

244 P a r t I I I : H i g h - F r e q u e n c y B u i l d i n g - B l o c k A n t e n n a s Extremely important, however, is to avoid putting copper in direct contact with the legs or cross-braces of your galvanized tower if that is what you are using for your vertical. Appropriate clamps can often be obtained at electrical supply houses. In any event, sliding a sheet of thin stainless steel between any copper and the tower leg will eliminate the problem. Some amateurs prefer to place a copper wire screen at the center of the radial system. The minimum size of this screen for it to be useful is a function of the vertical’s operating frequency range and the height of the vertical element. A possible concern is the creation of rectifying junctions after extended exposure to the elements at each location where two wires in the screen cross. Feeding the Ground-Mounted Vertical The feedpoint resistance of a vertical monopole over perfect ground is one-half that of a dipole in free space. Thus, the input impedance of a l/4 vertical radiator fed against ground is about 37 Ω. For many applications this is close enough to 52 Ω that no further matching is required, and 52-Ω coaxial cable or hard line can be connected directly to the antenna. If minimizing the standing wave ratio (SWR) on the transmission line is important, the matching network can be a commercially available antenna coupler (protected from the weather by some form of housing) or a simple L-network. In either case, the purpose of the coupler or network is to raise the resistive part of the impedance seen by the transmission line to 50 or 75 Ω while simultaneously canceling out the reactive portion of the antenna impedance. In general, the coupler settings or L-network fixed component values will be suitable for only a narrow range of frequencies; typically, the values or settings used for, say, 40 m will not be useful on any other amateur bands. Of course, direct feed implies that the base of the vertical is not in electrical contact with the ground system beneath it. This is often called series feed. Alternatively, the base of the vertical radiator can be tied to ground and the resulting antenna fed through a tap point on the vertical section some distance above the base. Known as shunt feed, many forms of this have been devised and are discussed in detail elsewhere in this book. In the shunt-feed arrangement, the connection partway up the vertical element functions much like an autotransformer. This is best visualized by observing that since the tip of a quarter-wave vertical is a high-impedance point (no current, high voltage) and the base is a low-impedance point (high current, low voltage), the impedance observed along the vertical element gradually increases as one moves the observation point from its base up toward its tip. One advantage of this approach is that the shunt-feed network generally allows for close matching of the feedpoint impedance to an arbitrary transmission line impedance. There are three methods of shunt-feeding a grounded vertical antenna in common use today: delta, gamma, and omega. In general, shunt feed is useful when the resistive component of the antenna impedance on the centerline of a balanced element or the junction of the vertical element and ground is significantly lower than the characteristic impedance of the transmission line feeding it. The delta feed system is shown in Fig. 9.11A. In this case, a taut feed wire is connected between a point on the antenna, which represents a specific impedance on the antenna, and an antenna tuner. At one time, this method of feed was common on AM broadcast antennas. Although you would think that the sloping feed wire would distort the pattern, that is not the case; any such distortion is minimal.

C h a p t e r 9 : V e r t i c a l l y P o l a r i z e d A n t e n n a s 245 Figure 9.11A Delta-fed grounded vertical. Coax to XMTR Tuner The gamma feed system is shown in Fig. 9.11B. This method is commonly used by amateurs to feed Yagi beam antennas, so it is quite familiar to many in the amateur radio world. In effect, the gamma match and its cousins use distributed components to accomplish the same impedance-matching functions a coupler or L-network does in the series-feed case. The two critical dimensions for a gamma match are the distance from the base or centerline of the antenna to the tap point on the antenna (i.e., the active length of the gamma rod) and the spacing of the gamma rod away from the antenna element. The lower end of the gamma rod is not grounded; rather, it is connected to the hot side of the transmission line. It is important that the rod not be anywhere near a quarter-wavelength, or it would become a vertical antenna in its own right, and in fact would resemble the J-pole antenna. One advantage of the gamma match and other shunt-feed techniques is that the vertical antenna element retains a direct connection to ground, providing superior static discharge during and ahead of approaching thunderstorms. This is especially useful on the lower amateur frequencies, where verticals are often built using triangular guyed tower sections and it is less expensive to construct the tower with a direct electrical connection (through the tower legs) to ground. The biggest disadvantage of the gamma matched vertical is that it is much more difficult to initially adjust because the gamma rod tap point may be well beyond the user’s reach—especially on the lower bands. A secondary disadvantage is that some methods of feed for multielement phased arrays of verticals use current-forcing techniques that are easier to control with the series feed. Unless the user has the ability to adjust not only the gamma rod spacing and length but also the overall length of the vertical element, the gamma match may require a simple matching network between the base of the antenna and the transmission line. In the easiest cases, a single series capacitor or inductor between the base of the gamma rod and the hot side of the feedline may be all that is needed to obtain a satisfactory match and SWR. More generally, an omega match (Fig. 9.11C) can be inserted, although the user may need to experiment with which side of the series capacitor (C S ) the hot end of the gamma capacitor (C G ) should attach to. Chapter 18 (“Antennas for 160 Meters”) includes details of a gamma match for a top-loaded tower on 160 m. In some difficult cases, when the tower length or available loading is not ideal, an omega match feed system (shown in Fig. 9.11C) may be necessary. The omega match adds a shunt capacitor to the basic gamma match.

C h a p t e r 9 : V e r t i c a l l y P o l a r i z e d A n t e n n a s 245<br />

Figure 9.11A Delta-fed grounded vertical.<br />

Coax<br />

to<br />

XMTR<br />

Tuner<br />

The gamma feed system is shown in Fig.<br />

9.11B. This method is commonly used by amateurs<br />

to feed Yagi beam antennas, so it is quite<br />

familiar to many in the amateur radio world. In<br />

effect, the gamma match and its cousins use<br />

distributed components to accomplish the same<br />

impedance-matching functions a coupler or<br />

L-network does in the series-feed case. The two<br />

critical dimensions for a gamma match are the<br />

distance from the base or centerline of the antenna<br />

to the tap point on the antenna (i.e., the<br />

active length of the gamma rod) and the spacing<br />

of the gamma rod away from the antenna element.<br />

The lower end of the gamma rod is not<br />

grounded; rather, it is connected to the hot side<br />

of the transmission line. It is important that the<br />

rod not be anywhere near a quarter-wavelength,<br />

or it would become a vertical antenna in<br />

its own right, and in fact would resemble the<br />

J-pole antenna.<br />

One advantage of the gamma match and<br />

other shunt-feed techniques is that the vertical<br />

antenna element retains a direct connection to<br />

ground, providing superior static discharge<br />

during and ahead of approaching thunderstorms. This is especially useful on the lower<br />

amateur frequencies, where verticals are often built using triangular guyed tower sections<br />

and it is less expensive to construct the tower with a direct electrical connection<br />

(through the tower legs) to ground.<br />

The biggest disadvantage of the gamma matched vertical is that it is much more<br />

difficult to initially adjust because the gamma rod tap point may be well beyond the<br />

user’s reach—especially on the lower bands. A secondary disadvantage is that some<br />

methods of feed for multielement phased arrays of verticals use current-forcing techniques<br />

that are easier to control with the series feed.<br />

Unless the user has the ability to adjust not only the gamma rod spacing and length<br />

but also the overall length of the vertical element, the gamma match may require a<br />

simple matching network between the base of the antenna and the transmission line. In<br />

the easiest cases, a single series capacitor or inductor between the base of the gamma<br />

rod and the hot side of the feedline may be all that is needed to obtain a satisfactory<br />

match and SWR. More generally, an omega match (Fig. 9.11C) can be inserted, although<br />

the user may need to experiment with which side of the series capacitor (C S ) the hot end<br />

of the gamma capacitor (C G ) should attach to.<br />

Chapter 18 (“<strong>Antenna</strong>s for 160 Meters”) includes details of a gamma match for a<br />

top-loaded tower on 160 m. In some difficult cases, when the tower length or available<br />

loading is not ideal, an omega match feed system (shown in Fig. 9.11C) may be necessary.<br />

The omega match adds a shunt capacitor to the basic gamma match.

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