

470 P a r t V I : A n t e n n a s f o r O t h e r F r e q u e n c i e s Coaxial cable Loop Loop Possible location for loop H-lines Waveguide H-field Figure 20.18 Loop (inductive) coupling. Inductive, or loop coupling, is shown in Fig. 20.18. A small loop of wire (or other conductor) is placed such that the number of magnetic flux lines it cuts is maximized. This form of coupling is popular on microwave receiver antennas as a way of making a waveguide-to-coaxial cable transition. In some cases, the loop is formed by the pigtail lead of a detector diode that, when combined with a local oscillator, downconverts the microwave signal to an intermediate frequency (IF) in the 30- to 300- MHz region. Aperture, or slot, coupling is shown in Fig. 20.19. This type of coupling is used to couple two sections of waveguide, as on an antenna feed system. Slots can be designed to couple electric, magnetic, or electromagnetic fields. In Fig. 20.19, slot A is placed at a point where the E-field peaks, so it allows electrical field coupling. Similarly, slot B is at a point where the H-field peaks, so it allows magnetic field coupling. Finally, we see slot C, which allows electromagnetic field coupling. Slots can also be characterized according to whether they are radiating or nonradiating. A nonradiating slot is cut at a point that does not interrupt the flow of currents in the waveguide walls. The radiating slot, on the other hand, does interrupt currents flowing in the walls. A radiating slot is the basis for several forms of antenna, which are discussed at the end of this chapter. 0111057 FIG 18-18 A C B Figure 20.19 Slot coupling.

C h a p t e r 2 0 : M i c r o w a v e W a v e g u i d e s a n d A n t e n n a s 471 Microwave Antennas Antennas are used in communications and radar systems over a phenomenally wide range of radio frequencies. In both theory and practice, antennas are used until operating frequencies reach infrared and visible light, at which point optical techniques take over. Microwaves are the transition region between ordinary “radio waves” and “optical waves”, so (as might be expected) microwave technology makes use of techniques from both worlds. For example, both dipoles and parabolic reflectors are used in microwave systems. The purpose of an antenna is to act as a transducer, converting signals propagating on the two conductors of a conventional transmission line or “bouncing off the walls” inside a waveguide to an electromagnetic wave propagating in free space. In the process, the antenna also acts as an impedance matcher between the waveguide or transmission line impedance and the impedance of free space. Antennas can be used equally well for both receiving and transmitting signals because they obey the law of reciprocity. That is, the same antenna can be used to receive and transmit with equal success. Although there might be practical or mechanical reasons to prefer specific antennas for one or the other mode, electrically they are the same. In the transmit mode, the antenna must radiate electromagnetic energy. For this job, the important property is gain G. In the receive mode, the job of the antenna is to gather energy from impinging electromagnetic waves in free space. The important property for receiving antennas is the effective aperture A e , which is a function of the antenna’s physical area. Reciprocity suggests that large gain goes hand in hand with a large effective aperture. Effective aperture is defined as the area of the impinging radio wavefront that contains the same power as is delivered to a matched resistive load across the feedpoint terminals. The Isotropic “AntennaAntenna definitions and specifications can become useless unless a means is provided for putting everything on a common footing. Although a variety of systems exist for describing antenna behavior, the most common system compares a specific antenna with a theoretical construct, called the isotropic radiator, which we first encountered in Chap. 3. Since an isotropic radiator is a spherical point source that radiates equally well in all directions, the directivity of the isotropic antenna is unity (1) by definition, and all other antenna gains are measured against this standard. From spherical geometry, we can calculate isotropic power density at any distance R from the point source: P P = 4πr d 2 (20.19) where P d = power density, in watts per square meter P = power in watts input to the isotropic radiator r = radius in meters at which point power density is measured Example 20.5 Calculate the power density at a distance of 1 km (1000 m) from a 1000W isotropic source.

470 P a r t V I : A n t e n n a s f o r O t h e r F r e q u e n c i e s<br />

Coaxial cable<br />

Loop<br />

Loop<br />

Possible location<br />

for loop<br />

H-lines<br />

Waveguide<br />

H-field<br />

Figure 20.18 Loop (inductive) coupling.<br />

Inductive, or loop coupling, is shown in Fig.<br />

20.18. A small loop of wire (or other conductor) is<br />

placed such that the number of magnetic flux lines<br />

it cuts is maximized. This form of coupling is popular<br />

on microwave receiver antennas as a way of<br />

making a waveguide-to-coaxial cable transition. In<br />

some cases, the loop is formed by the pigtail lead<br />

of a detector diode that, when combined with a<br />

local oscillator, downconverts the microwave signal<br />

to an intermediate frequency (IF) in the 30- to 300-<br />

MHz region.<br />

Aperture, or slot, coupling is shown in Fig.<br />

20.19. This type of coupling is used to couple two<br />

sections of waveguide, as on an antenna feed system.<br />

Slots can be designed to couple electric,<br />

magnetic, or electromagnetic fields. In Fig. 20.19,<br />

slot A is placed at a point where the E-field peaks,<br />

so it allows electrical field coupling. Similarly,<br />

slot B is at a point where the H-field peaks, so it<br />

allows magnetic field coupling. Finally, we see<br />

slot C, which allows electromagnetic field coupling.<br />

Slots can also be characterized according to whether they are radiating or nonradiating.<br />

A nonradiating slot is cut at a point that does not interrupt the flow of currents in<br />

the waveguide walls. The radiating slot, on the other hand, does interrupt currents<br />

flowing in the walls. A radiating slot is the basis for several forms of antenna, which are<br />

discussed at the end of this chapter.<br />

0111057 FIG 18-18<br />

A<br />

C<br />

B<br />

Figure 20.19 Slot coupling.

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