

438 P a r t V I : A n t e n n a s f o r O t h e r F r e q u e n c i e s of several materials, including heavy solid wire (#8 to #12), tubing, or metal rods. The overall lengths of the elements are given by: Driven element: Reflector: Director: L(inches) = 11,826 (19.5) F(MHz) L(inches) = 12,562 (19.6) F(MHz) L(inches) = 11,248 (19.7) F(MHz) Thanks to this antenna’s lightweight construction, there are several alternatives for making the supports for the elements. In Fig. 19.10, detail A, the spreaders are made from either 1-in furring strips, trim strips, or (above 2 m) even wooden paint-stirring sticks. The sticks are cut to length and then half-notched in the center (Fig. 19.10, detail B). The two spreaders for each element are joined together at right angles and glued (Fig. 19.10, detail C). The spreaders can be fastened to the wooden boom at points S in detail C. Follow the usual rules regarding element spacing (0.15 to 0.31 wavelength). See the information on quad antennas in Chap. 13 for further details. Quads have been successfully employed on all amateur bands up to 1296 MHz. One commercial variant of the VHF quad is the Quagi—a Yagi that employs a quad driven element. VHF/UHF Scanner Band Antennas The hobby of shortwave listening has always had a subset of adherents who listen exclusively to the VHF/UHF bands. Today, scanners are increasingly found in homes but the objective is not shortwave listening (SWLing)—it’s a desire to learn what’s going on in the community by monitoring the police and fire department frequencies. A few people apply an unusually practical element to their VHF/UHF listening. At least one person known to the author routinely tunes in the local taxicab company’s frequency as soon as she orders a cab. She then listens for her own address and knows from that approximately when to expect her cab! “Scanner-Vision” Antennas The antennas used by scanner listeners are widely varied and (in some cases) overpriced. Although it is arguable whether a total-coverage VHF/UHF antenna is worth the money, there are other possibilities that should be considered. First, don’t overlook the use of television antennas for scanner monitoring! The television bands (about 80 channels from 54 MHz to around 800 MHz) encompass most

C h a p t e r 1 9 : V H F a n d U H F A n t e n n a s 439 of the commonly used scanner frequencies. Although antenna performance is not optimized for the scanner frequencies, it is also not terrible on those frequencies. If you already have an “all channel” TV antenna installed, then it is a simple matter to connect the antenna to the scanner receiver with a 2:1 splitter and (possibly) a 4:1 balun transformer that accepts 300 W in and produces 75 W out. These transformers are readily available at RadioShack and anywhere that TV and video accessories are sold. The directional characteristic of the TV antenna can be boon or bane to the scanner user. If the antenna has a rotator, then there is no problem. Just rotate the antenna to the direction of interest (unless someone else in the family happens to be watching TV at the time!). But much of the time it won’t even be necessary to rotate the TV/FM Âantenna— partly because no antenna completely rejects signals arriving from off the sides or the back, and partly because most of the local scanner repeaters will be quite strong. An excellent alternative to hijacking the family’s primary TV antenna is to locate an indoor set-top TV antenna at a garage sale or flea market (or maybe your own attic). Some of these have a simple phasing circuit built in with a front panel knob that allows the user to move the peak of the antenna pattern around some. With the possible addition of a wideband TV antenna preamplifier (available at RadioShack, among other places), such a setup may be perfectly adequate for scanner monitoring. Scanner Skyhooks Some popular scanners even cover much of the HF spectrum. For true SWLing on those bands, a random-length wire antenna ought to turn in decent performance, and it may even be able to do double duty as a VHF/UHF longwire antenna. Typically, this antenna is simply a 30- to 150-ft length of #14 wire attached to a distant support. Additional gain, about +3 dB, can be achieved by stacking VHF/UHF antennas together. Figure 19.11 shows a typical arrangement in which two half-wavelength dipole antennas are connected together through a quarter-wavelength harness of RG-59/U coaxial cable. This harness is physically shorter than an electrical quarter-wavelength by the velocity factor of the coaxial cable: vF L (inches) = 2832 (19.8) F(MHz) where L = length, in inches v F = velocity factor (typically 0.66 or 0.80 for common coax) F = frequency, in megahertz The antennas can be oriented in the same direction to increase gain, or orthogonally (as shown in Fig. 19.11) to obtain a more omnidirectional cloverleaf pattern. Because the impedance of two identical dipoles, fed in parallel, is one-half that of a single dipole, it is necessary to have an impedance-matching section made of RG-58/U coaxial cable. This cable is then fed with RG-59/U coax from the receiver. There is nothing magical about scanner antennas that is significantly different from other VHF/UHF antennas except, perhaps, the need to cover multiple frequency ranges. Although the designs might be optimized for VHF or UHF, these antennas are basically the same as others shown in this book. As a matter of fact, almost any antennas, from any chapter, can be used over at least part of the scanner spectrum.

C h a p t e r 1 9 : V H F a n d U H F A n t e n n a s 439<br />

of the commonly used scanner frequencies. Although antenna performance is not optimized<br />

for the scanner frequencies, it is also not terrible on those frequencies. If you already<br />

have an “all channel” TV antenna installed, then it is a simple matter to connect<br />

the antenna to the scanner receiver with a 2:1 splitter and (possibly) a 4:1 balun transformer<br />

that accepts 300 W in and produces 75 W out. These transformers are readily<br />

available at RadioShack and anywhere that TV and video accessories are sold.<br />

The directional characteristic of the TV antenna can be boon or bane to the scanner<br />

user. If the antenna has a rotator, then there is no problem. Just rotate the antenna to the<br />

direction of interest (unless someone else in the family happens to be watching TV at the<br />

time!). But much of the time it won’t even be necessary to rotate the TV/FM Âantenna—<br />

partly because no antenna completely rejects signals arriving from off the sides or the<br />

back, and partly because most of the local scanner repeaters will be quite strong.<br />

An excellent alternative to hijacking the family’s primary TV antenna is to locate an<br />

indoor set-top TV antenna at a garage sale or flea market (or maybe your own attic).<br />

Some of these have a simple phasing circuit built in with a front panel knob that allows<br />

the user to move the peak of the antenna pattern around some. With the possible addition<br />

of a wideband TV antenna preamplifier (available at RadioShack, among other<br />

places), such a setup may be perfectly adequate for scanner monitoring.<br />

Scanner Skyhooks<br />

Some popular scanners even cover much of the HF spectrum. For true SWLing on those<br />

bands, a random-length wire antenna ought to turn in decent performance, and it may<br />

even be able to do double duty as a VHF/UHF longwire antenna. Typically, this antenna<br />

is simply a 30- to 150-ft length of #14 wire attached to a distant support.<br />

Additional gain, about +3 dB, can be achieved by stacking VHF/UHF antennas together.<br />

Figure 19.11 shows a typical arrangement in which two half-wavelength dipole<br />

antennas are connected together through a quarter-wavelength harness of RG-59/U<br />

coaxial cable. This harness is physically shorter than an electrical quarter-wavelength<br />

by the velocity factor of the coaxial cable:<br />

vF<br />

L (inches) = 2832 (19.8)<br />

F(MHz)<br />

where L = length, in inches<br />

v F = velocity factor (typically 0.66 or 0.80 for common coax)<br />

F = frequency, in megahertz<br />

The antennas can be oriented in the same direction to increase gain, or orthogonally<br />

(as shown in Fig. 19.11) to obtain a more omnidirectional cloverleaf pattern.<br />

Because the impedance of two identical dipoles, fed in parallel, is one-half that of a<br />

single dipole, it is necessary to have an impedance-matching section made of RG-58/U<br />

coaxial cable. This cable is then fed with RG-59/U coax from the receiver.<br />

There is nothing magical about scanner antennas that is significantly different from<br />

other VHF/UHF antennas except, perhaps, the need to cover multiple frequency<br />

ranges. Although the designs might be optimized for VHF or UHF, these antennas are<br />

basically the same as others shown in this book. As a matter of fact, almost any antennas,<br />

from any chapter, can be used over at least part of the scanner spectrum.

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