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274 P a r t I V : D i r e c t i o n a l H i g h - F r e q u e n c y A n t e n n a A r r a y s<br />

phases. To develop maximum gain along a diagonal of the square, if the rear vertical on<br />

the diagonal is defined to have zero phase shift, the front vertical (i.e., the one in the<br />

direction of maximum gain) is –180 degrees and the two side verticals are both –90 degrees.<br />

Obviously, all aspects of the array’s performance can be identical every 90 degrees<br />

around the compass, simply by switching the phase of the drive current going to<br />

each specific vertical.<br />

An amateur DXer in the northeastern United States would likely orient his or her<br />

4-square so as to put the center of the four switchable pattern lobes at 60-, 150-, 240-, and<br />

330-degree compass headings to favor Europe/North Africa, South America, Australia/New<br />

Zealand, and the Far East, respectively.<br />

Other variations of the 4-square utilize somewhat different combinations of phase<br />

shifts and/or smaller spacings between elements. In most cases, 4-squares are constructed<br />

with ground-mounted monopoles and extensive radial fields, but today many<br />

employ elevated radial systems. If the user has the means to “force” drive currents of<br />

arbitrary phase and amplitude relationships to the four elements, there’s virtually no<br />

limit to the number of customized azimuth patterns that can be obtained.<br />

Receive-Only Vertical Arrays<br />

Much work has been done in the past few years on phased arrays for receiving at MF<br />

and the lower HF bands. In stark contrast to the challenges of weak signal reception at<br />

VHF and above, the abundance of atmospheric noise below, say, 10 MHz gives the system<br />

designer additional leeway in selecting techniques for digging weak signals out of<br />

the background noise. At these low frequencies, receive-only arrays can differ from<br />

their transmitting antenna counterparts in two important ways:<br />

• Because receive-only arrays are not used for transmitting, antenna efficiency is<br />

of only secondary importance; as a result, array elements much shorter than<br />

l/4 and having very low feedpoint impedances as well as inexpensive tubing<br />

and support requirements can be employed, and preamplifiers (if needed)<br />

added at the array.<br />

• Because no transmitted RF energy is directly applied to the elements, there is no<br />

need for high-voltage or high-current components that are normally required<br />

for transmit applications.<br />

Over the past decade or two, leading 160-m and 80-m DXers fortunate enough to<br />

have the necessary acreage have designed and built six-circle and eight-circle arrays for<br />

these bands. Typical of these arrays, which provide outstanding receive directivity and<br />

signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) on these notoriously weak-signal frequencies, is the eightcircle<br />

for 160 m designed by Tom Rauch, W8JI. In this design, the output signals from<br />

four of eight short vertical elements equispaced around the circumference of a circle are<br />

combined with appropriate relays and phasing lines to provide more than 7 dB gain in<br />

the desired direction, relative to a single such element. Because the circle of elements is<br />

eight-way symmetrical around the compass rose, the main lobe can be switched in 45-<br />

degree increments.<br />

At any given switch position (i.e., compass heading), only four of the eight elements<br />

are active: Two adjacent elements on one side of the circle form an end-fire two-element<br />

array, as do two adjacent elements directly opposite, on the far side of the circle. These

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