br />

573–575, 597<br />

coaxial cable, 20, 129, 141–142, 441,<br />

596–597<br />

microwave waveguides, 454–458<br />

table of (for transmission lines), 119<br />

velocity of propagation, 12, 105<br />

vertical antenna installations, 645–651<br />

base construction, 647–652<br />

cherry-Âpicker, 651<br />

elevated Âground-Âplane, 645<br />

frost heaves, 649<br />

ground-Âmounted, 645<br />

guy wires and ropes, 646–648<br />

lightning grounding, 645–646<br />

masts, 646–648<br />

pivoting, 646, 648<br />

radials, 645–647<br />

safety, 625–628<br />

vertical antennas (See vertically polarized<br />

antennas)<br />

vertical arrays, 265–275, 415<br />

advantages, 265–266<br />

array factor, 153–159<br />

broadside mode, 149–152, 266–267<br />

cardioid pattern, 158–159<br />

end-Âfire mode, 152–153, 267–268<br />

four-Âsquare, 273–274, 415<br />

grounding, 237–244, 275, 692–698 (see<br />

also ground)<br />

phasing and switching techniques,<br />

267–271<br />

receive-Âonly, 274–275<br />

six-, eight-, and Ânine-Âcircle,<br />

274–275<br />

three-Âelement, 272–273<br />

two-Âelement, 149–153, 158–159, 266–271<br />

vertical coaxial VHF/UHF antenna, 231<br />

vertical dipole, 230–231, 430, 432<br />

vertically polarized antennas, 229–249, 401–415<br />

5<br />

⁄8-wavelength Âground-Âplane vertical,<br />

157, 429–430<br />

coaxial vertical, 427–429<br />

collinear dipole, 430, 432<br />

current, 233–234<br />

dipole, 230–231, 232<br />

coaxial, 231, 427–429<br />

dimensions, 230<br />

drooping radials (see Âground-Âplane<br />

vertical antennas)

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