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654 P a r t V I I I : M e c h a n i c a l C o n s t r u c t i o n a n d I n s t a l l a t i o n T e c h n i q u e s<br />

nas tend to work better up in the air than they do nearer the ground. The primary<br />

reasons for this are, of course:<br />

• At VHF and above, there is no ionosphere to help extend our transmission and<br />

reception range through the reflection (or refraction) of radio waves back to<br />

earth. Except for some highly unpredictable propagation modes, most radio<br />

communications at these frequencies are limited to line of sight or slightly<br />

beyond. Thus, raising the antenna high enough to clear nearby obstacles is an<br />

important part of the station design.<br />

• At MF and HF, ground reflection effects can enhance or degrade signal paths by<br />

many decibels. Proper siting and intelligent choice of antenna height can<br />

provide signal enhancements equivalent to a tenfold increase in transmitter<br />

power compared to a station assembled with no forethought! In general, at MF<br />

and HF, the height required is inversely proportional to the frequency for<br />

comparable ground enhancement of the radiation angle.<br />

Because television and FM broadcasting are confined to VHF and above, towers for<br />

those services are often 1000 ft tall or more—especially in areas of the United States<br />

with flat terrain—to extend line-Âof-Âsight reception as far as possible. In metropolitan<br />

areas with hilly or sloping terrain or extremely tall downtown buildings, unique siting<br />

opportunities for the broadcast transmitter and tower may allow coverage of the primary<br />

service area with shorter towers.<br />

In contrast, the AM broadcast band is based on the use of the ground wave, so AM<br />

broadcast towers are the (vertically polarized) radiating elements. Their heights are<br />

more likely to be dictated by the exact wavelength of each station and the extent to<br />

which it needs to suppress the sky wave component of its signal in certain directions at<br />

night, when skip can cause its signal to raise havoc with other stations sharing the same<br />

frequency in other regions of the country. Typical heights for AM stations near the top<br />

of the broadcast band (1500 to 1700 kHz) might be expected to range from only slightly<br />

greater than those of a well-Âoutfitted 160-Âm amateur station—i.e., around 150 ft for a<br />

quarter-Âwave grounded monopole—to slightly more than twice that figure. At the other<br />

end of the AM band (530 to 700 kHz), optimum heights can rise to 400 ft or more.<br />

Because amateurs have multiple bands of frequencies ranging from MF to UHF and<br />

beyond, and multiple modes of propagation, including line of sight and ionospheric skip,<br />

their tower requirements are “all over the map”. Today, small businesses and active<br />

amateurs employ towers as short as 6 or 8 ft (tripod towers designed to straddle peaked<br />

rooftops) and as tall as 300 ft. But probably the bulk of the nonbroadcast tower installations<br />

fall within the 30-Â to 100-Âft range. Given the generalization that “higher is better”,<br />

why are so many users content with relatively modest towers? Here’s a list of possible<br />

reasons, in no particular order:<br />

• Cost (a very rough rule of thumb has cost increasing in proportion to the square<br />

of the height)<br />

• Available space (the taller the tower, the larger the guy wire circle and the safe<br />

fall zone required)<br />

• Terrain (at some frequencies, properly sloping land or nearby saltwater can<br />

provide the same long-Âhaul signal boost as a tall tower on flat land)

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