

C h a p t e r 2 : r a d i o - W a v e P r o p a g a t i o n 23 Incident wave Less dense More dense (Note: a i a r ) a i Line perpendicular to surface a r Refracted wave Reflected wave Original path Zone A Zone B Figure 2.8A Reflection and refraction phenomena. sible for both reflection and refraction to occur in the same system. Indeed, more than one form of refraction might be present. More on these topics later. Diffraction is shown in Fig. 2.8B. In this case, an advancing wavefront encounters an opaque object (e.g., a steel building). The shadow zone behind the building is not simply perpendicular to the wave but takes on a cone shape as waves bend around the object. The “umbra region” (or diffraction zone) between the shadow zone (“cone of silence”) and the direct propagation zone is a region of weak (but not zero) signal strength. In practical situations, signal strength in the cone of silence rarely reaches zero. Also, it is not uncommon for a certain amount of reflected signal scattered from other surfaces to fill in the shadow a little bit. The degree of diffraction effect seen in any given case is a function of the wavelength of the signal relative to the dimensions of the object and the object’s electromagnetic Âproperties. Dispersion can be seen in the spreading of a beam of white light into its separate colors, such as happens with a prism. It is a direct result of the angle of refraction for a Figure 2.8B Diffraction phenomena.

24 p a r t I I : F u n d a m e n t a l s medium varying with frequency. We will have occasion to discuss dispersion further when we discuss modes of fading over propagation paths. Diffraction Phenomena Electromagnetic waves diffract when they encounter a radio-opaque object. The degree of diffraction and the resulting harm or benefit are frequency related. Above 3 GHz, wavelengths are so small (approximately 10 cm) compared to object sizes that large attenuation of the signal occurs. In addition, beamwidths (a function of antenna size compared with wavelength) tend to be small enough above 3 GHz that blockage of propagation by obstacles is much more effective. Earlier in this chapter, large-scale diffraction around structures (such as buildings) was discussed in conjunction with Fig. 2.8B, a top-down view of diffraction effects in the horizontal plane. But there is also a diffraction phenomenon in the vertical plane. Terrain or man-made objects intervening in the path between UHF microwave stations (Fig. 2.9A) cause diffraction, along with the concomitant signal attenuation. There is a minimum clearance required to prevent severe attenuation (more than 20 to 30 dB, say) from diffraction. Calculation of the required clearance comes from Huygens-Fresnel wave theory. Consider Fig. 2.9B. A wave source A, which might be a transmitter antenna, transmits a wavefront to a destination C (receiver antenna). At any point along path A-C, you can look at the wavefront as a partial spherical surface (B l -B 2 ) on which all wave rays have the same phase. This plane can be called an isophase plane. You can assume that the d n /d h refraction gradient over the height extent of the wavefront is small enough to be considered negligible. Figure 2.9A Terrain masking of VHF and higher-frequency signals.

24 p a r t I I : F u n d a m e n t a l s<br />

medium varying with frequency. We will have occasion to discuss dispersion further<br />

when we discuss modes of fading over propagation paths.<br />

Diffraction Phenomena<br />

Electromagnetic waves diffract when they encounter a radio-opaque object. The degree<br />

of diffraction and the resulting harm or benefit are frequency related. Above 3 GHz,<br />

wavelengths are so small (approximately 10 cm) compared to object sizes that large attenuation<br />

of the signal occurs. In addition, beamwidths (a function of antenna size compared<br />

with wavelength) tend to be small enough above 3 GHz that blockage of<br />

propagation by obstacles is much more effective.<br />

Earlier in this chapter, large-scale diffraction around structures (such as buildings)<br />

was discussed in conjunction with Fig. 2.8B, a top-down view of diffraction effects in<br />

the horizontal plane. But there is also a diffraction phenomenon in the vertical plane.<br />

Terrain or man-made objects intervening in the path between UHF microwave stations<br />

(Fig. 2.9A) cause diffraction, along with the concomitant signal attenuation. There is a<br />

minimum clearance required to prevent severe attenuation (more than 20 to 30 dB, say)<br />

from diffraction. Calculation of the required clearance comes from Huygens-Fresnel<br />

wave theory.<br />

Consider Fig. 2.9B. A wave source A, which might be a transmitter antenna, transmits<br />

a wavefront to a destination C (receiver antenna). At any point along path A-C, you<br />

can look at the wavefront as a partial spherical surface (B l -B 2 ) on which all wave rays<br />

have the same phase. This plane can be called an isophase plane. You can assume that the<br />

d n /d h refraction gradient over the height extent of the wavefront is small enough to be<br />

considered negligible.<br />

Figure 2.9A Terrain masking of VHF and higher-frequency signals.

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