

CHAPTER 2 Radio-Wave Propagation To intelligently choose the right antenna for our purposes we first need an understanding of how radio waves get from one place to another. Intuitively, radio signal propagation seems similar to light propagation; after all, light and radio signals are both electromagnetic waves. But the propagation of radio signals is not the simple matter that it seems at first glance: Simple inverse square law predictions, based on the optics of visible light, fall down drastically at many radio frequencies because other factors come into play—especially in the vicinity of earth. In the microwave region of the spectrum, for instance, atmospheric pressure and water vapor content of the air through which a terrestrial electromagnetic wave moves become more important than for visible light. Clearly, those differences do not exist when comparing light and radio waves in free space. Similarly, near-earth microwave propagation differs from that of the lower VHF and HF bands. But perhaps the most amazing difference is found in the medium-frequency (MF) and high-frequency (HF) portions of the electromagnetic spectrum, where solar ionization of the upper reaches of the atmosphere provides a refracting layer that acts much like a mirror at these frequencies and hence is capable of supporting long-distance “skip” communications essential to such uses of radio as international broadcasting and amateur DXing. This chapter examines radio propagation phenomena so that you have a better understanding of what an antenna is expected to accomplish and which design parameters are important to ensure the communications results that you desire. Radio Waves Today it is well recognized that radio signals travel in a wavelike manner, but that fact was not always so clear. It was well known in the first half of the nineteenth century that wires carrying electrical currents produced an induction field surrounding the wire that was capable of exerting a force over short distances. It was also known that this induction field is a magnetic field, and this knowledge formed the basis for the invention of electrical motors. But it was not until 1887 that German physicist Heinrich Hertz succeeded in demonstrating the ability to transmit and receive radio signals between two separate sets of equipment in his laboratory. In so doing, he confirmed experimentally Maxwell’s theoretical work of a quarter century earlier predicting the existence of previously unimagined radio signals that, like light, were electromagnetic waves. Like the induction field, the electromagnetic wave is created by an electrical current. Unlike the induction field, however, the electromagnetic wave requires a changing electric current. And once launched, the radiated field further differs from the induction field in that it is self-sustaining and no longer depends on the existence of a conductor 9

10 p a r t I I : F u n d a m e n t a l s or a current for its path or its amplitude. Instead, once it leaves the conductor, the radiated field propagates through space according to the universal equations governing wave motion of all kinds. Wave propagation is easily visualized with a water-wave analogy. Although not a perfect analogy, it serves to illustrate the point. Figure 2.1 shows a body of water into which a ball is dropped (Fig. 2.1A). When the ball hits the water (Fig. 2.1B), it displaces water at its point of impact and pushes a leading wall of water away from itself. The ball continues to sink (Fig. 2.1C) and the wave propagates away from it until the energy is dissipated. Although Fig. 2.1 shows the action in only one dimension (a side view), the actual waves propagate outward in all directions, forming concentric circles when viewed from above. The wave produced by a dropped ball does not last forever but, rather, is damped— i.e., it will decline in amplitude on successive crests until the energy is dissipated (by friction between adjacent water molecules) and the wave ceases to exist (Fig. 2.1D). To Falling object Surface of water Leading wave forms at instant object strikes water A Spray Leading wave moves radially outward B Point of original disturbance A C B D Notes: A Amplitude of leading wave B Corresponds to 1 cycle of oscillation Figure 2.1 A ball dropped into water generates a wavefront that spreads out from the point of original disturbances.

CHAPTER 2<br />

Radio-Wave Propagation<br />

To intelligently choose the right antenna for our purposes we first need an understanding<br />

of how radio waves get from one place to another. Intuitively, radio<br />

signal propagation seems similar to light propagation; after all, light and radio<br />

signals are both electromagnetic waves. But the propagation of radio signals is not the<br />

simple matter that it seems at first glance: Simple inverse square law predictions, based<br />

on the optics of visible light, fall down drastically at many radio frequencies because<br />

other factors come into play—especially in the vicinity of earth.<br />

In the microwave region of the spectrum, for instance, atmospheric pressure and<br />

water vapor content of the air through which a terrestrial electromagnetic wave moves<br />

become more important than for visible light. Clearly, those differences do not exist<br />

when comparing light and radio waves in free space. Similarly, near-earth microwave<br />

propagation differs from that of the lower VHF and HF bands. But perhaps the most<br />

amazing difference is found in the medium-frequency (MF) and high-frequency (HF) portions<br />

of the electromagnetic spectrum, where solar ionization of the upper reaches of<br />

the atmosphere provides a refracting layer that acts much like a mirror at these frequencies<br />

and hence is capable of supporting long-distance “skip” communications essential<br />

to such uses of radio as international broadcasting and amateur DXing.<br />

This chapter examines radio propagation phenomena so that you have a better understanding<br />

of what an antenna is expected to accomplish and which design parameters<br />

are important to ensure the communications results that you desire.<br />

Radio Waves<br />

Today it is well recognized that radio signals travel in a wavelike manner, but that fact<br />

was not always so clear. It was well known in the first half of the nineteenth century<br />

that wires carrying electrical currents produced an induction field surrounding the wire<br />

that was capable of exerting a force over short distances. It was also known that this<br />

induction field is a magnetic field, and this knowledge formed the basis for the invention<br />

of electrical motors. But it was not until 1887 that German physicist Heinrich Hertz<br />

succeeded in demonstrating the ability to transmit and receive radio signals between<br />

two separate sets of equipment in his laboratory. In so doing, he confirmed experimentally<br />

Maxwell’s theoretical work of a quarter century earlier predicting the existence of<br />

previously unimagined radio signals that, like light, were electromagnetic waves.<br />

Like the induction field, the electromagnetic wave is created by an electrical current.<br />

Unlike the induction field, however, the electromagnetic wave requires a changing<br />

electric current. And once launched, the radiated field further differs from the induction<br />

field in that it is self-sustaining and no longer depends on the existence of a conductor<br />


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