

C h a p t e r 2 7 : T e s t i n g a n d T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g 603 Measuring RF Power Measuring RF power has traditionally been notoriously difficult, except perhaps in the singular case of continuous-Âwave (CW) sources that produce pure sine waves. Even in that limited case, however, some measurement methods are distinctly better than others. Suppose the peak voltage of a waveform is 100 V (i.e., from negative peak to positive peak is 200 V). Since a CW waveform is a pure sine wave, we know that the root mean square (RMS) voltage is 0.707 × peak voltage. Power dissipated in a resistive load is related to the RMS voltage across the load by P V Z 0 RMS = ( )2 (27.9) where P = power, in watts, delivered to antenna V RMS = RMS voltage, in volts, measured at feedpoint Z 0 = feedpoint impedance, in ohms Assuming a load impedance of 50 W, the power in our hypothetical illustration waveform is 100 W. We can measure power on unmodulated sinusoidal waveforms by measuring either the RMS or peak values of either voltage or current, assuming that a constant resistance load is present. But accurate measurement becomes more difficult in the presence of complex waveforms such as modulated signals. For instance, on a Bird model 4311 peak power meter the various power readings—peak(PEP) versus average—vary markedly with modulation type. One of the earliest practical RF power-Âmeasuring devices was the thermocouple RF ammeter (see Fig. 27.10). This instrument works by dissipating a small amount of power in a small resistance inside the meter and measuring the resulting heat generated with a Thermocouple Input terminals Resistor element thermocouple. A dc ammeter reports thermocouple current. Because it works on the basis of the power dissipated in heating a resistance, a thermocouple RF ammeter is inherently an RMS-Âreading device. It is thus very useful for making average power measurements. If we know the RMS current into the antenna feedpoint and the resistive component of the load impedance, then we can determine RF power from the familiar expression P= I 2 × R L (27.10) provided the reactive component of the load impedance is zero or very low. dc voltmeter Figure 27.10 Circuit for thermocouple RF ammeter.

604 P a r t V I I : T u n i n g , T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g , a n d D e s i g n A i d There is, however, a significant problem that keeps thermocouple RF ammeters from being universally used in RF power measurement: The instruments are highly frequency dependent. Some meters are advertised as operating into the low-ÂVHF region, but the results will have meaning only if a copy of the calibrated frequency response curve for that specific meter is available so that a correction factor can be added to (or subtracted from) the reading. As a general precaution, at 10 MHz and higher, the readings of a thermocouple RF ammeter must be viewed with a certain amount of skepticism unless the original calibration chart is available. RF power can also be measured by knowing the voltage across the load resistance. In the circuit of Fig. 27.11 the RF voltage appearing across the load is scaled down to a level compatible with the voltmeter by the resistor voltage divider (R 2 /R 3 ). The output of this divider is rectified by CR 1 and filtered to dc by capacitor C 2 . Obtaining the voltage measurement from a simple diode voltmeter is valid only if the RF signal is unmodulated and has a pure sinusoidal waveform. While these criteria are almost always met with CW transmissions, they are not valid for other waveforms, such as those characteristic of voice analog modes. If the voltmeter circuit is peak reading, as in Fig. 27.11, then the peak power is P V 2 = R0 L (27.11) J 1 RF input R 2 3300 R 1 50- dummy load R 3 1000 C 1 0.001 F CR 1 IN34 or IN60 C 2 0.001 F M 1 0 – 1 mA Figure 27.11 RF voltmeter “wattmeter”.

604 P a r t V I I : T u n i n g , T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g , a n d D e s i g n A i d<br />

There is, however, a significant problem that keeps thermocouple RF ammeters<br />

from being universally used in RF power measurement: The instruments are highly<br />

frequency dependent. Some meters are advertised as operating into the low-ÂVHF region,<br />

but the results will have meaning only if a copy of the calibrated frequency response<br />

curve for that specific meter is available so that a correction factor can be added<br />

to (or subtracted from) the reading. As a general precaution, at 10 MHz and higher, the<br />

readings of a thermocouple RF ammeter must be viewed with a certain amount of skepticism<br />

unless the original calibration chart is available.<br />

RF power can also be measured by knowing the voltage across the load resistance.<br />

In the circuit of Fig. 27.11 the RF voltage appearing across the load is scaled down to a<br />

level compatible with the voltmeter by the resistor voltage divider (R 2 /R 3 ). The output<br />

of this divider is rectified by CR 1 and filtered to dc by capacitor C 2 .<br />

Obtaining the voltage measurement from a simple diode voltmeter is valid only if<br />

the RF signal is unmodulated and has a pure sinusoidal waveform. While these criteria<br />

are almost always met with CW transmissions, they are not valid for other waveforms,<br />

such as those characteristic of voice analog modes. If the voltmeter circuit is peak reading,<br />

as in Fig. 27.11, then the peak power is<br />

P V 2<br />

=<br />

R0<br />

L<br />

(27.11)<br />

J 1<br />

RF<br />

input<br />

R 2<br />

3300 <br />

R 1<br />

50-<br />

dummy<br />

load<br />

R 3<br />

1000 <br />

C 1<br />

0.001 F<br />

CR 1<br />

IN34<br />

or<br />

IN60<br />

C 2<br />

0.001 F<br />

M 1<br />

0 – 1 mA<br />

Figure 27.11 RF voltmeter “wattmeter”.

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