

306 P a r t I V : D i r e c t i o n a l H i g h - F r e q u e n c y A n t e n n a A r r a y s reasonable starting point for HF hairpins is an initial reduction of approximately 1 in for every 3 m of operating frequency. Example: For a 15-m driven element, shorten each side by 4 or 5 in. • Alternately adjust the distance of the feedline tap from the driven element and the shorting bar/clamp for best impedance match between the antenna and the transmission line. If you cannot obtain a good match, it may be necessary to go back to the first step and try another length for each side of the driven element. The M 2 40M2LLA two-element linear loaded monobander for 40 m uses a hairpin with the transmission line feeding a balun whose secondary leads connect directly to the driven element feedpoint terminals, so one degree of freedom (position of feedline tap along the shorted stub) is lost. Instead, the manufacturer’s instructions effectively combine both of the preceding steps by having the user alternately adjust the position of the shorting bar and the lengths of the driven element tips in 1-in increments. When designing your own hairpin match, the Smith chart (Chap. 26) can be a great help, allowing you to avoid heavy-duty number crunching by using its graphical techniques for stub matching. If you know the input impedance of the driven element, the stub-matching example will show you how to quickly obtain the hairpin dimensions and the point at which the feedline should be attached. Moxon Beam In Chap. 3 and again in Chap. 6 we took pains to emphasize that most of the signal strength developed at a faraway location from a dipole is a result of the high-current portions of the antenna. Thus, the standing wave of current in the outermost l/8- section of each end of the dipole contributes little. That is not to say the outer sections of wire are useless and can be discarded—they aren’t (useless), and they shouldn’t be (discarded)! To the contrary, the outer ends of the dipole serve three very important purposes: • They make the dipole structure resonant or nearly so when its total length is about a half-wavelength at the operating frequency, thus minimizing the reactive component of the feedpoint impedance. • Because the standing wave of current on the antenna that causes efficient radiation to the far field goes from a current minimum to a current maximum in a distance of l/4, the far ends are important because they “allow” the maximum current portions of the standing wave to emerge from the transmission line and appear near the center of the antenna, which is a structure physically designed to be a better radiator than the transmission line. • They allow multiple half-wavelength dipoles to be connected together to form loops and other phased arrays of dipoles exploiting the principle that the standing wave of current reverses direction in each half-wave wire segment. As noted in Chap. 6, one of the authors has had excellent results over many decades with 80-m (and, later, 160-m) dipoles configured for limited space by letting the outermost l/8-section of each side drop down directly toward the ground. (See Fig. 6.17.) More recently, the same principle has been used by others to create two- and threeelement Yagis for limited spaces by constructing the center half of each element out of

C h a p t e r 1 2 : T h e Y a g i - U d a B e a m A n t e n n a 307 rigid aluminum tubing and then dropping weighted lengths of #10 or #12 wire from the ends of each. The two-element Moxon beam (Fig. 12.8), named for L. A. Moxon, G3XN, who first described it in 1993, is physically similar to an NVIS horizontal loop wherein the drooping ends of the two dipoles are pulled up to lie in the same plane as the centers of the elements but, unlike a loop antenna, the dipole ends are connected together mechanically but not electrically. Rather than being square, the outline of the Moxon beam as viewed from above is rectangular because the centers of the two bent dipoles are spaced less than l/4 to optimize the antenna’s performance as a parasitic array having one driven element and one reflector. Thus, each of the bent ends of the two elements must be somewhat less than l/8 long and the center section of each element is perhaps 5l/16 or more in length. An excellent summary of some practical Moxon wire beams for HF and VHF can be found on DK7ZB’s Web site or at the Moxon Antenna Project site, Like all other two-element Yagis employing a reflector, forward gain, F/B, and SWR change more rapidly with frequency when approaching the design center of the beam from lower frequencies. Thus, dimensions and matching circuits should be optimized for the lower end of the band, since any of these performance characteristics will hold up respectably well higher up into the band. Of course, a Moxon beam constructed of tubing will have a wider bandwidth than one using wire. Top view INS A Reflector Driven element Direction of maximum gain INS D C B E Figure 12.8 Moxon rectangle. To cover the entire 20-meter band with a VSWR less than 1.6:1 into 50– feedline: A: 296.0'' B: 46.4'' C: 6.0'' D: 56.6'' E: 109.0''

C h a p t e r 1 2 : T h e Y a g i - U d a B e a m A n t e n n a 307<br />

rigid aluminum tubing and then dropping weighted lengths of #10 or #12 wire from the<br />

ends of each.<br />

The two-element Moxon beam (Fig. 12.8), named for L. A. Moxon, G3XN, who first<br />

described it in 1993, is physically similar to an NVIS horizontal loop wherein the drooping<br />

ends of the two dipoles are pulled up to lie in the same plane as the centers of the<br />

elements but, unlike a loop antenna, the dipole ends are connected together mechanically<br />

but not electrically. Rather than being square, the outline of the Moxon beam as<br />

viewed from above is rectangular because the centers of the two bent dipoles are spaced<br />

less than l/4 to optimize the antenna’s performance as a parasitic array having one<br />

driven element and one reflector. Thus, each of the bent ends of the two elements must<br />

be somewhat less than l/8 long and the center section of each element is perhaps 5l/16<br />

or more in length. An excellent summary of some practical Moxon wire beams for HF<br />

and VHF can be found on DK7ZB’s Web site or at the Moxon <strong>Antenna</strong> Project site,<br /><br />

Like all other two-element Yagis employing a reflector, forward gain, F/B, and SWR<br />

change more rapidly with frequency when approaching the design center of the beam<br />

from lower frequencies. Thus, dimensions and matching circuits should be optimized<br />

for the lower end of the band, since any of these performance characteristics will hold<br />

up respectably well higher up into the band. Of course, a Moxon beam constructed of<br />

tubing will have a wider bandwidth than one using wire.<br />

Top view<br />

INS<br />

A<br />

Reflector<br />

Driven<br />

element<br />

Direction of maximum<br />

gain<br />

INS<br />

D<br />

C<br />

B<br />

E<br />

Figure 12.8 Moxon rectangle.<br />

To cover the entire 20-meter band with a<br />

VSWR less than 1.6:1 into 50– feedline:<br />

A: 296.0''<br />

B: 46.4''<br />

C: 6.0''<br />

D: 56.6''<br />

E: 109.0''

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