

284 P a r t I V : D i r e c t i o n a l H i g h - F r e q u e n c y A n t e n n a A r r a y s unacceptable: they may be mechanically too fragile or too heavy, but most likely they’re just plain unobtainable. If all six of the listed dimensions are not scaled by the same factor, performance on the scaled band(s) may well be less impressive than expected. A practical approach is to use simple scaling to get into the ballpark with dimensions for the new band based on the original band, then use antenna modeling software (Chap. 25) or experimentation to fine-tune all the dimensions so as to optimize performance around standard aluminum tubing diameters or copper wire gauges. Many different Yagi designs exist. In fact, the potential number is infinite, limited only by users’ willingness to experiment or to use modeling software to examine various dimensional configurations. One reason for having many different designs is that usually one or more characteristics of the antenna must be compromised. Thus, one design may be developed for a three-element Yagi with wide SWR bandwidth, while another may favor a high F/B ratio over a narrow bandwidth centered on the design frequency. Some designs are based on mechanical tradeoffs rather than electrical performance specifications. One such commonly encountered constraint is total boom length. (A manufacturer might choose a shorter boom length to keep material costs and antenna prices down. An amateur backyard experimenter might choose a shorter boom length because of limitations of his rotator or proximity of a nearby tree.) For obvious reasons, boom lengths of 20 ft or slightly less are very popular. In particular, 3-in irrigation pipe makes a very strong boom. (But there are many commercial Yagis for those bands that butt two suitably thick-walled 10-ft aluminum tubes together to form a 20-ft boom—usually with interior and/or exterior reinforcing sections for some distance on either side of the junction.) In the 85 years since the publication of the original Yagi-Uda paper, practicing scientists and engineers, along with amateur experimenters, have continued to improve the design. While much of Uda’s later work was specifically aimed at the burgeoning VHF consumer television market, shortwave broadcasters and the U.S. military joined hams in bringing the Yagi to the HF bands. Here is a summary of some of the most important things to keep in mind when working with Yagi antennas: • Exact interelement spacings are not critical on a Yagi; they are typically 0.1 to 0.3 wavelengths for popular proven designs. Once established for a design, however, changes to spacings interact with element lengths and do affect Yagi performance. • Wider element spacings (for a given number of elements) provide greater SWR bandwidth and more constant forward gain and F/B ratio across the entire band. Of course, wider element spacings translate to longer booms! • Maximum forward gain and maximum F/B ratio seldom occur at the same frequency; in general, longer boom lengths (for a given number of elements) make it easier to optimize multiple parameters over a wider common range of frequencies. • As a glittering generality, Yagi gain is proportional to boom length. Stuffing additional elements onto a fixed boom length usually worsens performance. • A reflector 3 percent longer than a half-wavelength in the conductor is a good starting point. (Said another way, start with a reflector length that is no longer than l/2 in free space or air.)

C h a p t e r 1 2 : T h e Y a g i - U d a B e a m A n t e n n a 285 • A first director 3 percent shorter than a half-wavelength in the conductor is a good starting point. • Most HF Yagis are constructed from telescoped lengths of aluminum tubing to minimize mechanical stresses on the inner portions of the elements and the overall load on the boom. We (somewhat ambiguously) say the elements (and often the booms, too) are tapered in diameter; more precisely, they’re steppeddiameter elements. Stepping (or tapering, if you must) alters the electrical lengths of the elements for a given physical length and must be taken into account in the design and modeling process. • Most VHF and UHF Yagis use elements of a single diameter, so tapering effects are not an issue. However, the exact method of passing the center of the element through, over, or around the boom can have a significant effect on element electrical length and Yagi performance at those frequencies. • All other things being equal, wire elements will be longer than elements made from larger-diameter tubing, but stepped-diameter elements are longer than single-diameter ones. • The length of the driven element plays a relatively minor role in optimizing a Yagi’s unique attributes (forward gain, F/B and F/S ratios, resistive part of the feedpoint impedance); in most designs, in fact, the driven element length is adjusted following all other adjustments, to make the reactive part of the feedpoint impedance go to zero. • The input impedance at the center of a typical three-element Yagi is substantially less than that of a simple half-wave dipole, even in free space; 10 to 30 Ω is not uncommon, and the use of a 4:1 balun (for the lower end of the feedpoint impedance range), a stub, or a series-section transformer (for the upper end of the range) is often needed to provide a better match to the transmission line. (See Chap. 4.) • Even though it is inherently a balanced antenna, a Yagi can be directly fed with an unbalanced feedline such as coaxial cable with little impact on forward gain; there may be some (minor) loss of symmetry in the radiation pattern, and it will probably be necessary to add feedline chokes at one or more locations along the cable to minimize common-mode pickup and radiation by the feedline. • Other methods of feeding a Yagi include the gamma match (also unbalanced), the T-match (a balanced gamma match), and the hairpin match (a balanced stub-matching technique; a variant of the hairpin is used on many Hy-Gain beams under the trade name “Beta match”). Often, a lumped-component balun of the appropriate turns ratio and located right at the driven element feed terminals is the simplest approach. • The Yagi has been characterized as an antenna that “wants to work”; there have been numerous anecdotal stories of how “amazingly” well long-boom, multidirector Yagis have continued to perform even though ice and/or wind have ripped one or more half-elements from the antenna. • Many commercial Yagi models with shortened elements (to reduce wind load, rotational torque, and weight) are available. The most common methods for shortening elements include traps, loading coils, and linear loading wires.

284 P a r t I V : D i r e c t i o n a l H i g h - F r e q u e n c y A n t e n n a A r r a y s<br />

unacceptable: they may be mechanically too fragile or too heavy, but most likely they’re<br />

just plain unobtainable. If all six of the listed dimensions are not scaled by the same factor,<br />

performance on the scaled band(s) may well be less impressive than expected. A<br />

practical approach is to use simple scaling to get into the ballpark with dimensions for<br />

the new band based on the original band, then use antenna modeling software (Chap.<br />

25) or experimentation to fine-tune all the dimensions so as to optimize performance<br />

around standard aluminum tubing diameters or copper wire gauges.<br />

Many different Yagi designs exist. In fact, the potential number is infinite, limited<br />

only by users’ willingness to experiment or to use modeling software to examine various<br />

dimensional configurations. One reason for having many different designs is that<br />

usually one or more characteristics of the antenna must be compromised. Thus, one<br />

design may be developed for a three-element Yagi with wide SWR bandwidth, while<br />

another may favor a high F/B ratio over a narrow bandwidth centered on the design<br />

frequency.<br />

Some designs are based on mechanical tradeoffs rather than electrical performance<br />

specifications. One such commonly encountered constraint is total boom length. (A<br />

manufacturer might choose a shorter boom length to keep material costs and antenna<br />

prices down. An amateur backyard experimenter might choose a shorter boom length<br />

because of limitations of his rotator or proximity of a nearby tree.)<br />

For obvious reasons, boom lengths of 20 ft or slightly less are very popular. In particular,<br />

3-in irrigation pipe makes a very strong boom. (But there are many commercial<br />

Yagis for those bands that butt two suitably thick-walled 10-ft aluminum tubes together<br />

to form a 20-ft boom—usually with interior and/or exterior reinforcing sections for<br />

some distance on either side of the junction.)<br />

In the 85 years since the publication of the original Yagi-Uda paper, practicing scientists<br />

and engineers, along with amateur experimenters, have continued to improve<br />

the design. While much of Uda’s later work was specifically aimed at the burgeoning<br />

VHF consumer television market, shortwave broadcasters and the U.S. military joined<br />

hams in bringing the Yagi to the HF bands. Here is a summary of some of the most important<br />

things to keep in mind when working with Yagi antennas:<br />

• Exact interelement spacings are not critical on a Yagi; they are typically 0.1 to 0.3<br />

wavelengths for popular proven designs. Once established for a design,<br />

however, changes to spacings interact with element lengths and do affect Yagi<br />

performance.<br />

• Wider element spacings (for a given number of elements) provide greater SWR<br />

bandwidth and more constant forward gain and F/B ratio across the entire<br />

band. Of course, wider element spacings translate to longer booms!<br />

• Maximum forward gain and maximum F/B ratio seldom occur at the same<br />

frequency; in general, longer boom lengths (for a given number of elements)<br />

make it easier to optimize multiple parameters over a wider common range of<br />

frequencies.<br />

• As a glittering generality, Yagi gain is proportional to boom length. Stuffing<br />

additional elements onto a fixed boom length usually worsens performance.<br />

• A reflector 3 percent longer than a half-wavelength in the conductor is a good<br />

starting point. (Said another way, start with a reflector length that is no longer<br />

than l/2 in free space or air.)

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