

280 P a r t I V : D i r e c t i o n a l H i g h - F r e q u e n c y A n t e n n a A r r a y s Direction of propagation Director D1 S Driven element Feedpoint DR S Reflector R Figure 12.2 Basic Yagi-Uda antenna. In addition to having a driven element—which is similar to a standard half-Â wavelength dipole fed at or near the center by any of a number of different means that we will discuss later—Yagi antennas employ either or both of two additional types of elements: reflectors and directors. These are called parasitic elements because they are not directly connected to the feedline but instead receive energy radiated from the driven element and then reradiate it. The combination of this reradiated energy from the parasitic elements with the original radiation from the driven element causes peaks and nulls in the radiation field at a distance from the antenna as a function of both the azimuthal (or compass) heading and the elevation angle of the receiving point from the antenna. The mathematical equations to support and “prove” the operation of Yagi antennas are beyond the scope of this book, but here’s a short qualitative description of what goes on: The driven element of a Yagi is, for all intents and purposes, nothing more than a half-wave dipole. RF energy fed to it via the feedline connected at its center terminals creates RF currents and magnetic fields that radiate from the element, as we learned in Chap. 3. When these radiation fields reach a parasitic element (either a reflector or a director), they induce fields and currents in that element because it is, after all, a conductor. But because each parasitic element is deliberately made shorter (when used as a director) or longer (when used as a reflector) than an exact half-wavelength at the frequency of operation, the induced fields do not establish the same amplitude and phase relationships on the parasitic element as exist in the driven element.

C h a p t e r 1 2 : T h e Y a g i - U d a B e a m A n t e n n a 281 These induced currents make each parasitic element into a radiator in its own right. That is, each director or each reflector now radiates an RF field just as the driven element does. However, the RF radiation from a reflector, for instance, has a different phase from that of the driven element, and it originates at a different point in space than the driven element occupies. The radiated fields created by the induced fields and currents in the parasitic elements travel in all directions into space. And at every point in space, they combine linearly and vectorially (i.e., in both amplitude and phase) with the original radiated fields from the driven element. Because the radiation from each element has its own unique phase and amplitude, the resultant is a radiation pattern that exhibits peaks and nulls depending on where in the space beyond the Yagi the receiving antenna is located. Up to this point in the discussion, there is nothing particularly special about what we have described. For instance, if you hang a 20-m dipole in your attic along your ridgeline, you have probably created a multielement parasitic array comprised of your dipole and any house wiring circuits running around the attic. Of course, you don’t have much control over the distance to the house wiring or the length of these branch circuits, but they are electrical conductors and they can have a major effect on the radiation pattern and input impedance of your dipole. The “magic” worked by Yagi and Uda was that they derived equations (without benefit of electronic calculators or high-speed computers, it should be noted) capable of accurately predicting the radiation patterns that would result from various physical arrangements of elements, ultimately arriving at the configuration that now bears Yagi’s name. From these equations and generally accepted engineering objectives for a directional antenna (high forward gain, high front-to-back ratio, wide bandwidth, reasonable input impedance, etc.), they then provided formulas for calculating practical and manually optimized dimensions for element diameter, length, and spacing. As a matter of definition, if a reflector is used, it is placed “behind” the driven element—where “behind” is taken to mean on the side of the driven element away from, or opposite, the direction of desired maximum signal radiation—and it is typically a few percent longer than a half wavelength in the conductor at the operating frequency. If a director is used, it is placed in “front” of the driven element (i.e., on the side of the driven element that is in the direction of desired maximum radiation). In a traditional Yagi design, the director nearest the driven element is typically about 3 percent shorter than a half wavelength in the conductor. Spacings between adjacent elements of a Yagi typically are between 0.1 l and 0.25 l, where l is the wavelength in air. The exact spacings depend on what the designer intends to optimize. For example, if weight, turning radius, and wind load are more important than bandwidth, a three-element Yagi can fit on a boom that is only 0.2 l in overall length, but the designer and user will find that other attributes, such as standing wave ratio (SWR) bandwidth, front-to-back ratio, and that last ounce of forward gain, have been compromised. The basic Yagi is a planar antenna, with all elements lying in the same plane and sharing the same orientation. Although there is no fixed rule regarding the number of either reflectors or directors, it is common practice to use a combination of a single reflector and one or more directors, in addition to the driven element. Thus, from the definitions and “rules” of the preceding two paragraphs, the most common threeelement beam consists of a driven element flanked by a reflector at one end and a director at the other end of a boom supporting all three. Most four-element Yagis have two directors, but in recent years a different kind of four-element Yagi has made its appear-

C h a p t e r 1 2 : T h e Y a g i - U d a B e a m A n t e n n a 281<br />

These induced currents make each parasitic element into a radiator in its own right.<br />

That is, each director or each reflector now radiates an RF field just as the driven element<br />

does. However, the RF radiation from a reflector, for instance, has a different phase from<br />

that of the driven element, and it originates at a different point in space than the driven<br />

element occupies. The radiated fields created by the induced fields and currents in the<br />

parasitic elements travel in all directions into space. And at every point in space, they<br />

combine linearly and vectorially (i.e., in both amplitude and phase) with the original radiated<br />

fields from the driven element. Because the radiation from each element has its own<br />

unique phase and amplitude, the resultant is a radiation pattern that exhibits peaks and<br />

nulls depending on where in the space beyond the Yagi the receiving antenna is located.<br />

Up to this point in the discussion, there is nothing particularly special about what<br />

we have described. For instance, if you hang a 20-m dipole in your attic along your<br />

ridgeline, you have probably created a multielement parasitic array comprised of your<br />

dipole and any house wiring circuits running around the attic. Of course, you don’t<br />

have much control over the distance to the house wiring or the length of these branch<br />

circuits, but they are electrical conductors and they can have a major effect on the radiation<br />

pattern and input impedance of your dipole.<br />

The “magic” worked by Yagi and Uda was that they derived equations (without<br />

benefit of electronic calculators or high-speed computers, it should be noted) capable of<br />

accurately predicting the radiation patterns that would result from various physical<br />

arrangements of elements, ultimately arriving at the configuration that now bears Yagi’s<br />

name. From these equations and generally accepted engineering objectives for a<br />

directional antenna (high forward gain, high front-to-back ratio, wide bandwidth, reasonable<br />

input impedance, etc.), they then provided formulas for calculating practical<br />

and manually optimized dimensions for element diameter, length, and spacing.<br />

As a matter of definition, if a reflector is used, it is placed “behind” the driven element—where<br />

“behind” is taken to mean on the side of the driven element away from,<br />

or opposite, the direction of desired maximum signal radiation—and it is typically a few<br />

percent longer than a half wavelength in the conductor at the operating frequency.<br />

If a director is used, it is placed in “front” of the driven element (i.e., on the side of<br />

the driven element that is in the direction of desired maximum radiation). In a traditional<br />

Yagi design, the director nearest the driven element is typically about 3 percent<br />

shorter than a half wavelength in the conductor.<br />

Spacings between adjacent elements of a Yagi typically are between 0.1 l and 0.25 l,<br />

where l is the wavelength in air. The exact spacings depend on what the designer intends<br />

to optimize. For example, if weight, turning radius, and wind load are more important<br />

than bandwidth, a three-element Yagi can fit on a boom that is only 0.2 l in<br />

overall length, but the designer and user will find that other attributes, such as standing<br />

wave ratio (SWR) bandwidth, front-to-back ratio, and that last ounce of forward gain,<br />

have been compromised.<br />

The basic Yagi is a planar antenna, with all elements lying in the same plane and<br />

sharing the same orientation. Although there is no fixed rule regarding the number of<br />

either reflectors or directors, it is common practice to use a combination of a single reflector<br />

and one or more directors, in addition to the driven element. Thus, from the<br />

definitions and “rules” of the preceding two paragraphs, the most common threeelement<br />

beam consists of a driven element flanked by a reflector at one end and a director<br />

at the other end of a boom supporting all three. Most four-element Yagis have two<br />

directors, but in recent years a different kind of four-element Yagi has made its appear-

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