

C h a p t e r 2 : r a d i o - W a v e P r o p a g a t i o n 27 Tropospheric path XMTR H t Tropospheric path D 2 Earth's surface D 1 Direct path space wave Refracted into ground D 3 Reflected path space wave RCVR Hr Figure 2.10 Space-wave propagation. The space wave and surface wave are both ground waves, but they behave differently enough to warrant separate consideration. The surface wave travels in direct contact with the earth’s surface and it suffers a severe frequency-dependent attenuation caused by continual contact with, and absorption by, the earth. The space wave is also a ground-wave phenomenon, but it is radiated from an antenna a wavelength or more above the surface. No part of the space wave normally travels in contact with the surface; VHF, UHF, and microwave signals are usually space waves. There are, however, two components of the space wave in many cases: direct and reflected (see Fig. 2.10). The tropospheric wave is lumped with the direct space wave in some texts, but it has unique properties in certain practical situations. The troposphere is the region of the earth’s atmosphere between the surface and the stratosphere, or about 4 to 7 mi above the surface. Thus, most forms of ground wave propagate in the troposphere. But because certain propagation phenomena (caused mostly by weather conditions) occur only at higher altitudes, tropospheric propagation should be differentiated from other forms of ground wave. Ground-Wave Propagation The ground wave, naturally enough, travels along the ground, or at least in close proximity to it. There are three basic forms of ground wave: space wave, surface wave, and tropospheric wave. The space wave does not actually touch the ground. As a result, space-wave attenuation as a function of distance in clear weather is about the same as in free space (except above about 10 GHz, where H 2 O and O 2 absorption increases dramatically). Of

28 p a r t I I : F u n d a m e n t a l s course, above the VHF region, weather conditions add attenuation not found in outer space. The surface wave is subject to the same attenuation factors as the space wave, but it also suffers ground losses. These losses are caused by ohmic resistive losses in the conductive earth. Bluntly stated, the signal heats up the ground! AM band broadcast stations utilize ground-mounted vertically polarized antennas to radiate a surface wave that provides good signal strength throughout their local coverage area but which relies on these ground losses to avoid interference to other broadcast stations on the same frequency in communities farther away. Surface-wave attenuation increases rapidly as frequency increases. For both forms of ground wave, reception is affected by the following factors: • Wavelength • Height of both the receiving and the transmitting antennas • Distance between antennas • Terrain along the transmission path • Weather along the transmission path • Ground losses (surface wave only) Figure 2.11 is a nomograph that can be used to calculate the line-of-sight distances in miles over a spherical earth, given a knowledge of both receiving and transmitting antenna heights. Similarly, Figs. 2.12A and 2.12B show power attenuation with frequency and distance (Fig. 2.12A), and power attenuation in terms of field intensity (Fig. 2.12B). Ground-wave communication also suffers another difficulty, especially at VHF, UHF, and microwave frequencies. The space wave is like a surface wave, but it is radiated from an antenna at least a wavelength above the earth’s surface. It consists of two components (see Fig. 2.10 again): the direct and reflected waves. If both of these components arrive at the receiving antenna, they will add algebraically (more accurately, vectorially) to either increase or decrease signal strength. There is always a phase shift between the two components because the two signal paths have different lengths (i.e., D 1 is less than D 2 + D 3 ). In addition, there may possibly be a 180-degree (π radians) phase reversal at the point of reflection (especially if the incident signal is horizontally polarized). If the overall phase shift experienced by the reflected wave as a result of path length differences and polarization shifts is an odd multiple of 180 degrees at the receiving antenna, as shown in Fig. 2.13, the net signal strength there will be reduced (destructive interference). Conversely, if the direct and reflected signals arrive in phase, the resulting signal strength is increased (constructive interference). The degree of cancellation or enhancement will, of course, depend on the relative amplitudes of the two signal components as they arrive at the receive antenna. The loss of signal over path D l can be characterized with a parametric term n that is defined as follows: n S S = r f (2.13)

28 p a r t I I : F u n d a m e n t a l s<br />

course, above the VHF region, weather conditions add attenuation not found in outer<br />

space.<br />

The surface wave is subject to the same attenuation factors as the space wave, but it<br />

also suffers ground losses. These losses are caused by ohmic resistive losses in the conductive<br />

earth. Bluntly stated, the signal heats up the ground! AM band broadcast stations<br />

utilize ground-mounted vertically polarized antennas to radiate a surface wave<br />

that provides good signal strength throughout their local coverage area but which relies<br />

on these ground losses to avoid interference to other broadcast stations on the same<br />

frequency in communities farther away.<br />

Surface-wave attenuation increases rapidly as frequency increases. For both forms<br />

of ground wave, reception is affected by the following factors:<br />

• Wavelength<br />

• Height of both the receiving and the transmitting antennas<br />

• Distance between antennas<br />

• Terrain along the transmission path<br />

• Weather along the transmission path<br />

• Ground losses (surface wave only)<br />

Figure 2.11 is a nomograph that can be used to calculate the line-of-sight distances<br />

in miles over a spherical earth, given a knowledge of both receiving and transmitting<br />

antenna heights. Similarly, Figs. 2.12A and 2.12B show power attenuation with frequency<br />

and distance (Fig. 2.12A), and power attenuation in terms of field intensity (Fig.<br />

2.12B).<br />

Ground-wave communication also suffers another difficulty, especially at VHF,<br />

UHF, and microwave frequencies. The space wave is like a surface wave, but it is radiated<br />

from an antenna at least a wavelength above the earth’s surface. It consists of two<br />

components (see Fig. 2.10 again): the direct and reflected waves. If both of these components<br />

arrive at the receiving antenna, they will add algebraically (more accurately, vectorially)<br />

to either increase or decrease signal strength. There is always a phase shift<br />

between the two components because the two signal paths have different lengths (i.e.,<br />

D 1 is less than D 2 + D 3 ). In addition, there may possibly be a 180-degree (π radians)<br />

phase reversal at the point of reflection (especially if the incident signal is horizontally<br />

polarized). If the overall phase shift experienced by the reflected wave as a result of<br />

path length differences and polarization shifts is an odd multiple of 180 degrees at the<br />

receiving antenna, as shown in Fig. 2.13, the net signal strength there will be reduced<br />

(destructive interference). Conversely, if the direct and reflected signals arrive in phase,<br />

the resulting signal strength is increased (constructive interference). The degree of cancellation<br />

or enhancement will, of course, depend on the relative amplitudes of the two<br />

signal components as they arrive at the receive antenna.<br />

The loss of signal over path D l can be characterized with a parametric term n that is<br />

defined as follows:<br />

n<br />

S<br />

S<br />

= r f<br />


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