

292 P a r t I V : D i r e c t i o n a l H i g h - F r e q u e n c y A n t e n n a A r r a y s However, adding one or more parasitic elements to the rotatable dipole described previously introduces a number of issues that must be dealt with if the advantages of the parasitic array are to be realized: As mentioned, most commercially available rotatable dipoles and multielement Yagis for the HF bands use nested tubing—sometimes relying on five or six different diameters that become progressively smaller the farther out on the element one gets from the boom. In antenna design and modeling lingo, these are known as tapered or stepped-diameter elements. A big advantage to tapering is that less strength is required to support long elements than if the element tubing were the same diameter all the way out to the tips. A disadvantage, however, is that tapering affects the accuracy of Eq. (12.1) and its “cousins” for directors and reflectors, so corrections must be made to the lengths of element halves to be sure of getting maximum gain or front-to-back ratio with a given beam design. One good way to solve that problem is to use one of the antenna modeling programs, such as EZNEC, that include stepped-diameter correction algorithms. We didn’t worry about the effect when we added smaller-diameter tubing to the end of our rotatable 15-m dipole earlier because the dipole has such a broad resonance that the effect of stepped diameters is minimal. When one or more parasitic elements are involved, however, the bandwidth of the entire array is substantially narrower and its sensitivity to dimensional changes increases. As a result, the error created by ignoring changes in element diameter over the length of the element can be important. A rotatable multielement beam requires a boom to support the elements in a common plane while holding them in fixed positions and orientations with respect to each other. The boom can be made of metal or wood. In the case of a metal boom, the driven element is frequently insulated from the boom, depending on the specific feed system chosen (see “Feeding the Yagi”, later in this chapter), but the parasitic elements are often mounted directly to it. (The XM240 from Cushcraft is an exception; both reflector and driven element are insulated from the metal boom.) In general, wood is a readily available material that is suitable for the smaller beams of 24 MHz and above. Below that frequency, the longer element lengths and increased spacings cause the weight of a satisfactorily strong wood boom to greatly exceed the weight of an equivalent aluminum boom. If wood is used for a small beam, however, it should be weatherproofed—either with multiple coats of an exterior polyurethane or by purchasing pressure-treated lumber. Aluminum tubing suitable for use as a boom can be obtained from specialty metal dealers, usually found only in metropolitan areas. Another possible source, frequently overlooked, is a junked or damaged beam from a nearby amateur, perhaps located through a local radio club or craigslist ad. Local amateurs, SWLs, and CBers may also be a good source for boom-to-element brackets, too, although the outside diameter of the new elements at their centers may have to be beefed up to accommodate what’s available. Alternatively, the price of brackets as replacement parts from antenna manufacturers may not be prohibitive, and at least one supplier markets a family of mounting brackets for those who like to “roll their own”. If obtained from a distant supplier, it’s generally a lot less expensive to ship a few brackets than it is long sections of aluminum tubing. Aluminum boom strength depends on multiple factors: • Diameter of the tube • Thickness of the tube wall • Grade of aluminum

C h a p t e r 1 2 : T h e Y a g i - U d a B e a m A n t e n n a 293 Of course, aluminum is used for antenna booms and elements for the same reason it is used in airplanes: weight versus strength versus cost. Aluminum has other advantages that we often take for granted: It oxidizes in a fairly benign and easily reversible way, and it’s easily cut by hand with a hacksaw or drilled with a hand drill, to name but two. Recognize, however, that aluminum is a broad umbrella for a variety of alloys prepared in many different ways. Aluminum tubing you find at the local hardware store may not have the strength you need, at least for larger Yagis. In his excellent book Physical Design of Yagi Antennas, David B. Leeson, W6NL (ex-W6QHS) warns readers that 6061-T6 and 6063-T832 are better choices for antenna builders than the more commonly stocked 6063-T5. If you must send away for aluminum tubing stock, see App. B for a list of suppliers. Total boom length and the spacing of elements along the boom are important parameters in the design of any multielement Yagi. Boom lengths for three-element Yagis typically lie between 0.15 l and 0.5 l. As a “glittering generality”, for a fixed number of elements, longer boom lengths are capable of wider SWR bandwidths and make it easier for the beam designer to achieve maximum gain and high F/B ratios across the same frequency range. But if narrower bandwidths and a slight reduction in maximum forward gain are acceptable to the owner, excellent performance can be obtained from beams with shorter booms. Rotatable Three-Element 20-Meter Yagi At frequencies below about 24 MHz, the elements of rotatable Yagis are best formed from multiple sections or segments of tubing having diameters that get smaller with distance from the boom or center of the element. Such a design approach can provide maximum wind and ice survivability with minimum weight elements. For 15 m, each half-element will likely consist of a (largest diameter) center section and perhaps three progressively smaller diameter sections. On 20 m, a center section and four to six progressively smaller diameters are common. Below 20 m, survivability issues usually lead to design approaches involving substantially more complicated methods (trusses, for example) of strengthening booms and elements alike, so 20 m represents just about the lowest frequency for which a simple design like the one presented here is mechanically adequate for the majority of wind environments. Stepped-diameter correction of each element’s length can be done manually, using a spreadsheet technique developed by Leeson and described in his book. Alternatively, antenna modeling software (such as W7EL’s EZNEC 5+) that incorporates the Leeson correction can simplify the task. Once an element taper schedule such as that of Fig. 12.4A has been created based on mechanical (strength) considerations, the lengths and diameters of the various element sections are entered into the EZNEC wire table, and EZNEC automatically incorporates the Leeson corrections in its calculations to arrive at the correct electrical length for each element half. (Just be sure to first turn on the stepped-segment option!) A convenient boom length for a rotatable three-element 20-m Yagi is 20 ft, since the boom can be a single length of 3-in irrigation tubing or a pair of 2-in OD × 10-ft aluminum tubes butted together with a short internal or external reinforcing tube and a boom-to-mast bracket of suitable dimensions, as depicted in Fig. 12.4B. Also shown is an alternative approach to constructing the boom from multiple sections of aluminum tubing if the longest that can be obtained conveniently are 6-ft sections. (See App. B for suppliers that routinely ship boom and element tubes by UPS.) Regardless of the exact

C h a p t e r 1 2 : T h e Y a g i - U d a B e a m A n t e n n a 293<br />

Of course, aluminum is used for antenna booms and elements for the same reason<br />

it is used in airplanes: weight versus strength versus cost. Aluminum has other advantages<br />

that we often take for granted: It oxidizes in a fairly benign and easily reversible<br />

way, and it’s easily cut by hand with a hacksaw or drilled with a hand drill, to name but<br />

two. Recognize, however, that aluminum is a broad umbrella for a variety of alloys<br />

prepared in many different ways. Aluminum tubing you find at the local hardware<br />

store may not have the strength you need, at least for larger Yagis. In his excellent book<br />

Physical Design of Yagi <strong>Antenna</strong>s, David B. Leeson, W6NL (ex-W6QHS) warns readers<br />

that 6061-T6 and 6063-T832 are better choices for antenna builders than the more commonly<br />

stocked 6063-T5. If you must send away for aluminum tubing stock, see App. B<br />

for a list of suppliers.<br />

Total boom length and the spacing of elements along the boom are important parameters<br />

in the design of any multielement Yagi. Boom lengths for three-element Yagis<br />

typically lie between 0.15 l and 0.5 l. As a “glittering generality”, for a fixed number of<br />

elements, longer boom lengths are capable of wider SWR bandwidths and make it easier<br />

for the beam designer to achieve maximum gain and high F/B ratios across the same<br />

frequency range. But if narrower bandwidths and a slight reduction in maximum forward<br />

gain are acceptable to the owner, excellent performance can be obtained from<br />

beams with shorter booms.<br />

Rotatable Three-Element 20-Meter Yagi<br />

At frequencies below about 24 MHz, the elements of rotatable Yagis are best formed<br />

from multiple sections or segments of tubing having diameters that get smaller with<br />

distance from the boom or center of the element. Such a design approach can provide<br />

maximum wind and ice survivability with minimum weight elements. For 15 m, each<br />

half-element will likely consist of a (largest diameter) center section and perhaps three<br />

progressively smaller diameter sections. On 20 m, a center section and four to six progressively<br />

smaller diameters are common. Below 20 m, survivability issues usually lead<br />

to design approaches involving substantially more complicated methods (trusses, for<br />

example) of strengthening booms and elements alike, so 20 m represents just about the<br />

lowest frequency for which a simple design like the one presented here is mechanically<br />

adequate for the majority of wind environments.<br />

Stepped-diameter correction of each element’s length can be done manually, using<br />

a spreadsheet technique developed by Leeson and described in his book. Alternatively,<br />

antenna modeling software (such as W7EL’s EZNEC 5+) that incorporates the Leeson<br />

correction can simplify the task. Once an element taper schedule such as that of Fig.<br />

12.4A has been created based on mechanical (strength) considerations, the lengths and<br />

diameters of the various element sections are entered into the EZNEC wire table, and<br />

EZNEC automatically incorporates the Leeson corrections in its calculations to arrive at<br />

the correct electrical length for each element half. (Just be sure to first turn on the<br />

stepped-segment option!)<br />

A convenient boom length for a rotatable three-element 20-m Yagi is 20 ft, since the<br />

boom can be a single length of 3-in irrigation tubing or a pair of 2-in OD × 10-ft aluminum<br />

tubes butted together with a short internal or external reinforcing tube and a<br />

boom-to-mast bracket of suitable dimensions, as depicted in Fig. 12.4B. Also shown is<br />

an alternative approach to constructing the boom from multiple sections of aluminum<br />

tubing if the longest that can be obtained conveniently are 6-ft sections. (See App. B for<br />

suppliers that routinely ship boom and element tubes by UPS.) Regardless of the exact

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