

498 P a r t V I : A n t e n n a s f o r O t h e r F r e q u e n c i e s So what do you need to chase DX throughout our solar system? All it takes is a receiver that works well over the range from 18 to 30 MHz—most modern communications receivers are fine for the purpose—and a relatively simple antenna tuned to some portion of that frequency span. Any automatic gain control (AGC) or automatic volume control (AVC) should be turned off, the audio volume control set to a comfortable level, and the RF gain control advanced at least to the point where external noise overrides the internal noise of the receiver. Set your receiver to the single sideband (SSB) mode and select the widest filter bandwidth(s) available. Today, of course, inexpensive PCs and software applications allow us to “listen” with our eyes, as well. Spectrograms and other displays of the received signals allow us to see and print out evidence of these astronomical noise bursts. A simple Internet search should return a host of how-to articles, blogs, and discussion groups. Listening to “Ol’ Sol” Even a dipole has directivity, so it’s helpful to orient even the simplest of antennas with the peak response of its pattern in the direction of the source. Since the sun’s path for many of us covers such a broad range of both azimuth and elevation angles, it’s probably smartest to zero in on its location for those hours of the day that we’re most apt to be able to listen for it. Of course, for dipoles at 18 MHz and above, rotating them is a relatively simple task, whether done manually or with an antenna rotator. At some point, you may wish to add greater gain and directivity to improve your ability to pull extraterrestrial signals out of your background noise environment, especially if you are in an urban neighborhood. Even then, rotating a two- or three-element Yagi at 20 MHz and higher is not an insurmountable task. Best yet, antenna height is not a factor—especially if you stick to listening periods when the sun is well above the horizon. Signals from Jupiter Second only to the sun, Jupiter is a strong radio source. It produces noiselike signals from VLF to 40 MHz, with peaks between 18 and 24 MHz. One theory attributes the radio signals to massive storms on the largest planet’s surface, apparently triggered by the transit of the Jovian moons through the planet’s magnetic field. The signals are plainly audible on the upper HF bands any time Jupiter is above the horizon, day or night. However, in order to eliminate the possibility of both local and terrestrial skip signals from interfering, Jupiter DXers prefer to listen only when the maximum useable frequency (MUF) drops significantly below 18 MHz—typically the darkness hours. In preparation, listen to the amateur 17- or 15-m bands; if you hear no skip-distance activity, then it’s a good bet that the MUF has dropped enough to make listening worthwhile. Even during the day, however, it is possible to hear Jovian signals, but differentiating them from other signals and solar noise can be difficult. Jupiter emits two distinctly different types of radio noises. Listening in SSB mode, one form can be heard as “swooshing” noises that rise and fall in amplitude over a relatively long interval. The second type of noise from the planet is heard as a more rapidfire “popping” sound.

C h a p t e r 2 2 : R a d i o A s t r o n o m y A n t e n n a s 499 Unlike the sun, Jupiter does not often rise high in our sky. Its transit, as viewed at midlatitudes in the northern hemisphere, is typically close to the horizon—rising in the southeast and setting in the southwest. In that respect, Jupiter is an excellent target for a typical HF Yagi or cubical quad whose height has been optimized for low elevation angles. Also, Jupiter is visible (and audible) at times totally unrelated to our day and night periods. As a result, there may be periods when Jupiter’s emissions may be difficult to hear because the sun is also “in your face”. Search the Internet for detailed calendars of Jupiter’s transits. For monitoring Jupiter, a good beginning antenna can be a simple dipole cut for the middle of the 18- to 24-MHz band, which happens to coincide with the 15-m amateur radio band. The antenna should be installed in the normal manner for any dipole, except that if it is fixed in one position the wire should run east-west in order to maximize pickup from this southerly rising planet. Figure 22.1 shows a broadband dipole that covers the entire frequency span of interest (18 to 24 MHz) by paralleling three different dipoles: one cut for 18 MHz, one cut for 21 MHz, and one cut for 24 MHz. The dimensions are A 19.5 ft 24 MHz B 22.3 ft 21 MHz C 26 ft 18 MHz As discussed in the chapter on multiband wires (Chap. 8), there are several approaches to making this type of antenna. One is to use three-conductor wire and cut the wires to the lengths indicated here. Another is to use a homemade spacer to spread the wires apart. Figure 22.1 Wideband HF dipole for Jupiter reception.

C h a p t e r 2 2 : R a d i o A s t r o n o m y A n t e n n a s 499<br />

Unlike the sun, Jupiter does not often rise high in our sky. Its transit, as viewed at<br />

midlatitudes in the northern hemisphere, is typically close to the horizon—rising in the<br />

southeast and setting in the southwest. In that respect, Jupiter is an excellent target for<br />

a typical HF Yagi or cubical quad whose height has been optimized for low elevation<br />

angles. Also, Jupiter is visible (and audible) at times totally unrelated to our day and<br />

night periods. As a result, there may be periods when Jupiter’s emissions may be difficult<br />

to hear because the sun is also “in your face”. Search the Internet for detailed calendars<br />

of Jupiter’s transits.<br />

For monitoring Jupiter, a good beginning antenna can be a simple dipole cut for the<br />

middle of the 18- to 24-MHz band, which happens to coincide with the 15-m amateur<br />

radio band. The antenna should be installed in the normal manner for any dipole, except<br />

that if it is fixed in one position the wire should run east-west in order to maximize<br />

pickup from this southerly rising planet.<br />

Figure 22.1 shows a broadband dipole that covers the entire frequency span of interest<br />

(18 to 24 MHz) by paralleling three different dipoles: one cut for 18 MHz, one cut for<br />

21 MHz, and one cut for 24 MHz. The dimensions are<br />

A 19.5 ft 24 MHz<br />

B 22.3 ft 21 MHz<br />

C 26 ft 18 MHz<br />

As discussed in the chapter on multiband wires (Chap. 8), there are several approaches<br />

to making this type of antenna. One is to use three-conductor wire and cut the<br />

wires to the lengths indicated here. Another is to use a homemade spacer to spread the<br />

wires apart.<br />

Figure 22.1 Wideband HF dipole for Jupiter reception.

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