

C h a p t e r 2 : r a d i o - W a v e P r o p a g a t i o n 17 distributed over an area (B) that is four times as large as area A. Thus, the power density falls off according to 1/d 2 , where d is the distance from the source. This is called the inverse square law. An advancing wave can experience additional reductions in amplitude when it passes through matter. In this case, true dissipative attenuation may indeed occur. For instance, at some very high microwave frequencies there is additional path loss as a result of the oxygen and water vapor content of the air surrounding our globe. At other frequencies, losses originating in other materials can be found. These effects are highly dependent on the relationship of molecular distances to the wavelength of the incident wave. For many frequencies of interest, the effect is extremely small, and we can pretend radio waves in our own atmosphere behave almost as though they were in the vacuum of free space. Many materials, such as wood, that are opaque throughout the spectrum of visible light are fundamentally transparent at most, if not all, radio frequencies. Isotropic Sources In dealing with both antenna theory and radio-wave propagation, a totally fictitious device called an isotropic source (or isotropic radiator) is sometimes used for the sake of comparison, and for simpler arithmetic. You will see the isotropic model mentioned several places in this book. An isotropic source is a very tiny spherical source that radiates energy equally well in all directions. The radiation pattern is thus a perfect sphere with the isotropic antenna at the center. Because such a spherical source generates uniform output in all directions, and its geometry is easily determined mathematically, the signal intensities at all points can be calculated from basic geometric principles. Just don’t forget: Despite all its advantages, there is no such thing in real life as an isotropic source! For the isotropic case, the average power in the extended sphere is Pt = (2.6) 4π d P av 2 where P av = average power per unit area on surface of spherical wavefront P t = total power radiated by source d = radius of sphere in meters (i.e., distance from radiator to point in question) The effective aperture (A e ) of a receiving antenna is a measure of its ability to collect power from the EM wave and deliver it to the load. Although typically smaller than the surface area of a real antenna, for the theoretical isotropic case, A e = l 2 /4π. The power delivered to the load is then the incident power density times the effective collecting area of the receiving isotropic antenna, or P = P A (2.7) L By combining Eqs. (2.6) and (2.7), the power delivered to a load at distance d is given by av e Pl 2 t L = (4π) 2 2 d P (2.8)

18 p a r t I I : F u n d a m e n t a l s where P L = power to load l = wavelength (c/f ) of signal From these expressions, we can then derive an expression for ordinary free-space path losses between an isotropic transmitter antenna and a receiver antenna (see App. A for an explanation of logarithms): ⎛ P ⎞ t L = 10 log ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ P ⎠ or, by rearranging to account for individual terms: L = [20log d] + [20log F] + k (2.10) L (2.9) where L = path loss in decibels (dB) d = path length F = frequency in megahertz (MHz) k is a constant that depends on the units of d as follows: k = 32.4 if d in kilometers = 36.58 if d in statute miles = 37.80 if d in nautical miles = –37.87 if d in feet = –27.55 if d in meters The radiated sphere of energy gets ever larger as the wave propagates away from the isotropic source. At a great distance from the center, a small slice of the advancing wavefront is essentially a flat plane, as in Fig. 2.5. (This situation is analogous to the apparent flatness of the prairie in the midwestern United States, even though the surface of the earth is really spherical.) If you could see the electric and magnetic field vectors, they would appear to be at right angles to each other in the flat-plane wavefront. The polarization of an EM wave is, by definition, the direction or orientation of the electric field with respect to some agreed-upon reference. In most cases, the reference is the earth’s surface, although that may well be meaningless for antennas in outer space. In Figure 2.5 A spherical wavefront far from the source can be treated as a plane wave with E- and H-fields at right angles to each other.

18 p a r t I I : F u n d a m e n t a l s<br />

where<br />

P L = power to load<br />

l = wavelength (c/f ) of signal<br />

From these expressions, we can then derive an expression for ordinary free-space path<br />

losses between an isotropic transmitter antenna and a receiver antenna (see App. A for<br />

an explanation of logarithms):<br />

⎛ P ⎞<br />

t<br />

L = 10 log ⎜ ⎟<br />

⎝ P ⎠<br />

or, by rearranging to account for individual terms:<br />

L = [20log d] + [20log F] + k<br />

(2.10)<br />

L<br />

(2.9)<br />

where L = path loss in decibels (dB)<br />

d = path length<br />

F = frequency in megahertz (MHz)<br />

k is a constant that depends on the units of d as follows:<br />

k = 32.4 if d in kilometers<br />

= 36.58 if d in statute miles<br />

= 37.80 if d in nautical miles<br />

= –37.87 if d in feet<br />

= –27.55 if d in meters<br />

The radiated sphere of energy gets ever larger as the wave propagates away from<br />

the isotropic source. At a great distance from the center, a small slice of the advancing<br />

wavefront is essentially a flat plane, as in Fig. 2.5. (This situation is analogous to the<br />

apparent flatness of the prairie in the<br />

midwestern United States, even though<br />

the surface of the earth is really spherical.)<br />

If you could see the electric and<br />

magnetic field vectors, they would appear<br />

to be at right angles to each other<br />

in the flat-plane wavefront.<br />

The polarization of an EM wave is,<br />

by definition, the direction or orientation<br />

of the electric field with respect to<br />

some agreed-upon reference. In most<br />

cases, the reference is the earth’s surface,<br />

although that may well be meaningless<br />

for antennas in outer space. In<br />

Figure 2.5 A spherical wavefront far from the<br />

source can be treated as a plane wave with E-<br />

and H-fields at right angles to each other.

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