

224 P a r t I I I : H i g h - F r e q u e n c y B u i l d i n g - B l o c k A n t e n n a s Rope /2 Rope Insulator Parallel feeders Tuner VSWR meter Coax to XMTR Figure 8.4 End-fed Zepp antenna. pattern between the end-fed Zepp and the center-fed dipole of Fig. 8.2. On 40 m, however, the center-fed dipole still has a figure eight pattern similar to the one on 80, but sporting about 2 dB more gain in the main lobe, which is slightly narrower as well. The end-fed Zepp’s pattern, however, resembles a four-leaf clover (actually, two figure eights at right angles to each other) with the pattern peaks at 45 degrees to the axis of the wire. In fact, the end-fed Zepp’s 40-m pattern is remarkably similar to the center-fed dipole’s 20-m pattern! If we were to continue to double the operating frequency a number of times and compare patterns between the two antennas, we would 51' 51' observe that a given amount of main lobe splitting occurs at a frequency for the center-fed antenna that is twice as high as the Zepp’s frequency. Twin lead L Z 0 (Feet) 300 29 450 34 L 50- coax (any length) G5RV Multiband Dipole Figure 8.5 shows the basic dimensions of the G5RV antenna, an antenna that has enjoyed much popularity over the years. It has been erected as a horizontal dipole, a sloper, or an inverted-vee antenna. In its standard configuration, each side of the dipole is 51 ft long, and it is fed in the center with a matching section of either 29 ft Figure 8.5 G5RV antenna. (Courtesy of Hands- On Electronics and Popular Electronics)

C h a p t e r 8 : M u l t i b a n d a n d T u n a b l e W i r e A n t e n n a s 225 of 300-Ω line or 34 ft of 450-Ω line. Thus, the antenna itself is shorter than a l/2 80-m dipole but longer than a 40-m l/2 dipole. In short, the dipole itself is not a particularly good match on 80, 40, 20, or 15 m, but the effect of the short matching section is to bring the feedpoint impedance of the combination closer to a reasonable match for either 50-Ω or 75-Ω coaxial cable on those bands. It is not hard to see that the VSWR of the assembly varies significantly across the HF spectrum, and the addition of amateur bands at 12, 17, and 30 m has blunted the utility of the G5RV noticeably. Of course, with a good ATU, the antenna can be matched throughout much, if not all, of the HF spectrum but then there is no need for a specific length of 300-Ω or 450-Ω line. Longwire Antenna If, instead of using a feedline, a single wire is brought from the end-fed antenna directly into the radio room or to the ATU (wherever it may be located), the antenna is simply a longwire antenna. In this case, it can be thought of as having a single-wire feedline, but in truth the feedline is part of the antenna radiating system and should be analyzed or modeled as such. Such an antenna configuration can work (the author used one about 30 ft high to workstations around the world with his 10W transmitter for the first four years of his HF amateur radio activities), but the user must realize the most important thing he or she can do to improve the antenna is to make sure there is an excellent RF ground system (see Chap. 30) attached to the chassis of the ATU or transmitter where the wire connects. Keep in mind that bringing the radiating portion of the antenna into the radio room, coupled with an inadequate RF ground, may have some unintended consequences: greater exposure to RF fields, greater likelihood of interference to audio equipment and telephones, RF burns to the fingers caused by touching the metal chassis of the transmitter, etc. By longstanding convention, a “true” longwire is a full wavelength or longer at the lowest frequency of operation. In Fig. 8.6 we see a longwire, or “random-length”, antenna fed from a tuning unit. As the operating frequency is varied, the feedpoint impedance of the long wire will also vary significantly, with a reactive component that can be quite substantial. Again, use of a superior ATU is important for matching the generally unpredictable feedpoint impedance of the antenna to the typical transmitter output impedance of 50 Ω. Off-Center-Fed Dipole The radiated field from a half-wave dipole operated at its fundamental resonant frequency is the result of a standing wave of current and voltage along the length of the dipole. As we saw in an earlier chapter, the center of such a dipole is a point of maximum current and minimum voltage. Thus, if we feed the l/2 dipole at its center, the feedpoint impedance is 73 Ω in free space, and it oscillates between a few ohms and 100 Ω as the the antenna is brought closer to ground. If we feed the same dipole at one end instead of in the center, the feedpoint impedance is quite high, perhaps between 3000 Ω and 6000 Ω, depending on the effects of insulators and other objects near the ends of the wire. By feeding the dipole at an intermediate location between the center and one end it is often possible to find a more attractive match to a specific feedline’s characteristic impedance.

C h a p t e r 8 : M u l t i b a n d a n d T u n a b l e W i r e A n t e n n a s 225<br />

of 300-Ω line or 34 ft of 450-Ω line. Thus, the antenna itself is shorter than a l/2 80-m<br />

dipole but longer than a 40-m l/2 dipole. In short, the dipole itself is not a particularly<br />

good match on 80, 40, 20, or 15 m, but the effect of the short matching section is to bring<br />

the feedpoint impedance of the combination closer to a reasonable match for either<br />

50-Ω or 75-Ω coaxial cable on those bands. It is not hard to see that the VSWR of the assembly<br />

varies significantly across the HF spectrum, and the addition of amateur bands<br />

at 12, 17, and 30 m has blunted the utility of the G5RV noticeably.<br />

Of course, with a good ATU, the antenna can be matched throughout much, if not<br />

all, of the HF spectrum but then there is no need for a specific length of 300-Ω or 450-Ω<br />

line.<br />

Longwire <strong>Antenna</strong><br />

If, instead of using a feedline, a single wire is brought from the end-fed antenna directly<br />

into the radio room or to the ATU (wherever it may be located), the antenna is simply a<br />

longwire antenna. In this case, it can be thought of as having a single-wire feedline, but<br />

in truth the feedline is part of the antenna radiating system and should be analyzed or<br />

modeled as such. Such an antenna configuration can work (the author used one about<br />

30 ft high to workstations around the world with his 10W transmitter for the first four<br />

years of his HF amateur radio activities), but the user must realize the most important<br />

thing he or she can do to improve the antenna is to make sure there is an excellent RF<br />

ground system (see Chap. 30) attached to the chassis of the ATU or transmitter where<br />

the wire connects. Keep in mind that bringing the radiating portion of the antenna into<br />

the radio room, coupled with an inadequate RF ground, may have some unintended<br />

consequences: greater exposure to RF fields, greater likelihood of interference to audio<br />

equipment and telephones, RF burns to the fingers caused by touching the metal chassis<br />

of the transmitter, etc.<br />

By longstanding convention, a “true” longwire is a full wavelength or longer at the<br />

lowest frequency of operation. In Fig. 8.6 we see a longwire, or “random-length”, antenna<br />

fed from a tuning unit. As the operating frequency is varied, the feedpoint impedance<br />

of the long wire will also vary significantly, with a reactive component that can be<br />

quite substantial. Again, use of a superior ATU is important for matching the generally<br />

unpredictable feedpoint impedance of the antenna to the typical transmitter output<br />

impedance of 50 Ω.<br />

Off-Center-Fed Dipole<br />

The radiated field from a half-wave dipole operated at its fundamental resonant frequency<br />

is the result of a standing wave of current and voltage along the length of the<br />

dipole. As we saw in an earlier chapter, the center of such a dipole is a point of maximum<br />

current and minimum voltage. Thus, if we feed the l/2 dipole at its center, the<br />

feedpoint impedance is 73 Ω in free space, and it oscillates between a few ohms and 100<br />

Ω as the the antenna is brought closer to ground. If we feed the same dipole at one end<br />

instead of in the center, the feedpoint impedance is quite high, perhaps between 3000 Ω<br />

and 6000 Ω, depending on the effects of insulators and other objects near the ends of the<br />

wire. By feeding the dipole at an intermediate location between the center and one end<br />

it is often possible to find a more attractive match to a specific feedline’s characteristic<br />


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