

342 p a r t V : h i g h - F r e q u e n c y A n t e n n a s f o r S p e c i a l i z e d U s e s has been around for years. The second is a whole new class of small, single-turn loops that emulate the directivity of large transmitting loops while exploiting size reduction design techniques uniquely available to receiving antennas that do not need to exhibit RF efficiency. Small Loop Receiving Antennas Radio direction finders and people who listen to the AM broadcasting bands, VLF, Âmedium-wave, or the so-called low-frequency tropical bands are all candidates for a small loop antenna. These antennas are fundamentally different from the large (transmitting) loops of Chap. 7 and the multielement versions of Chap. 13. Large loop antennas typically have a total wire length of 0.5l or greater. Small loop antennas, on the other hand, have an overall total conductor length that is less than about 0.1l. Earlier in this book we talked about the importance of proper physical configuration to efficient performance as a radiating antenna by a conductor. In particular, we pointed out that a half-wavelength of copper wire that is wound into a tight coil is a poor antenna and is best treated as a lumped-circuit inductor. Now we go a step further and note that a small loop antenna responds to the magnetic field component of the electromagnetic wave instead of the electrical field component. (Remember from high school science class that passing a bar magnet back and forth rapidly through the interior of a multiturn coil produces temporary voltages across the terminals of the coil. Consider the time-varying magnetic field in a transmitted wave as analogous to the movement of the bar magnet.) Thus we see a principal difference between a large loop (total conductor length greater than 0.1l) and a small loop when examining the RF currents induced in either loop when a signal intercepts it. In a large loop, the current is a standing wave that varies (sinusoidally) from one point in the conductor to another, much like a dipole, and we analyze its operation in much the same way we have examined dipoles; in the small loop antenna, the current is the same throughout the entire loop. Since the electric and magnetic fields of a radiated wave in free space are at right angles to each other and to the direction the wave propagates through space, and since we are primarily listening for vertically polarized signals with loops, the magnetic field is oriented horizontally, or nearly so. The differences between small loops and large loops show up in some interesting ways, but perhaps the most striking difference is found in the directions of maximum response—the main lobes—and the directions of the nulls. Both types of loops produce figure eight patterns but at right angles with respect to each other. The large loop antenna produces main lobes that are orthogonal—i.e., at right angles or “broadside”— to the plane of the loop. Nulls are off the sides of the loop. The small loop, however, is exactly the opposite: the main lobes are off the sides of the loop (in the plane of the loop), and the nulls are broadside to the loop plane (Fig. 14.6A). Do not confuse small loop behavior with the behavior of the loopstick antenna. Loopstick antennas are made of coils of wire wound on a ferrite or powdered-iron rod. The direction of maximum response for the loopstick antenna is broadside to the rod, with deep nulls off the ends (Fig. 14.6B). Both loopsticks and small wire loops are used for radio directionfinding and for shortwave, low-frequency medium-wave, AM broadcast band, and VLF listening. The nulls of a loop antenna are very sharp and very deep. If you point a loop antenna so that its null is aimed at a strong station, the signal strength of the station ap-

C h a p t e r 1 4 : r e c e i v i n g A n t e n n a s f o r H i g h F r e q u e n c y 343 Figure 14.6A Small loop antenna. pears to drop dramatically at the center of the notch. Turn the antenna only a few degrees one way or the other, however, and the signal strength increases sharply. The depth of the null can reach 10 to 15 dB on sloppily constructed loops and 30 to 40 dB on well-built units (30 dB is a very common value), and there have been claims of 60-dB nulls for some commercially available loop antennas. The construction and uniformity of the loop are primary factors in the sharpness and depth of the null.

342 p a r t V : h i g h - F r e q u e n c y A n t e n n a s f o r S p e c i a l i z e d U s e s<br />

has been around for years. The second is a whole new class of small, single-turn loops<br />

that emulate the directivity of large transmitting loops while exploiting size reduction<br />

design techniques uniquely available to receiving antennas that do not need to exhibit<br />

RF efficiency.<br />

Small Loop Receiving <strong>Antenna</strong>s<br />

Radio direction finders and people who listen to the AM broadcasting bands, VLF,<br />

Âmedium-wave, or the so-called low-frequency tropical bands are all candidates for a<br />

small loop antenna. These antennas are fundamentally different from the large (transmitting)<br />

loops of Chap. 7 and the multielement versions of Chap. 13. Large loop antennas<br />

typically have a total wire length of 0.5l or greater. Small loop antennas, on the<br />

other hand, have an overall total conductor length that is less than about 0.1l.<br />

Earlier in this book we talked about the importance of proper physical configuration<br />

to efficient performance as a radiating antenna by a conductor. In particular, we<br />

pointed out that a half-wavelength of copper wire that is wound into a tight coil is a<br />

poor antenna and is best treated as a lumped-circuit inductor. Now we go a step further<br />

and note that a small loop antenna responds to the magnetic field component of the<br />

electromagnetic wave instead of the electrical field component. (Remember from high<br />

school science class that passing a bar magnet back and forth rapidly through the interior<br />

of a multiturn coil produces temporary voltages across the terminals of the coil.<br />

Consider the time-varying magnetic field in a transmitted wave as analogous to the<br />

movement of the bar magnet.)<br />

Thus we see a principal difference between a large loop (total conductor length<br />

greater than 0.1l) and a small loop when examining the RF currents induced in either<br />

loop when a signal intercepts it. In a large loop, the current is a standing wave that varies<br />

(sinusoidally) from one point in the conductor to another, much like a dipole, and<br />

we analyze its operation in much the same way we have examined dipoles; in the small<br />

loop antenna, the current is the same throughout the entire loop.<br />

Since the electric and magnetic fields of a radiated wave in free space are at right<br />

angles to each other and to the direction the wave propagates through space, and since<br />

we are primarily listening for vertically polarized signals with loops, the magnetic field<br />

is oriented horizontally, or nearly so.<br />

The differences between small loops and large loops show up in some interesting<br />

ways, but perhaps the most striking difference is found in the directions of maximum<br />

response—the main lobes—and the directions of the nulls. Both types of loops produce<br />

figure eight patterns but at right angles with respect to each other. The large loop<br />

antenna produces main lobes that are orthogonal—i.e., at right angles or “broadside”—<br />

to the plane of the loop. Nulls are off the sides of the loop. The small loop, however, is<br />

exactly the opposite: the main lobes are off the sides of the loop (in the plane of the<br />

loop), and the nulls are broadside to the loop plane (Fig. 14.6A). Do not confuse small<br />

loop behavior with the behavior of the loopstick antenna. Loopstick antennas are<br />

made of coils of wire wound on a ferrite or powdered-iron rod. The direction of maximum<br />

response for the loopstick antenna is broadside to the rod, with deep nulls off the<br />

ends (Fig. 14.6B). Both loopsticks and small wire loops are used for radio directionfinding<br />

and for shortwave, low-frequency medium-wave, AM broadcast band, and<br />

VLF listening.<br />

The nulls of a loop antenna are very sharp and very deep. If you point a loop antenna<br />

so that its null is aimed at a strong station, the signal strength of the station ap-

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