

414 p a r t V I : a n t e n n a s f o r O t h e r F r e q u e n c i e s 90' tower 6 H 440 pF 160 Tower insulator 75/80 40 440 pF To XMTR 15 H 440 pF 2 H Figure 18.5 Methods for matching a series-fed tower.

C h a p t e r 1 8 : a n t e n n a s f o r 1 6 0 M e t e r s 415 If the decision to insulate the tower from ground has been made, the insulator section is not limited to being located at ground level. A number of DXers and contesters are using elevated-base ground-plane antennas on 160 m. One advantage is that fewer radials are needed; if the base of the ground plane is l/8 or higher above earth ground, somewhere between four and eight elevated radials will provide ground efficiencies comparable to 20 or more radials lying on the ground for a vertical monopole whose (insulated) base is at ground level. The big disadvantage, of course, is that, all other things being equal, the overall height of the tower increases by as much as l/8, or 65 ft! But see Chap. 30 for a clever alternative. Finally, it’s worth explicitly noting when considering any form of insulated-base vertical: • Insulated-base towers are more expensive. • Lightning protection is simpler with a grounded-base tower. Phased Verticals Almost all serious topband DXers employ arrays of phased verticals to add transmit gain in switch-selectable compass directions. To maximize radiation efficiency and bandwidth, most try to make the array elements l/4 tall or higher, but arrays of shortened verticals have merit, as well, as long as the user takes pains to minimize losses in ground systems and matching units. One favorite form of array on 160 m (and 80 m, too) is the four-square (also written 4-square). In general, these arrays are base-insulated and series-fed; because of this, some amateurs install them as much as l/8 above ground and use elevated radials. Whether elevated or ground-mounted, a 160-m four-square of l/4 elements is a marvel to behold! Typically, feedpoint currents are phased as 0 degrees in the rear element, –90 degrees in the two side elements, and –180 degrees in the front element (i.e., the element nearest the desired direction for maximum gain), but many variations in both element phasing and interelement spacing to optimize one or another parameter exist. The definitive compendium of the many forms these arrays can take is “ON4UN’s Low-Band DXing” by John Devoldere, available from ARRL. Four-squares are all-driven arrays, but parasitic arrays are equally useful and often quite a bit less expensive or time-intensive to install. For most of us, any array of fullsize l/4 elements does not fall in our definition of “practical”, so we won’t devote any more space to them. However, some very worthy—and practical— alternatives exist. Chief among those—whether employed in an all-driven or a parasitic array—is the inverted-L, described later in this chapter. Of course, the use of directional arrays for transmitting antennas enhances their utility as receiving arrays. Some operators have run A/B tests comparing full-size foursquares with dedicated receive antennas, such as 1l to 2l Beverages and concluded that these transmitting arrays are usually as good as or better than the specialized receiving antennas. But then again, as the saying goes, “You can never have too many antennas!” Horizontal Antennas Although subject to the limitations discussed at the beginning of this chapter, a horizontal dipole can be an inexpensive solution to the problem of putting out a decent

C h a p t e r 1 8 : a n t e n n a s f o r 1 6 0 M e t e r s 415<br />

If the decision to insulate the tower from ground has been made, the insulator section<br />

is not limited to being located at ground level. A number of DXers and contesters<br />

are using elevated-base ground-plane antennas on 160 m. One advantage is that fewer radials<br />

are needed; if the base of the ground plane is l/8 or higher above earth ground,<br />

somewhere between four and eight elevated radials will provide ground efficiencies<br />

comparable to 20 or more radials lying on the ground for a vertical monopole whose<br />

(insulated) base is at ground level. The big disadvantage, of course, is that, all other<br />

things being equal, the overall height of the tower increases by as much as l/8, or 65 ft!<br />

But see Chap. 30 for a clever alternative.<br />

Finally, it’s worth explicitly noting when considering any form of insulated-base<br />

vertical:<br />

• Insulated-base towers are more expensive.<br />

• Lightning protection is simpler with a grounded-base tower.<br />

Phased Verticals<br />

Almost all serious topband DXers employ arrays of phased verticals to add transmit<br />

gain in switch-selectable compass directions. To maximize radiation efficiency and<br />

bandwidth, most try to make the array elements l/4 tall or higher, but arrays of shortened<br />

verticals have merit, as well, as long as the user takes pains to minimize losses in<br />

ground systems and matching units.<br />

One favorite form of array on 160 m (and 80 m, too) is the four-square (also written<br />

4-square). In general, these arrays are base-insulated and series-fed; because of this,<br />

some amateurs install them as much as l/8 above ground and use elevated radials.<br />

Whether elevated or ground-mounted, a 160-m four-square of l/4 elements is a marvel<br />

to behold!<br />

Typically, feedpoint currents are phased as 0 degrees in the rear element, –90 degrees<br />

in the two side elements, and –180 degrees in the front element (i.e., the element<br />

nearest the desired direction for maximum gain), but many variations in both element<br />

phasing and interelement spacing to optimize one or another parameter exist. The definitive<br />

compendium of the many forms these arrays can take is “ON4UN’s Low-Band<br />

DXing” by John Devoldere, available from ARRL.<br />

Four-squares are all-driven arrays, but parasitic arrays are equally useful and often<br />

quite a bit less expensive or time-intensive to install. For most of us, any array of fullsize<br />

l/4 elements does not fall in our definition of “practical”, so we won’t devote any<br />

more space to them. However, some very worthy—and practical— alternatives exist.<br />

Chief among those—whether employed in an all-driven or a parasitic array—is the<br />

inverted-L, described later in this chapter.<br />

Of course, the use of directional arrays for transmitting antennas enhances their<br />

utility as receiving arrays. Some operators have run A/B tests comparing full-size foursquares<br />

with dedicated receive antennas, such as 1l to 2l Beverages and concluded that<br />

these transmitting arrays are usually as good as or better than the specialized receiving<br />

antennas. But then again, as the saying goes, “You can never have too many antennas!”<br />

Horizontal <strong>Antenna</strong>s<br />

Although subject to the limitations discussed at the beginning of this chapter, a horizontal<br />

dipole can be an inexpensive solution to the problem of putting out a decent

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