

476 P a r t V I : A n t e n n a s f o r O t h e r F r e q u e n c i e s 3 dB BW Main lobe Sidelobes 0 Figure 20.22B Graphically presented pattern. Directivity D is a measure of the power density at the peak of the main lobe to the average power density through the entire spherical surface surrounding the antenna: or, referred to isotropic, 0111057 FIG 18-23B D = P PMAX AVG (20.24) 4 π D = (20.25) Φ where D = directivity P MAX = maximum power P AVG = average power F = solid angle subtended by main lobe The term F is a solid angle, which emphasizes the fact that antenna patterns must be examined in at least two extents: horizontal and vertical. A common method for specifying antenna directivity is beamwidth (BW). The definition of BW is the angular displacement between points on the main lobe (see Figs. 20.22A and 20.22B) where the power density drops to one-half (–3 dB) of its maximum at the peak of the lobe. The angle between the –3 dB points is a, as shown in Fig. 20.22A.

C h a p t e r 2 0 : M i c r o w a v e W a v e g u i d e s a n d A n t e n n a s 477 In an ideal antenna system, 100 percent of the radiated power is in the main lobe, and there are no other lobes. But in real antennas, certain design and installation anomalies cause additional minor lobes, such as the sidelobes and backlobe shown in Fig. 20.22A. Several problems derive from the existence of minor lobes: • Loss of useable power for the (desired) main lobe. For a given power density required at a distant receiver site, the transmitter must supply additional power to make up for losses in the minor lobe(s). • Intersystem interference. A major benefit of directional antennas is the reduction in mutual interference between neighboring co-channel stations. In radar systems, large sidelobes translate to errors in detecting target bearings. If, for example, a sidelobe is strong enough to detect a target, then the radar display will show this off-axis target as though it were in the main lobe of the antenna. The result is an azimuth error that could be important in terms of marine and aeronautical navigation. Gain Antenna gain G is a measure of the apparent power radiated in the peak of the main lobe relative to the power delivered to the antenna feedpoint from the transmitter. Thus, G incorporates the effect of ohmic and other losses in the antenna. Specifically: G = ξ D (20.26) Antenna/transmitter systems are often rated in terms of effective radiated power (ERP). ERP is the product of the transmitter power and the antenna gain: ERP = G P DLVD (20.27) where P DLVD is the actual transmitter RF power delivered to antenna terminals. If an antenna has a gain of +3 dB, the ERP is twice the transmitter output power. In other words, a 100W output transmitter connected to a +3-dB antenna will produce a power density at a distant receiver equal to a 200W transmitter feeding an isotropic radiator. There are two interrelated gains to be considered: directivity gain G d and power gain G p . Directivity gain is defined as the quotient of the maximum radiation intensity divided by the average radiation intensity. (Note the similarity to the directivity definition.) This measure of gain is based on the shape of the antenna radiation pattern and can be calculated with respect to an isotropic radiator (D = 1) from G D Pa = 4π P RAD (20.28) where G D = directivity gain P a = maximum power radiated per unit of solid angle P RAD = total power radiated by antenna

C h a p t e r 2 0 : M i c r o w a v e W a v e g u i d e s a n d A n t e n n a s 477<br />

In an ideal antenna system, 100 percent of the radiated power is in the main lobe,<br />

and there are no other lobes. But in real antennas, certain design and installation anomalies<br />

cause additional minor lobes, such as the sidelobes and backlobe shown in Fig.<br />

20.22A. Several problems derive from the existence of minor lobes:<br />

• Loss of useable power for the (desired) main lobe. For a given power density required<br />

at a distant receiver site, the transmitter must supply additional power to make<br />

up for losses in the minor lobe(s).<br />

• Intersystem interference. A major benefit of directional antennas is the reduction<br />

in mutual interference between neighboring co-channel stations. In radar<br />

systems, large sidelobes translate to errors in detecting target bearings. If, for<br />

example, a sidelobe is strong enough to detect a target, then the radar display<br />

will show this off-axis target as though it were in the main lobe of the antenna.<br />

The result is an azimuth error that could be important in terms of marine and<br />

aeronautical navigation.<br />

Gain<br />

<strong>Antenna</strong> gain G is a measure of the apparent power radiated in the peak of the main<br />

lobe relative to the power delivered to the antenna feedpoint from the transmitter. Thus,<br />

G incorporates the effect of ohmic and other losses in the antenna. Specifically:<br />

G = ξ D<br />

(20.26)<br />

<strong>Antenna</strong>/transmitter systems are often rated in terms of effective radiated power<br />

(ERP). ERP is the product of the transmitter power and the antenna gain:<br />

ERP = G P<br />

DLVD<br />

(20.27)<br />

where P DLVD is the actual transmitter RF power delivered to antenna terminals. If an<br />

antenna has a gain of +3 dB, the ERP is twice the transmitter output power. In other<br />

words, a 100W output transmitter connected to a +3-dB antenna will produce a<br />

power density at a distant receiver equal to a 200W transmitter feeding an isotropic<br />

radiator.<br />

There are two interrelated gains to be considered: directivity gain G d and power<br />

gain G p .<br />

Directivity gain is defined as the quotient of the maximum radiation intensity divided<br />

by the average radiation intensity. (Note the similarity to the directivity definition.)<br />

This measure of gain is based on the shape of the antenna radiation pattern and<br />

can be calculated with respect to an isotropic radiator (D = 1) from<br />

G<br />

D<br />

Pa<br />

= 4π<br />

P<br />

RAD<br />

(20.28)<br />

where G D = directivity gain<br />

P a = maximum power radiated per unit of solid angle<br />

P RAD = total power radiated by antenna

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