

316 P a r t I V : D i r e c t i o n a l H i g h - F r e q u e n c y A n t e n n a A r r a y s Because it is a full-wavelength antenna, with each side a quarter-wavelength long and fed at a current loop in the center of one side, the voltage maxima occur l/4 from the feedpoint in either direction. At those maxima the wire loop is continuous (in contrast to the open-circuited element tips of a dipole or Yagi), thus substantially reducing the tendency to arc. In addition to the reduction in coronal noise identified by Clarence Moore, the quad loop antenna is preferred by many people over a dipole for two other reasons: • The quad loop requires a smaller footprint for a given frequency or band because it is only a quarter-wavelength long across the top or bottom (dimension A in Fig. 13.1). • The loop form is reported by many to make it less susceptible to local electromagnetic interference (EMI) and precipitation static. The quad loop of Fig. 13.1 can be used by itself with the loop orientation in any plane whatsoever. It can also be used as the basic building block for a multielement cubical quad. When fed at the center of a horizontal side, the single-element loop will exhibit a horizontally polarized figure eight azimuthal radiation pattern similar to a dipole’s, but the elevation pattern will be squashed in amplitude at high angles. The reason for this can be seen by recognizing that the quad loop is actually a simple example of an array, which we discussed in Chaps. 5 and 10. In particular, the loop consists of two “bent” dipoles whose centers are spaced l/4 apart. When fed as described (i.e., horizontally polarized) and compared to a l/2 dipole having the same orientation as the fed leg of the loop, the quad loop exhibits about 1 dB greater broadside gain in free space. Factors keeping the quad from realizing full stacking gain of a two-element array are the closeness of the two bent dipoles and the mutual coupling effects between the two. Just as a Yagi is formed from a l/2 driven element in conjunction with reflectors and directors, a multielement cubical quad consists of a driven quad loop and one or more parasitic loops whose actual or electrical lengths have been adjusted slightly from a nominal l/2 so that each acts as a reflector or a director. In practice, two-, three-, and four-element cubical quads are commonly found. Quad versus Yagi In the years since Clarence Moore’s article there has been a running controversy regarding the performance of quads as compared to other beam antennas, particularly the Yagi. Some users claim that the two-element cubical quad has a forward gain of about 1.5 to 2 dB more than a two-element Yagi (with a comparable boom length between the two elements). In addition, some claim that the quad has a lower angle of radiation. Many feel that the quad seems to work better at low heights above the earth’s surface but that the difference disappears at heights greater than a half-wavelength. One difficulty with any of the comparisons is defining the “height” of a quad. When comparing quads to Yagis, for instance, do you put the height of the top wire on the quad loop at the same height as the Yagi or do you set the equivalent boom heights (i.e., the center of each array in the vertical plane) to be the same? Another difficulty is deciding what performance measures are most important. Forward gain? Front-to-back (F/B) or front-to-side (F/S) ratio? VSWR bandwidth? Gain bandwidth? Total weight? Wind load? Boom length? Ease of installation? These are

C h a p t e r 1 3 : C u b i c a l Q u a d s a n d D e l t a L o o p s 317 important choices to make early on because, as a general rule, in neither Yagis nor quads do maximum forward gain, F/B, F/S, and bandwidth occur at the same dimensions or frequency. With the availability of good modeling software, we can get at some of the comparisons, but the ultimate decision as to which type of antenna is “better” will depend on how these various parameters are prioritized. To expose some of the tradeoffs, the author recently modeled (for 15 m) a quad loop against a dipole and then a two-element quad against a two-element Yagi using EZNEC 5+. All were fed and oriented for horizontal polarization. Subject to the assumptions in the author’s model for each antenna, the results for a single element indicate: • In free space a single-element square loop exhibits about 1.5 dB better broadside gain than a single bent dipole whose center has the same orientation as the fed leg of the loop. But since a bent dipole has lost about 0.5 dB of broadside gain compared to a standard l/2 dipole that is horizontal across its entire length, the loop is only about 1 dB better than a conventional l/2 dipole in free space. • Compared to a conventional horizontally polarized l/2 dipole at the same height above “average” ground as the top (horizontal) leg of a loop fed at the center of either the top or bottom leg, the loop exhibits lower broadside lobe gain until a height above ground of about 0.67l. At that point the loop becomes better—and remains that way through at least a height of 2l. The differences throughout that range are on the order of 0.5 to 1 dB. See Fig. 13.2. • Throughout the entire range of heights from l/4 to 2l over average ground, the dipole has a slightly lower elevation angle (angle of peak broadside radiation). This is understandable, since approximately half of the RF energy feeding the loop is radiated by the lower bent dipole, thus contributing some higher-angle radiation to the loop’s overall pattern. In fact, careful examination of Fig. 13.2 reveals that the elevation angle of the quad loop’s peak radiation is the same as that of the dipole when the midpoint of the quad (halfway between the top and bottom horizontal wire segments) is at the same height as the dipole—i.e., when the top wire in the quad is l/8 higher than the dipole. Another way of saying this is that the quad is a two-element array and its net ground reflection factor is based on the average height of the radiators in the array—i.e., the vertical center of the array. At first blush, a two-element quad does enjoy about 1.2 dB forward gain advantage over a two-element Yagi at the same design frequency (in this case, 21.2 MHz) when both are modeled with #12 wire for their elements. It’s possible to tweak the Yagi dimensions to reduce that advantage to somewhere between 0.5 and 1.0 dB at the expense of lower F/B and F/S ratios for the Yagi. However, in addition to element spacing and lengths, element diameter is also a factor. In particular, a “practical” rotatable Yagi will have elements of aluminum tubing instead of #12 wire supported by insulated spreader arms. This improves the bandwidth of the Yagi for a given boom length, all other factors being the same. Thus, after a few hours at the computer with EZNEC 5+: • A two-element Yagi modeled with either #12 copper wire or 0.75-in aluminum tubing and 0.16l spacing (roughly 7½ ft) between reflector and driven element exhibited 6.5 dBi (decibels relative to isotropic) forward gain and more than 10 dB

C h a p t e r 1 3 : C u b i c a l Q u a d s a n d D e l t a L o o p s 317<br />

important choices to make early on because, as a general rule, in neither Yagis nor<br />

quads do maximum forward gain, F/B, F/S, and bandwidth occur at the same dimensions<br />

or frequency.<br />

With the availability of good modeling software, we can get at some of the comparisons,<br />

but the ultimate decision as to which type of antenna is “better” will depend<br />

on how these various parameters are prioritized. To expose some of the tradeoffs, the<br />

author recently modeled (for 15 m) a quad loop against a dipole and then a two-element<br />

quad against a two-element Yagi using EZNEC 5+. All were fed and oriented for horizontal<br />

polarization. Subject to the assumptions in the author’s model for each antenna,<br />

the results for a single element indicate:<br />

• In free space a single-element square loop exhibits about 1.5 dB better broadside<br />

gain than a single bent dipole whose center has the same orientation as the fed<br />

leg of the loop. But since a bent dipole has lost about 0.5 dB of broadside gain<br />

compared to a standard l/2 dipole that is horizontal across its entire length, the<br />

loop is only about 1 dB better than a conventional l/2 dipole in free space.<br />

• Compared to a conventional horizontally polarized l/2 dipole at the same<br />

height above “average” ground as the top (horizontal) leg of a loop fed at the<br />

center of either the top or bottom leg, the loop exhibits lower broadside lobe<br />

gain until a height above ground of about 0.67l. At that point the loop becomes<br />

better—and remains that way through at least a height of 2l. The differences<br />

throughout that range are on the order of 0.5 to 1 dB. See Fig. 13.2.<br />

• Throughout the entire range of heights from l/4 to 2l over average ground, the<br />

dipole has a slightly lower elevation angle (angle of peak broadside radiation).<br />

This is understandable, since approximately half of the RF energy feeding the<br />

loop is radiated by the lower bent dipole, thus contributing some higher-angle<br />

radiation to the loop’s overall pattern. In fact, careful examination of Fig. 13.2<br />

reveals that the elevation angle of the quad loop’s peak radiation is the same as<br />

that of the dipole when the midpoint of the quad (halfway between the top and<br />

bottom horizontal wire segments) is at the same height as the dipole—i.e., when<br />

the top wire in the quad is l/8 higher than the dipole. Another way of saying<br />

this is that the quad is a two-element array and its net ground reflection factor<br />

is based on the average height of the radiators in the array—i.e., the vertical center<br />

of the array.<br />

At first blush, a two-element quad does enjoy about 1.2 dB forward gain advantage<br />

over a two-element Yagi at the same design frequency (in this case, 21.2 MHz) when<br />

both are modeled with #12 wire for their elements. It’s possible to tweak the Yagi dimensions<br />

to reduce that advantage to somewhere between 0.5 and 1.0 dB at the expense<br />

of lower F/B and F/S ratios for the Yagi. However, in addition to element spacing and<br />

lengths, element diameter is also a factor. In particular, a “practical” rotatable Yagi will<br />

have elements of aluminum tubing instead of #12 wire supported by insulated spreader<br />

arms. This improves the bandwidth of the Yagi for a given boom length, all other factors<br />

being the same. Thus, after a few hours at the computer with EZNEC 5+:<br />

• A two-element Yagi modeled with either #12 copper wire or 0.75-in aluminum<br />

tubing and 0.16l spacing (roughly 7½ ft) between reflector and driven element<br />

exhibited 6.5 dBi (decibels relative to isotropic) forward gain and more than 10 dB

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