

418 p a r t V I : a n t e n n a s f o r O t h e r F r e q u e n c i e s shelter, such as a coffee can or a child’s beach bucket. If you are using a matching capacitor, consider investing in a plastic storage container to enclose everything. • Don’t worry if property lines, driveways, or buildings keep you from making all the radials the same length. Just do the best you can. Radials in close proximity to the ground are not resonant, so their exact length is immaterial. One popular method of constructing the inverted-L employs an existing tower for the vertical section and a length of wire for the horizontal section. If you already have a 60-ft tower to accommodate a beam antenna used on higher frequencies, it is relatively easy to turn it into an inverted-L for 160 m. If the base of the tower and any guy wires are insulated, all that is necessary is to connect the shield of the coaxial feedline and the tips of the radials together at the bottom end of the insulator and connect the center conductor of the feedline (or one end of the matching capacitor) to one leg of the tower above the insulator. (But never connect copper wire directly to a galvanized tower. See Chap. 29 for additional information.) If the tower is not insulated from ground, run a wire up the side of it, using aluminum angle-stock with insulators, rigid PVC pipe, or a two-by-four from the hardware store to hold the vertical portion of the wire at least a few feet away from the tower. Depending on its natural electrical length, the tower may still affect the tuning of the inverted-L—becoming an incidental reradiator in the process—but that’s not necessarily bad. Keep in mind, however, that the effect of the tower may vary as feedlines to HF Yagis or other antennas at its top are switched in and out at their far end in the radio room. Like the little girl in the nursery rhyme, the inverted-L can be “very, very good”— but its success is far more related to the quality of its system of radials than it is to the exact height of the vertical section of radiator. The inverted-L can approach the performance of a full-size l/4 monopole, but only if these two factors are optimized: • The radial field must be extensive, so as to minimize losses in the earth beneath it. This is more important than for a full-size l/4 or taller vertical radiator because the radiation resistance of an inverted-L is typically lower (20 to 25 Ω) than that of the taller (37 Ω) vertical, Hence, it takes a lower ground resistance to dissipate no more transmitter power in ground losses, than in the case of the full-length l/4 radiator. • The total length of wire in the inverted-L should be at least 150 ft in order to get the high-current portion of the standing current out of the feedline and onto the open vertical portion of the antenna. Dual-Band Inverted-L Once you’ve gone to the trouble of erecting a wire antenna for 160 m, the natural question is “Can I use this on 80 m?” The answer is “Yes, but only with a different way of feeding it”. The problem with trying to use the 160 inverted-L on its second harmonic is that the impedance at the feedpoint, near the ground, is very high (high voltage, low current) because it is roughly l/2 from the far end of the wire. Instead of being close to that of the coaxial cable, the feedpoint impedance is apt to be a few thousand ohms. This can be matched with a good parallel-tuned ATU or a step-up transformer, but the system is likely to tune more sharply.

C h a p t e r 1 8 : a n t e n n a s f o r 1 6 0 M e t e r s 419 The second problem with using the antenna on its second harmonic is this: Much more of the transmitter power (roughly half, in fact) is going to be radiated from the horizontal section of wire. (The total wire is a half-wavelength on 80, and the current maximum is at the midpoint of the wire, at the point where the vertical and horizontal sections come together.) A work-around that minimizes both problems is to insert an 80-m trap at the top of the vertical section—or even a slight distance out on the horizontal section if the total vertical run is less than 60 ft or so. The trap will also permit some shortening of the horizontal top section, allowing the total wire length to be less than 150 ft. Phased Inverted-L Antennas Because it is inexpensive and normally series-fed, the inverted-L is an excellent candidate to be the basic element or building block of an all-driven 160-m phased array. All the considerations of Chaps. 5 and 11 for ensuring proper and stable phasing pertain to the inverted-L, as well. But inverted-Ls make good building blocks for parasitic arrays, too. Consider, for instance, an inline array of three inverted-Ls as being equivalent to one side of a vertically polarized three-element Yagi, the other side of each pseudo-Yagi element being replaced by ground. Using interelement spacings of 0.15l results in a total baseline (or boom equivalent) length of about 170 ft. Forward gain, F/B, etc., are then optimized by adjusting the vertical portions of the Reflector and Director, preferably with the aid of an antenna modeling program. Unlike the horizontal Yagi this array is derived from, a good radial system is required under each element for maximum efficiency and stability of parameters. Flat-Top or T Antenna If you are primarily interested in DXing, then you will want to minimize the amount of signal that you put straight up in the air. One way to do that, if you have the backyard space, is to convert the “inverted-L” into a “T” by extending another horizontal wire, exactly the same length as the existing horizontal segment, in the opposite direction (Fig. 18.7). Now whatever standing wave of current exists in the first horizontal wire will be balanced by an equal current in the opposite direction in the new wire.* At distant points nearly straight up (meaning the ionosphere directly above you), the total signal from the antenna will approach zero. The effect of this is to re-form the radiation pattern of the antenna such that nearly all the transmitter RF emanates from the vertical portion of the wire, thus increasing its low-angle performance—and coincidentally eliminating some of the azimuthal pattern skew introduced by the single horizontal wire. The flat- *You can see this by considering an instance when the current in the vertical portion of the antenna is flowing in the downward direction. Think of the two horizontal sections as having been created by splitting the original horizontal section of wire in half lengthwise. Since the two horizontal sections are part of the same quarter-wave monopole as the vertical section, the current in both of them must be flowing into the three-way junction at the top of the vertical section. For the current in both horizontal sections to be flowing into the junction, the current in the left-hand section must flow to the right, and the current in the right-hand section to the left. These two segments of wire constitute a two-element horizontally polarized array, and at any point in space directly above the antenna (or nearly so), the fields from the two wires cancel because they are of opposite polarity.

418 p a r t V I : a n t e n n a s f o r O t h e r F r e q u e n c i e s<br />

shelter, such as a coffee can or a child’s beach bucket. If you are using a matching<br />

capacitor, consider investing in a plastic storage container to enclose everything.<br />

• Don’t worry if property lines, driveways, or buildings keep you from making<br />

all the radials the same length. Just do the best you can. Radials in close proximity<br />

to the ground are not resonant, so their exact length is immaterial.<br />

One popular method of constructing the inverted-L employs an existing tower for<br />

the vertical section and a length of wire for the horizontal section. If you already have a<br />

60-ft tower to accommodate a beam antenna used on higher frequencies, it is relatively<br />

easy to turn it into an inverted-L for 160 m. If the base of the tower and any guy wires<br />

are insulated, all that is necessary is to connect the shield of the coaxial feedline and the<br />

tips of the radials together at the bottom end of the insulator and connect the center<br />

conductor of the feedline (or one end of the matching capacitor) to one leg of the tower<br />

above the insulator. (But never connect copper wire directly to a galvanized tower. See<br />

Chap. 29 for additional information.) If the tower is not insulated from ground, run a<br />

wire up the side of it, using aluminum angle-stock with insulators, rigid PVC pipe, or a<br />

two-by-four from the hardware store to hold the vertical portion of the wire at least<br />

a few feet away from the tower. Depending on its natural electrical length, the tower<br />

may still affect the tuning of the inverted-L—becoming an incidental reradiator in the<br />

process—but that’s not necessarily bad. Keep in mind, however, that the effect of the<br />

tower may vary as feedlines to HF Yagis or other antennas at its top are switched in and<br />

out at their far end in the radio room.<br />

Like the little girl in the nursery rhyme, the inverted-L can be “very, very good”—<br />

but its success is far more related to the quality of its system of radials than it is to the<br />

exact height of the vertical section of radiator. The inverted-L can approach the performance<br />

of a full-size l/4 monopole, but only if these two factors are optimized:<br />

• The radial field must be extensive, so as to minimize losses in the earth beneath<br />

it. This is more important than for a full-size l/4 or taller vertical radiator<br />

because the radiation resistance of an inverted-L is typically lower (20 to 25 Ω)<br />

than that of the taller (37 Ω) vertical, Hence, it takes a lower ground resistance<br />

to dissipate no more transmitter power in ground losses, than in the case of the<br />

full-length l/4 radiator.<br />

• The total length of wire in the inverted-L should be at least 150 ft in order to get<br />

the high-current portion of the standing current out of the feedline and onto the<br />

open vertical portion of the antenna.<br />

Dual-Band Inverted-L<br />

Once you’ve gone to the trouble of erecting a wire antenna for 160 m, the natural question<br />

is “Can I use this on 80 m?” The answer is “Yes, but only with a different way of<br />

feeding it”. The problem with trying to use the 160 inverted-L on its second harmonic is<br />

that the impedance at the feedpoint, near the ground, is very high (high voltage, low<br />

current) because it is roughly l/2 from the far end of the wire. Instead of being close to<br />

that of the coaxial cable, the feedpoint impedance is apt to be a few thousand ohms.<br />

This can be matched with a good parallel-tuned ATU or a step-up transformer, but the<br />

system is likely to tune more sharply.

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