

488 P a r t V I : A n t e n n a s f o r O t h e r F r e q u e n c i e s Right-angle waveguide feed flange Directivity flanges (Front view) End view Slots Waveguide Figure 20.33 Slot antenna (front view). Figure 20.33 shows a simple slot antenna used in telemetry applications. A slotted section of rectangular waveguide is mounted to a right-angle waveguide flange. An internal wedge (not shown) is placed at the top of the waveguide and serves as a Âmatching-impedance termination 0111057 to prevent FIG 18-34 internal reflected waves. Directivity is enhanced by attaching flanges to the slotted section of waveguide parallel to the direction of propagation (see end view of Fig. 20.33). Figure 20.34 shows two forms of flatplate array antennas constructed from slotted waveguide radiator elements (shown as insets). Figure 20.34A depicts a rectangular Figure 20.34A Flatplate slot array.

C h a p t e r 2 0 : M i c r o w a v e W a v e g u i d e s a n d A n t e n n a s 489 Figure 20.34B Flatplate antenna. array and Fig. 20.34B shows the circular array. These flatplate arrays are used extensively in microwave communications and radar applications. The feed structure for a flatplate array is shown in Fig. 20.34C. A distribution waveguide is physically mated with the element, and a coupling slot is provided between the two waveguides so that energy propagating in the distribution system waveguide can couple into the antenna radiator element. In some cases metallic or dielectric phase-shifting stubs are also used to fine-tune the antenna radiation pattern. Antenna element Coupling slot Distribution system RF input Figure 20.34C Flatplate antenna feed coupling.

488 P a r t V I : A n t e n n a s f o r O t h e r F r e q u e n c i e s<br />

Right-angle<br />

waveguide<br />

feed flange<br />

Directivity<br />

flanges<br />

(Front view)<br />

End<br />

view<br />

Slots<br />

Waveguide<br />

Figure 20.33 Slot antenna (front view).<br />

Figure 20.33 shows a simple slot antenna used in telemetry applications. A slotted<br />

section of rectangular waveguide is mounted to a right-angle waveguide flange. An<br />

internal wedge (not shown) is placed at the top of the waveguide and serves as a<br />

Âmatching-impedance termination 0111057 to prevent FIG 18-34 internal reflected waves. Directivity is enhanced<br />

by attaching flanges to the slotted section of waveguide parallel to the direction<br />

of propagation (see end view of Fig. 20.33).<br />

Figure 20.34 shows two forms of flatplate array antennas constructed from slotted<br />

waveguide radiator elements (shown as insets). Figure 20.34A depicts a rectangular<br />

Figure 20.34A Flatplate slot array.

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