

524 P a r t V I : A n t e n n a s f o r O t h e r F r e q u e n c i e s Doppler RDF Antennas Figure 23.13 shows the basic concept of an RDF antenna based on the Doppler effect, which was discovered in the nineteenth century. A practical example of the Doppler effect is seen when an ambulance with wailing siren first approaches a stationary observer, then passes beyond. The pitch of the siren heard by the motionless observer is initially at its highest (and higher than the pitch heard at the source by the driver of the ambulance). It continuously drops as the source approaches and then passes by. Although useful, the acoustic analogy is not perfect, since the Doppler mechanism for EM waves in a vacuum is a little bit different than that for the subsonic acoustic waves of the ambulance. In a radio system, when distance between a receiving antenna and a signal source is changing, a Doppler shift in the received signal frequency is detected; the amount of shift is proportional to the differential radial velocity between the two. (No Doppler shift occurs as a result of any change in motion at right angles to the line connecting the source and the receiver.) Thus, when a hobbyist listens to the telemetry signals from a passing satellite or the international Morse code (CW) of a radio amateur making contacts through an AMSAT repeater satellite (visit, the received frequency continuously slides lower as the satellite comes into radio “view”, passes nearby, and finally disappears until its next orbit. At the point of the satellite’s closest approach to the receiving station (whether directly overhead or off to the side), the received frequency equals the actual transmitted frequency because neither antenna has any radial velocity relative to the other for that brief moment. Before then, the received frequency is higher; afterward, it is lower. Axis of Rotation Shift Down No Shift Antenna No Shift Shift Up Signal Source Figure 23.13 Doppler antenna.

C h a p t e r 2 3 : R a d i o D i r e c t i o n - F i n d i n g ( R D F ) A n t e n n a s 525 The Doppler RDF antenna of Fig. 23.13 rotates at a constant angular velocity. The signal wavefront approaches from a single direction (the lower left corner of the illustration in this example), so there will be a predictable Doppler shift at any point on the circular path of the antenna. The magnitude of the frequency shift is maximum when the antenna is moving directly toward the source or away from it—i.e., when it is on either side of the figure. When the antenna is closest to the source or farthest from it, there is very little Doppler shift. The maximum shift at the two sides can be found to be RwFc S = (23.1) c where S = Doppler shift, in hertz R = radius of rotation, in meters w = angular velocity of antenna, in radians per second F c = carrier frequency of incoming signal, in hertz c = velocity of light (3 × 10 8 m/s) In theory this antenna works nicely, but in practice there are problems, one of which is getting a Doppler shift large enough to easily measure. Unfortunately, the mechanical rotational speed required of the antenna is very high—too high for practical use. However, the effect can be simulated by sequentially (i.e., electronically) scanning a number of antennas arranged in a circle. The result is a piecewise approximation of the effect seen when the antenna is rotated at high speed. Byonics ( offers a kit by Daniel F. Welch, W6DFW, that incorporates the N0GSG Doppler system with digital signal processing (DSP) originally described in the November 2002 issue of QST. In this system, four verticals are electronically switched at high speed to create the Doppler shift that allows pinpointing of the source to a 22.5 percent segment of the compass rose. The user is responsible for constructing the four verticals. Googling the words “Doppler RDF antenna” will provide numerous hits on the topic. Wullenweber Array One of the problems associated with small RDF antennas is that relatively large distortions of their pattern result from even small anomalies because they have such a small aperture. If you build a wide-aperture direction finder (WADF), however, you can average the signals from a large number of antenna elements distributed over a large-Â circumference circle. The Wullenweber array (Fig. 23.14) is such an antenna. It consists of a circle of many vertical elements. For HF the circle can be 500 to 2000 ft in diameter! A goniometer rotor spins inside the ring to produce an output that will indicate the direction of arrival of the signal as a function of the position of the goniometer. The theoretical resolution of the Wullenweber array is on the order of 0.1 degree, although practical resolutions of less than 3 degrees are commonly seen. Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA) Array If two antennas are erected at a distance d apart, arriving signals can be detected by examining the time-of-arrival difference. Figure 23.15A shows a wavefront advancing

C h a p t e r 2 3 : R a d i o D i r e c t i o n - F i n d i n g ( R D F ) A n t e n n a s 525<br />

The Doppler RDF antenna of Fig. 23.13 rotates at a constant angular velocity. The<br />

signal wavefront approaches from a single direction (the lower left corner of the illustration<br />

in this example), so there will be a predictable Doppler shift at any point on the<br />

circular path of the antenna. The magnitude of the frequency shift is maximum when<br />

the antenna is moving directly toward the source or away from it—i.e., when it is on<br />

either side of the figure. When the antenna is closest to the source or farthest from it,<br />

there is very little Doppler shift. The maximum shift at the two sides can be found to be<br />

RwFc S = (23.1)<br />

c<br />

where S = Doppler shift, in hertz<br />

R = radius of rotation, in meters<br />

w = angular velocity of antenna, in radians per second<br />

F c = carrier frequency of incoming signal, in hertz<br />

c = velocity of light (3 × 10 8 m/s)<br />

In theory this antenna works nicely, but in practice there are problems, one of which<br />

is getting a Doppler shift large enough to easily measure. Unfortunately, the mechanical<br />

rotational speed required of the antenna is very high—too high for practical use. However,<br />

the effect can be simulated by sequentially (i.e., electronically) scanning a number<br />

of antennas arranged in a circle. The result is a piecewise approximation of the effect<br />

seen when the antenna is rotated at high speed. Byonics ( offers a kit<br />

by Daniel F. Welch, W6DFW, that incorporates the N0GSG Doppler system with digital<br />

signal processing (DSP) originally described in the November 2002 issue of QST. In this<br />

system, four verticals are electronically switched at high speed to create the Doppler<br />

shift that allows pinpointing of the source to a 22.5 percent segment of the compass<br />

rose. The user is responsible for constructing the four verticals. Googling the words<br />

“Doppler RDF antenna” will provide numerous hits on the topic.<br />

Wullenweber Array<br />

One of the problems associated with small RDF antennas is that relatively large distortions<br />

of their pattern result from even small anomalies because they have such a small<br />

aperture. If you build a wide-aperture direction finder (WADF), however, you can average<br />

the signals from a large number of antenna elements distributed over a large-Â<br />

circumference circle. The Wullenweber array (Fig. 23.14) is such an antenna. It consists<br />

of a circle of many vertical elements. For HF the circle can be 500 to 2000 ft in diameter!<br />

A goniometer rotor spins inside the ring to produce an output that will indicate the<br />

direction of arrival of the signal as a function of the position of the goniometer. The<br />

theoretical resolution of the Wullenweber array is on the order of 0.1 degree, although<br />

practical resolutions of less than 3 degrees are commonly seen.<br />

Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA) Array<br />

If two antennas are erected at a distance d apart, arriving signals can be detected by<br />

examining the time-of-arrival difference. Figure 23.15A shows a wavefront advancing

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