

248 P a r t I I I : H i g h - F r e q u e n c y B u i l d i n g - B l o c k A n t e n n a s Elevated Ground-Plane Antenna There are three key differences between a ground-mounted vertical and an elevated ground-plane vertical: • Radials located some distance above ground must be treated as resonant elements. • Fewer radials are needed to ensure that most of the transmitter power is delivered to the radiating element instead of being dissipated in lossy earth. • An elevated GP vertical may have fewer nearby obstacles (e.g., trees and buildings) and thus enjoy a cleaner shot at low elevation angles. Once the base of an elevated ground-plane vertical is raised above a certain height (many consider l/8 a reasonable minimum), its radials act less like long, skinny capacitors and more like the other half of a vertical dipole. As such, it is important for maximum radiation plus ease of matching that their lengths to be approximately l/4 at the operating frequency, although the exact length will vary somewhat with radial “droop”—the vertical angle at which the radials come away from the base of the monopole. However, the farther away the lossy earth is from these elevated radials, the less effect it has and the easier it is to capture the bulk of the return currents of the vertical radiating element in a small number of radials. Recent experiments based on detailed modeling using NEC-4 (see Chap. 25) indicate that somewhere between two and eight radials per band is quite adequate for elevated antennas, although unless at least three equispaced radials are used, there will be some variation in field strength with azimuth (compass heading). The improvement in radiated field characteristics for more than three or four radials is quite subtle, however, as long as the GP antenna is kept at least l/8 off the ground. Models of a l/4 antenna show little difference between horizontal and drooping radials other than to raise the feedpoint impedance from 25 to 40 Ω. Keep in mind that these discussions of height above earth ground refer to the height of the electrical ground, not the sod. Depending upon ground conductivity and groundwater content, the effective height of earth ground may lie some distance beneath the surface. The actual depth is best found from experimentation and may, unfortunately, vary with precipitation and with the season—especially if the ground freezes and/or the local water table changes greatly. Vertical versus Horizontal Polarization A question frequently asked is: “Would I be better off putting up a horizontal dipole or a vertical?” As usual, the answer is: “It depends.” Here are some factors often found to be helpful in arriving at an answer: • Is there a “convention” regarding antenna orientation (polarization)? Usually because of historical patterns of usage that have evolved, certain groups have standardized on specific polarizations. The 11-m citizens band, for instance, uses vertical polarization because of the high percentage of vehicular mobile users. As a result, almost all house- or tower-mounted antennas—even multielement Yagis and quads—for 27 MHz are vertically polarized. The same

C h a p t e r 9 : V e r t i c a l l y P o l a r i z e d A n t e n n a s 249 is true for most FM mobile and repeater operation on 2 m and above, whereas weak signal SSB or CW DXing on those bands is accomplished with long-boom, high-gain Yagis employing horizontal polarization. Almost all broadcast television receivers were originally located in residential dwellings, so that service began with horizontal polarization as the standard, today’s videoequipped RVs and limousines notwithstanding. Today some FM broadcasting is done with the transmitted signal split between horizontal and vertical polarization, in recognition of the fact that substantial numbers of antennas in both “flavors” are in use. • What frequencies do you wish to use? What is your objective for a particular antenna? On the HF bands there is generally a 6-dB ground reflection advantage at each end of the path at higher elevation angles for horizontal antennas, but below about 10 MHz verticals often outperform all but the highest dipoles and beams at low radiation angles. Otherwise, the source polarization is immaterial for skip propagation because the ionosphere tends to randomly rotate the polarization of waves passing through it regardless of what was delivered to it. If you are an inveterate DXer, you will most likely enjoy more success on the MF and lower HF bands with a vertical than with a dipole, but if your principal operating activity is a regional or local network of friends, a low horizontal dipole or loop may be your best choice. • Are you bothered by local noise sources, and, if so, do they favor one polarization over the other? If you can effect an improvement in received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) through the proper choice of polarization, that may be the single most important factor for your specific installation. • What space or support limitations do you have? A treeless residential backyard may be better suited for an 80-m ground-mounted l/4 vertical than for a l/2 dipole, while some college dormitory residents have had great success with a simple dipole or end-fed longwire stretched from rooftop to rooftop across the courtyard below. Perhaps the best answer to this question is: “Put up at least one of each!” Some years ago the author had both a dipole and an elevated ground-plane vertical for 40 m behind his house. In actual use, there were “dipole nights” and “vertical nights” on 40, with received signal strength differences on transatlantic paths shifting back and forth between the two antennas from night to night by as much as 20 dB! No one antenna can do it all; if you have the space and the time to put up two or more antennas. Supporting the Vertical Antenna Verticals for frequencies below about 5 MHz are substantial structures; their support requirements are akin to those of 60-ft or greater towers. Therefore, information on supporting verticals for the MF and lower HF bands is found in Chap. 29 (“Towers”). Above 5 MHz, supporting a l/4 vertical is a much simpler task. For these antennas, the techniques of Chap. 28 (“Supports for Wires and Verticals”) are typical.

C h a p t e r 9 : V e r t i c a l l y P o l a r i z e d A n t e n n a s 249<br />

is true for most FM mobile and repeater operation on 2 m and above, whereas<br />

weak signal SSB or CW DXing on those bands is accomplished with long-boom,<br />

high-gain Yagis employing horizontal polarization. Almost all broadcast<br />

television receivers were originally located in residential dwellings, so that<br />

service began with horizontal polarization as the standard, today’s videoequipped<br />

RVs and limousines notwithstanding. Today some FM broadcasting<br />

is done with the transmitted signal split between horizontal and vertical<br />

polarization, in recognition of the fact that substantial numbers of antennas in<br />

both “flavors” are in use.<br />

• What frequencies do you wish to use? What is your objective for a particular<br />

antenna? On the HF bands there is generally a 6-dB ground reflection advantage<br />

at each end of the path at higher elevation angles for horizontal antennas, but<br />

below about 10 MHz verticals often outperform all but the highest dipoles and<br />

beams at low radiation angles. Otherwise, the source polarization is immaterial<br />

for skip propagation because the ionosphere tends to randomly rotate the<br />

polarization of waves passing through it regardless of what was delivered to it.<br />

If you are an inveterate DXer, you will most likely enjoy more success on the MF<br />

and lower HF bands with a vertical than with a dipole, but if your principal<br />

operating activity is a regional or local network of friends, a low horizontal<br />

dipole or loop may be your best choice.<br />

• Are you bothered by local noise sources, and, if so, do they favor one polarization<br />

over the other? If you can effect an improvement in received signal-to-noise ratio<br />

(SNR) through the proper choice of polarization, that may be the single most<br />

important factor for your specific installation.<br />

• What space or support limitations do you have? A treeless residential backyard<br />

may be better suited for an 80-m ground-mounted l/4 vertical than for a l/2<br />

dipole, while some college dormitory residents have had great success with a<br />

simple dipole or end-fed longwire stretched from rooftop to rooftop across the<br />

courtyard below.<br />

Perhaps the best answer to this question is: “Put up at least one of each!” Some<br />

years ago the author had both a dipole and an elevated ground-plane vertical for 40 m<br />

behind his house. In actual use, there were “dipole nights” and “vertical nights” on 40,<br />

with received signal strength differences on transatlantic paths shifting back and forth<br />

between the two antennas from night to night by as much as 20 dB! No one antenna can<br />

do it all; if you have the space and the time to put up two or more antennas.<br />

Supporting the Vertical <strong>Antenna</strong><br />

Verticals for frequencies below about 5 MHz are substantial structures; their support<br />

requirements are akin to those of 60-ft or greater towers. Therefore, information on supporting<br />

verticals for the MF and lower HF bands is found in Chap. 29 (“Towers”).<br />

Above 5 MHz, supporting a l/4 vertical is a much simpler task. For these antennas,<br />

the techniques of Chap. 28 (“Supports for Wires and Verticals”) are typical.

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