

358 p a r t V : h i g h - F r e q u e n c y A n t e n n a s f o r S p e c i a l i z e d U s e s Figure 14.18 Coaxial-cable shielded loop. The EWE Antenna In 1995 Floyd Koonce, WA2VWL, published details of his EWE antenna, which provides MF and low HF receiving directivity in a much smaller footprint than a Beverage antenna. The acronym EWE is not only descriptive (Earth-Wire-Earth) but a play on words, as well, since the antenna has the shape of an inverted “U” (in response to which the author can only say “Bah!”). The EWE of Fig. 14.19 functions much as if it were a two-element phased array of short verticals. However, like the Beverage, the EWE is a traveling wave antenna. Directivity is a result of phase and amplitude differences between the two vertical segments; these differences, in turn, originate in the length of the horizontal wire connecting the vertical runs, the value of the termination resistor, and the fact that a current flowing upward in one vertical segment flows downward in the other. Unlike the Beverage, the EWE receives from the end of the antenna opposite the termination resistor. Because the antenna is not a resonant device, it is relatively broadband in operation, although the optimum value of termination resistance varies with frequency (and with the exact characteristics of the ground beneath the antenna). The value of the termination is best set by tuning for a null off the back of the antenna by listening to appropriate stations in the AM broadcast band or on 160 m. Typical values for the termination resistor are in the 700- to 900-Ω range. The input impedance is somewhat lower and is a reasonably Incoming signal 10-15' 40-50' 10-15' good match to 50-Ω coax and receiver inputs via a 9:1 transformer. Although the EWE requires a much smaller space than a Beverage antenna, to achieve its full po- To Receiver 1:3 700-1400 Figure 14.19 EWE antenna.

C h a p t e r 1 4 : r e c e i v i n g A n t e n n a s f o r H i g h F r e q u e n c y 359 tential it needs to be kept away from other conductors. This constraint can substantially increase the actual space required by the EWE. Pennants, Flags, and the K9AY Loop The appearance of the EWE inspired other experimentally inclined radio amateurs to develop additional low-band receiving antennas for small spaces. Subsequent to publication of the EWE, at least three new single-turn terminated loop designs came into being. As is the case with the EWE, for those lacking the necessary space for a set of Beverage antennas, these loops provide an alternative, although those fortunate enough to have the space for both generally report hearing a little bit better with their Beverages. Directivity of this family of loops is based on constructive versus destructive combining of the E- and H-fields that constitute an arriving radio wave. An arriving E-field in the plane of the loop induces a voltage in the loop just as it would in any other short (relative to wavelength) wire. The associated H-field at right angles to the loop plane induces a current in the loop that becomes a voltage across the terminating resistor. When these fields arrive from one direction, the two voltages sum; when arriving from the opposite direction, they subtract. Figure 14.20 depicts the K9AY terminated loop. Exact shape of the loop is not critical, but the bottom leg must come near earth for the termination and transformer ground connections. The total length of wire in the loop is about 85 ft, and a single support only 25 ft tall is required. The feedpoint impedance is similar to that of a typical Beverage, so a 9:1 transformer is required. Like the EWE and unlike the Beverage, however, the direction of maximum signal pickup is opposite the terminated end. The pattern of the K9AY loop is unidirectional. By using relays to switch the termination and feedpoint, one loop can be switched between two opposing directions. Two loops, at right angles to each other and similarly switched, can provide four directions from a single fixed mast. Like the other members of the pennant and flag family, the K9AY loop is quite sensitive to detuning from nearby conductors. As a result, some of its impressive space savings are not always fully realizable if the user also has transmitting antennas and towers nearby. Proper operation of the K9AY is fairly sensitive to the exact value of the termination resistor and depends on both the operating frequency and the actual characteristics of the ground beneath the antenna. Many implementations use a remotely controlled termination resistor to optimize the depth of the null to the rear as the received frequency is changed and to compensate for seasonal variations in soil Incoming signal 25' 2' 15' R T = 500 3:1 turns characteristics. In many operating scenarios, the value of this antenna is likely to be more for its null off the rear than for any forward directivity it exhibits. But that’s quite appropriate for much of the weak-signal work that occurs on the 160- and 80-m amateur bands, or when broadcast band DXing. To receiver Figure 14.20 K9AY loop.

C h a p t e r 1 4 : r e c e i v i n g A n t e n n a s f o r H i g h F r e q u e n c y 359<br />

tential it needs to be kept away from other conductors. This constraint can substantially<br />

increase the actual space required by the EWE.<br />

Pennants, Flags, and the K9AY Loop<br />

The appearance of the EWE inspired other experimentally inclined radio amateurs to<br />

develop additional low-band receiving antennas for small spaces. Subsequent to publication<br />

of the EWE, at least three new single-turn terminated loop designs came into<br />

being. As is the case with the EWE, for those lacking the necessary space for a set of Beverage<br />

antennas, these loops provide an alternative, although those fortunate enough to<br />

have the space for both generally report hearing a little bit better with their Beverages.<br />

Directivity of this family of loops is based on constructive versus destructive combining<br />

of the E- and H-fields that constitute an arriving radio wave. An arriving E-field<br />

in the plane of the loop induces a voltage in the loop just as it would in any other short<br />

(relative to wavelength) wire. The associated H-field at right angles to the loop plane<br />

induces a current in the loop that becomes a voltage across the terminating resistor.<br />

When these fields arrive from one direction, the two voltages sum; when arriving from<br />

the opposite direction, they subtract.<br />

Figure 14.20 depicts the K9AY terminated loop. Exact shape of the loop is not critical,<br />

but the bottom leg must come near earth for the termination and transformer<br />

ground connections. The total length of wire in the loop is about 85 ft, and a single support<br />

only 25 ft tall is required. The feedpoint impedance is similar to that of a typical<br />

Beverage, so a 9:1 transformer is required. Like the EWE and unlike the Beverage, however,<br />

the direction of maximum signal pickup is opposite the terminated end.<br />

The pattern of the K9AY loop is unidirectional. By using relays to switch the termination<br />

and feedpoint, one loop can be switched between two opposing directions. Two<br />

loops, at right angles to each other and similarly switched, can provide four directions<br />

from a single fixed mast.<br />

Like the other members of the pennant and flag family, the K9AY loop is quite sensitive<br />

to detuning from nearby conductors. As a result, some of its impressive space savings<br />

are not always fully realizable if the user also has transmitting antennas and towers<br />

nearby. Proper operation of the K9AY is fairly sensitive to the exact value of the termination<br />

resistor and depends on both the operating frequency and the actual characteristics<br />

of the ground beneath the antenna. Many implementations use a remotely<br />

controlled termination resistor to optimize the depth of the null to the rear as the received<br />

frequency is changed and to compensate<br />

for seasonal variations in soil<br />

Incoming<br />

signal 25'<br />

2'<br />

15'<br />

R T = 500 3:1 turns<br />

characteristics.<br />

In many operating scenarios, the value<br />

of this antenna is likely to be more for its<br />

null off the rear than for any forward directivity<br />

it exhibits. But that’s quite appropriate<br />

for much of the weak-signal work that<br />

occurs on the 160- and 80-m amateur bands,<br />

or when broadcast band DXing.<br />

To receiver<br />

Figure 14.20 K9AY loop.

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