

C h a p t e r 2 : r a d i o - W a v e P r o p a g a t i o n 45 Ionospheric Propagation Following on the heels of seminal discoveries by Hertz, Marconi, and other pioneering radio scientists of the late 1800s, the early 1900s found experimenters from all walks of life constructing simple radio transmitting and receiving equipment. By 1909, radio clubs had been formed at a few colleges around the United States, and by 1914 the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), dedicated to these amateur experimenters, had been founded. Commercial, government, and amateur stations shared the airwaves in willy-nilly fashion until around 1912 when the United States began to regulate radio. In those days, “good DX” might mean the ability to communicate between, say, Boston and New York City, and the prevalent assumption was that the longer wavelengths were superior for extending those distances. Forced to shift from wavelengths as long as 1000 m (well below the bottom of today’s AM broadcast band) to 200 m (roughly around 1500 kHz, near the top of the AM broadcast band) by the new regulations, amateurs grumbled a bit but dug in and went back to figuring out how to attain better and better DX distances. As the distances increased, however, the experts were finding it harder and harder to explain how it was possible. World War I brought a halt to all amateur transmissions, and when the war was over the U.S. government was inclined to keep it that way forever. But the ARRL convinced Congress and various federal agencies of the merits of radio amateurs, and in the fall of 1919 amateurs returned to the airwaves. In 1921 and again in 1922, the ARRL sponsored transatlantic receiving tests, and in both events too many stations were heard for it to be a fluke: 30 or so the first year and 10 times that number the following year! Spurred on by these encouraging results, the ARRL and others began to investigate what it would take to convert these successes into two-way communication across the ocean. Despite the almost unanimous opinion of the best scientists of the day that the shorter wavelengths would prove to be useless, some hardy experimenters plunged below 200 m and, within a year, had shown that the shorter the wavelength, the better the DX results! Textbooks and magazines of the era were rife with theories to explain these totally unexpected results. Ultimately, the “correct” theory turned out to be one originally advanced in 1901, when Arthur Kennelly of the United States and Oliver Heaviside of England independently proposed the existence of a “reflecting” layer circling the earth some miles above it. Soon named the Kennelly-Heaviside layer, it is now known as the E layer (Fig. 2.26) of the ionosphere. Thus, it is the ionosphere that makes intercontinental radio communications possible on the MF, HF, and lower VHF bands (between roughly 0.3 and 70 MHz). Included in the range of frequencies for which ionospheric propagation is possible are the AM broadcast band, many traditional maritime frequencies, amateur bands from 160 to 6 m, and the first few channels (2, 3, and 4) of the analog broadcast television spectrum. True, in some cases (especially at the upper end of the range) “possible” does not mean “probable”, but the potential is there during sunspot maxima or during brief periods of unusual solar activity. The author recalls the winter of 1957–58, when he saw firsthand a neighboring amateur make two-way contact with six continents in one evening on the 6-m band (50 MHz), using a 5-W AM transceiver and a three-element 6-m beam dangling from the I-beam running through his basement! Kennelly and Heaviside described the unseen layer as a reflecting layer; in truth, the sparseness of the ionization and the variation of ionization with altitude make

46 p a r t I I : F u n d a m e n t a l s Figure 2.26 Classification of the earth’s atmosphere for radio propagation.

C h a p t e r 2 : r a d i o - W a v e P r o p a g a t i o n 45<br />

Ionospheric Propagation<br />

Following on the heels of seminal discoveries by Hertz, Marconi, and other pioneering<br />

radio scientists of the late 1800s, the early 1900s found experimenters from all walks of<br />

life constructing simple radio transmitting and receiving equipment. By 1909, radio<br />

clubs had been formed at a few colleges around the United States, and by 1914 the<br />

American Radio Relay League (ARRL), dedicated to these amateur experimenters, had<br />

been founded. Commercial, government, and amateur stations shared the airwaves in<br />

willy-nilly fashion until around 1912 when the United States began to regulate radio. In<br />

those days, “good DX” might mean the ability to communicate between, say, Boston<br />

and New York City, and the prevalent assumption was that the longer wavelengths<br />

were superior for extending those distances. Forced to shift from wavelengths as long<br />

as 1000 m (well below the bottom of today’s AM broadcast band) to 200 m (roughly<br />

around 1500 kHz, near the top of the AM broadcast band) by the new regulations, amateurs<br />

grumbled a bit but dug in and went back to figuring out how to attain better and<br />

better DX distances. As the distances increased, however, the experts were finding it<br />

harder and harder to explain how it was possible.<br />

World War I brought a halt to all amateur transmissions, and when the war was<br />

over the U.S. government was inclined to keep it that way forever. But the ARRL convinced<br />

Congress and various federal agencies of the merits of radio amateurs, and in<br />

the fall of 1919 amateurs returned to the airwaves. In 1921 and again in 1922, the ARRL<br />

sponsored transatlantic receiving tests, and in both events too many stations were heard<br />

for it to be a fluke: 30 or so the first year and 10 times that number the following year!<br />

Spurred on by these encouraging results, the ARRL and others began to investigate<br />

what it would take to convert these successes into two-way communication across the<br />

ocean. Despite the almost unanimous opinion of the best scientists of the day that the<br />

shorter wavelengths would prove to be useless, some hardy experimenters plunged<br />

below 200 m and, within a year, had shown that the shorter the wavelength, the better<br />

the DX results!<br />

Textbooks and magazines of the era were rife with theories to explain these totally<br />

unexpected results. Ultimately, the “correct” theory turned out to be one originally advanced<br />

in 1901, when Arthur Kennelly of the United States and Oliver Heaviside of<br />

England independently proposed the existence of a “reflecting” layer circling the earth<br />

some miles above it. Soon named the Kennelly-Heaviside layer, it is now known as the<br />

E layer (Fig. 2.26) of the ionosphere.<br />

Thus, it is the ionosphere that makes intercontinental radio communications possible<br />

on the MF, HF, and lower VHF bands (between roughly 0.3 and 70 MHz). Included<br />

in the range of frequencies for which ionospheric propagation is possible are the AM<br />

broadcast band, many traditional maritime frequencies, amateur bands from 160 to 6 m,<br />

and the first few channels (2, 3, and 4) of the analog broadcast television spectrum. True,<br />

in some cases (especially at the upper end of the range) “possible” does not mean<br />

“probable”, but the potential is there during sunspot maxima or during brief periods of<br />

unusual solar activity. The author recalls the winter of 1957–58, when he saw firsthand<br />

a neighboring amateur make two-way contact with six continents in one evening on the<br />

6-m band (50 MHz), using a 5-W AM transceiver and a three-element 6-m beam dangling<br />

from the I-beam running through his basement!<br />

Kennelly and Heaviside described the unseen layer as a reflecting layer; in truth,<br />

the sparseness of the ionization and the variation of ionization with altitude make

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